☽Teen Idle☽

113 7 6

Warnings: trauma mention-ish, arguing

Word count: 1121

                                              ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・

"So," I start, pissed beyond imagination. "What was your point of putting me through all that," I glare.

Khonshu moved the first piece forward two spaces, the pawn getting slightly closer to my other ones. I have no clue how to play, so this is not going to be fun. "I do not need a reason for everything I do," he responds, sounding like my dad when he says 'Because I said so'.

I move a pawn, just like I saw Khonshu do. "Why did you create me?" I ask, hoping maybe he'd actually tell me for once. He moves another pawn, and I move another one.

"If I tell you your purpose, the Ennead would have another reason to be mad at me," Khonshu disclosed. That's got me curious. I've seen the gaggle of gods in the Pyramid of Giza when Ammit was released. She had known who I was before I did.

"What would happen if you did tell me?" I ask, my hand hovering over the board, trying to remember which piece goes where.

He glares at me. "Drop the issue," he grumbles. So, something that even Khonshu doesn't want to talk about, so it must be either death or something much much worse.

"Fine, yeesh," I roll my eyes, moving another piece, hoping I made a smart decision on where to move it. "What can you tell me? And I swear to god, if you're going to be a vague piece of shit, I will flip this board," I declare pointedly.

"I can tell you that Jake has been properly disciplined for his actions. And you will be, as well," he tells me.

"What does that mean?" I demand, "What did you do to Jake??" Concern rings in my voice as I wonder what horrible things he did to him. Khonshu moves a piece as if ignoring my questions. "What did you do, you old bird?" I repeat, hoping he won't ignore me this time.

"It's your move," he motions to the board, still dodging my question.

"Dude," I maintain, trying not to explode right there, "Answer the fucking question." I'm not going to take any shit from him again. I'm done.

"Very well," he sighs, moving another piece, staring at me. "Jake has been... injured exponentially..." he answers, which causes me to squint at him, trying to figure out if the bitch is lying or not.

"He better not be dead," I deadpan, hoping he is just fibbing to catch me off guard. Because he definitely has...

He chuckles haughtily for a second, moving another piece on the board. "You think I would kill my favorite muse?" he laughs, which causes me to frown. Jake is his favorite? I shake that feeling of jealousy away, realizing I'm trying to get away. "Jake is fine. He is alive," Khonshu assures me.

I cross my arms, staring him down. "What about Steven? And my dad? I ask, genuinely worried that they're hurt and confused about waking up with random injuries. Though, Jake said he would tell the duo.

"Marc Spector is not your father..." Khonshu's voice rumbles through the field. A bird skips over near my leg, somehow not afraid, not flying away. 

"I don't care if you created me or not... Marc is 100% my dad," I insist, maintaining a calm composition, trying not to start another fight.

Khonshu just huffs, not responding. He doesn't look at me as he moves a piece towards my king. With a hint of superiority in his voice, he smirks, "Checkmate."

"Oh, fuck," I grumble, giving up. I knew I wasn't good at chess and now I can never be free.

"You lost," he boasted like a child. "The terms of our deal included freedom won in a game of chess. You're never getting that back."

"You know, I never read that in the terms and conditions section. I never even got that contract in words or signed a piece of paper, so how sound is it?" I ask, hoping the legal mumbo jumbo I picked up from reruns of Judge Judy would make any sense to him.

"American contract laws do not bind a god," he tells me, and my shoulders slump. I knew that, I was just hoping maybe... Nevermind. It's hopeless to get away from him.

I stare at him for a second and then I flip over the board in anger. "God!" I exclaim, huffing. The pieces fly everywhere across the field, hitting a spot where a bunch of birds was hiding in the tall grass, scattering them.

"You are such a child," Khonshu chides.

"You are one as well. You bragged that you won the game even though I didn't know how to play shit, so it's not like we were evenly matched," I argue, wishing he would just shut up for once. Just once, can he be quiet??

Khonshu strides around like he owns the place. Well, he kind of does. "I suggest you stop talking," he looks at me, serious.

"I don't think I will. Don't think I've forgiven you for that 'Maze of Memories' shit either! That was genuinely a terrible thing to do to me!" I complain, hoping he feels any remorse for his actions. I know he doesn't.

"Seriously, little one. Shut your mouth. I hear something," he motions to be quiet, pointing at a spot in the field where the grass is waving around sporadically, but there's hardly ever wind, so I don't understand what's going on.

I look to Khonshu, who looks worried as if he already knows what's wrong. Confused, I glance back at the field, wondering what that could be about. The wind picks up even more to the point where I can feel it from here.

Suddenly, a portal similar to what I've seen Khonshu create snaps into place, crackling lighting, showing off a mighty display. Someone of a higher power has found us...

"What... Who?" I say more to myself than the moon god in front of me, hoping my questions get answered soon.

As expected, Khonshu doesn't say anything, just watching as a figure walks through the portal, a pissed expression on his face as he points at the bird.

"Khonshu, god of the moon, god of travelers," the figure addressed, still halfway in the portal. Once he makes it through, I can finally make out what he looks like. A man, just a man, who looks like he's from a more Western Asia. He wears a fancy suit, but he also has messed-up hair, so it's hard to tell if he wants to look serious or not.

"Ugh... Hello Anatole," Khonshu glares, looking annoyed.

"Who is Anatole?" I ask, looking at both Khonshu and the man who just made himself known.

"This is the avatar of Ra," Khonshu states clearly, "He's a real prick."

                                              ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・

A/N:  Wassup. Idk what to write but uh, how are you, dear readers?

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