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Chapter 17
The fall

"You aren't supposed to be here!" I whispered loudly. He sighed and released his hand from my grip. My expression softened. "But I know why you are.."

He looked at his feet. "I have to kill Anakin. It's my only choice." He said stiffly. He kept a straight face, but the redness and glossy eyes went noticed by me.

"Obi Wan, it's okay to be sad, and it's okay to cry. Especially in front of me." I said while my eyes swelled up with tears as well.

"And I am. But, I have to stay strong." He said straightening his posture. I sighed and gripped the side of my arm.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it tight pulling me into a hug. "You must stay on the ship. I can't risk him killing you. I don't know what I'll do if he does." He said grimly.

I squinted my eyes. "I can protect myself." I said crossing my arms. He looked down , then back at me seriously. "Not from him. None of us can."


I hustled back out the closet with a soft blanket in my hands. Padme turned to me confused. "I thought you were sleeping, you were in there for a long time.?" She asked turning back to the controls. I sighed and went to stand next to her as the ship landed on the red planet.

Padme immediately caught Anakin running out of a small building towards the ship. She left her seat and ran out the hatch towards him. I just sat by the controls.

They began talking, but I couldn't hear a thing. I heard the closet door slide open. I turned to him and blinked away a few tears. He sighed and stood by me, waiting to leave the ship.

Not a word was said. We knew what each other wanted to say, but ignored it. Thoughts would constantly rush through my head. Like what if Anakin killer Padme- or Obi Wan. All I knew is the at Anakin needed to die, and it was the hardest thing to do.

Obi Wan squinted his eyes then walked over to the exit of the hatch. Staring at them. "Let her go Anakin!" Obi Wan shouted. I ran to his side.

"Your with him! You brought him here to kill me!" Anakin shouted. I sighed shakily and gripped Obi Wan's arm.

"Let her go." Obi Wan said walking down the hatch. Anakin released Padme, and she fell to the ground. I rushed over to her, and I let down beside her feeling her pulse.

"You turned her against me!" Anakin yelled as he glared at Obi Wan. Anakin fixed his posture and angrily huffed.

"You've done that yourself Anakin." I said as I stood up from beside Padme. Lava erupted all around, and wind blew Anakin's cape from side to side.

"You will not take her from me!" Anakin shouted as he paced back and fourth across the large landing platform.

"Your anger and lust for power have already done that." Obi Wan said as he pulled of his cloak and threw it towards me. He then stepped closer to Anakin.

"You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy." Obi Wan concluded.

"Don't lecture me, Obi Wan." Anakin said aggravated as he removed his cloak as well. "I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side like you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire."

"Your new empire?!" Obi Wan asked astonished.

"Don't make me kill you." Anakin said cocking his head towards Obi Wan. Obi Wan shook his head.

"Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!" Obi Wan shouted flailing his arm in the air.

"If your not with.. then your my enemy." Anakin said grimly.

That was it. Anakin was fully inclosed in the dark side. His eyes were now dark, and hateful when they looked at me and Obi Wan.

Obi Wan jolted, then placed his lightsaber in his hand. "Only a sith deals in absolutes." Obi Wan mumbled. "I will do what I must." Obi Wan said getting into his battle stance.

"You will try." Anakin grimaced. Obi Wan ignited his lightsaber. Anakin flipped around and struck at Obi Wan. The fight had begun.

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