
123 9 3

Warnings: time jumps around because of trauma, foggy memory, dissociation, murder, blood, violence

Word count: 1014

                                               ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・

I was awoken by a loud sound. "Sorry, sweetie!" I hear Steven yell. What is he even doing? Another loud clatter forces me to get up and find out what the hell is happening. Steven is racing around the kitchen with a broom sweeping up a pile of glass and throwing it into the trash can.

I watch as the rest of it gets swept into the dustpan and tossed away. "Crazy way to wake up," I smile, yawning. Steven looks like he'd seen a ghost by the way his face goes immediately. "Oh, don't worry about it. I never get a lot of sleep anyways," I assure him.

He chuckles awkwardly, saying, "Sorry." Then I look in the fridge and see a jug of orange juice, so I pour myself a cup. "Maybe we can just go out to eat and get takeout since I can not cook," Steven tells me sheepishly.

I nod, taking a sip and tasting the tanginess of an orange-turned juice.

"Maybe we should," I grin, feeling like donuts.


Later that night, another visit from Khonshu, with Jake fronting. I wonder who I have to kill this time? My elementary school bully? Actually... I wouldn't mind that one.

"My child..." Khonshu starts, "You have to sit back and watch for this one." What did I do wrong? Upset, I sigh, nodding. That's actually a bit frustrating.

"So I watch Jake?" I ask, glancing at the man who nods in my direction.

"Correct, niña. It was my idea," Jake says, looking at me. I look away. I don't need a pity party and I don't need anyone to think I can't do this. 

One panic attack amounts to nothing.


Kill after kill, the bad guys are slowly disappearing. It's definitely for the greater good. The greater good is a good thing. Oh, gods, I hope I'm not doing something terrible.

My murder body count is higher than my other one.

It feels good, releasing my anger on another person. Especially a terrible one. I might have anger issues.

And people just die easily sometimes.

I wish it wasn't that easy to kill someone.


"Hey! Amaris, want to go to the museum I got fired, then rehired at?" Steven asks. "It was Marc's idea," he grinned and then my dad says, "Aw, don't tell her that. I was much happier with her thinking it was yours."

"It sounds like fun," I smile, trying so hard not to yawn. Somehow, I'll convince myself that I'm not tired.


I kill another murderer. I end the life of a rapist. I maim a drug trafficker. I do what Khonshu tells me to do because he tells me he's proud of me.

That shouldn't be the reason for murder.

But it is.


My dad snaps his fingers in my face, pulling me out of whatever trance I was in. I don't know what happened or how much time has passed or why I was staring at a wall. I couldn't look away from it for some reason.

"You okay?" he asks.

"I think so," I respond.


"Young one," Khonshu says to me one day, "I want the next one to be on your own. No Jake Lockley around. I want to see how you do." My eyes widen. This is a new one.

I don't even see him around.

I'm led to another man in the alley, cowering in fear just like my rapist. But this one seems a bit different. More scared, I guess. It's his posture that tells me he's slightly different than the rest of the men I've killed.

"P-please! You've got the wrong guy! I have a family!" he cries out. I look back at Khonshu, a bit unsure about this one. Just a little.

He's got a family. Should I really kill him if he's saying he did it? I shake those doubts off. I must not fall for his stupid act. It's really pathetic to beg for your life. 

Just accept your fate, dumbass.

"Slit his throat open," Khonshu tells me in a commanding voice.

Walking up to the guy with my cane sword, I bring it up to his neck as he cowers. Right before I'm about to make a huge slice down his throat, he begs again, saying, "Please! I- I was framed! I know who did it!" 

I hesitate again but Khonshu glares at me so I slice his throat open, blood spurting out like a river. He writhes in pain for a second before he collapses and dies. Did he really deserve this?

Does anyone?

"Good job. Dispose of the body," he tells me. I know Steven lives near the Thames, so quietly, in the dark with a covered face, I drag the body in a garbage bag into the river, it splashes below.

I head back home where Jake was waiting for me. His face shows no expression. Does Jake not like me?


While Marc and Steven argue over what to watch on tv, I think about that one guy I killed last night. Why did I hesitate? I couldn't have possibly fallen for his pathetic act, did I?

"I want to watch the Great British Bake-Off!" Steven yells, "I want to learn how to cook!" Then my dad fronts, "No, that's what the internet is for. Let's watch Game of Thrones!" Steven fronts, "I don't like all the blood and the sex scenes make me uncomfortable." My dad fronts, "I can tell you when to close your eyes." Steven fronts, "Fine."

Finally, they decided on a show.


Khonshu had disappeared. I'm not sure where he could have gone, but I don't mind having him gone. He's very annoying. I look at Jake, and I say, "Is it weird I regret killing this one guy who said he had a family?"

He hesitates, looking straight at me, "You need to run from Khonshu. He's not going to let you free easily. Run."

He doesn't say anything after that.

                                               ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・

A/N: almost had a seizure at school today. lmao, so fun /j so now I've lost my ability to write good lol jk I just had a bad writing day I guess.

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