
95 7 6

Warnings: mention of violence, fear, trauma, manipulation, yelling

Word count: 1048

                                              ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・

Khonshu and I were led into a portal by the sun god's avatar. A weird disorientating feeling pulls me through, but it doesn't last long. Eventually, we find ourselves in the pyramid that Harrow had summoned Ammit in. The places where the crocodile goddess had destroyed it and the other avatars are waiting in their seats, watching us in a judgemental manner.

I glance back at Khonshu, who looks nervous but portrays an element of confidence that tries to hide it. Unfortunately, I can't hide how nervous I am...

"Khonshu, god of the moon, Keeper of the Travelers of the Night..." one of the avatar's voices booms throughout the hall. Glancing around furtively, I see scary depictions of death via hieroglyphics. Hopefully, that won't happen to us in this regal room.

Another avatar, a female one, says, "Thou hast been charged with crimes against humanity, which thou hast sworneth to protect." She talks very Shakespearean.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Khonshu growls. The sun god's avatar takes his place at the head, still keeping his steely gaze on me. Why am I here?

"You make deals with humans, giving them hope, and then you trap them as your avatar," Anatole says, still looking at me, talking about something I am oh-so-familiar with. "Exhibit A, Marc Spector and his system of alters. You lied to all three of them about their release," he explains.

"I let Marc and Steven go. Jake didn't want to leave. They weren't even aware of him at the time," Khonshu tries to defend, but the avatars aren't having it. They all look... disappointed.

"Despite letting two of the alters go, you still tried to hold onto them by using an alter they had no awareness of. All three of them deserved to have their freedom. You kept that from them," Anatole maintained. "Exhibit B," he turns to me.

"M-me?" I stutter and the man motions me forward. Reluctantly, I take several steps towards them, Khonshu muttering a few obscenities about Anatole.

"Amaris Spector, do you feel trapped by your father, Khonshu? Please be honest, as this is a safe space," the sun god's avatar tells me. 'Safe space'. I've heard that time and time again from therapists and they always tell on me. But something about Anatole makes me believe him.

Glancing nervously at Khonshu, I respond, "Yes. I feel trapped. He put me in a fucking memory prison when I tried to run away and made me gamble for my goddamn life."

"Liar!" Khonshu seethed, shooting daggers and spitting his poison.

Frustrated, I glare at him. "Not only that, he admitted to cheating Marc and Steven as well as hurting them when Jake helped me escape," I grimace, remembering the three of them, hoping they're all okay and not worried about me.

Some of the avatars murmur, quiet enough that I could barely hear them. "Thank you for telling us, Amaris Spector," Anatole nods, turning to his fellow avatars as they quietly discuss Khonshu's fate.

I look back at the bird god, but he is staring off into the distance, refusing to even look at me. Somehow, someway, that hurts.

Eventually, the god's avatars faced us. "Khonshu. We will not imprison you... this time," the sun god's avatar responds and you can visibly see Khonshu sigh in relief. "However," Anatole starts, "You are to never have an avatar for another millennium."

I think that's a fair punishment, but I guess Khonshu does not, because he rages, yelling, "You're all fascists!"

"You are also to never see your daughter again, based on the trauma you put her through," Anatole states. That was something I was not expecting, though... Never see him again? He is the only real connection I have to who I am.

They force Khonshu to leave and now it's just me. Alone, on display for all of the avatars and their gods to see. There's silence for a minute until one avatar steps forward. "Hello, Amaris. My name is Benjamín, the avatar of Thoth, and there is something you must know," he says. He must not be older than me by his youthful complexion.

He looks like he's from somewhere in South America from his skin tone and accent. Marc is Hispanic as well and technically, I'm considered Afro-Latina, so that's one thing we have in common.

"What is it?" I ask meekly. He walks down the stairs that keep us apart, holding out his hand, and reluctantly, I take it.

He gives me a gentle smile, somehow knowing my lack of trust, saying, "Come with me. I promise I will only tell you what I have need to tell you." Nodding, he leads me down a hallway to a room with a lot of books. Very on theme for Thoth.

He lets go of my hand, flipping through an old, dusty book. Curious, I ask, "What's that?"

"Thoth's book of recorded prophecies that have yet to come," he explains, flipping to a certain page he hovers over before he turns the book for me to see. Reading the text to me, which was in a language I could not read, he says, "The daughter of Khonshu will defeat the chaos god, Apopis," then after a confused look from me, he responds, "I was paraphrasing, but um, still. That's your destiny."

'My destiny?" I echo, looking at the pictures in the book of a girl who kind of looks like me at a second glance.

"Correct," Benjamín responds.

Looking at the drawings of the chaos god, who was depicted as a snake, a sense of fear is instilled in me. "That is Apopis?" I ask, pointing to the terrifying serpent I am destined to fight.

"Oh, yes. But, hopefully, that won't be for a while. Gods live for a long time, and so do demi-gods. We are hoping that he won't rise to power for several millennia," Benjamín explains to me.

"Demi-god?" I mutter, feeling like I'm only repeating what he says.

"You," he smiles warmly and I can feel my cheeks burning. Suddenly, we hear a rumbling. Dust that was in the cracks and crevices of the high-vaulted ceiling above got disturbed by the slight shaking, falling down lightly on us.

"What is-?" I ask, not completing my sentence.

"Oh no..." Benjamín mutters, a look of all-knowing fear on his face. Something isn't right.

                                              ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・

A/N: I like this whole 'having creative liberty but still involving my special interest fandom' sort of thing. also... sadly, this is the second to last chapter. i only planned 8. so now im sad.

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