The Fallout

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I turned around to face a very angry but mostly worried looking Bellamy. "Where were you and who's clothes are those." He asked as he looked me over. " Um..." I said as my mind went blank and my anxiety came rushing back in full force. "Wait. What happened to you? are those bandages?!" he said as he hurriedly crossed the distance between us. "I-I fell off my bike on the way to Scott's house. Scott, Stilies, and I have a project we needed to work on so I headed over but a cat ran out in front of me so I had to swerve but then I hit a tree. I wasn't too far away from Scott's house so I just walked the rest of the way. When I got there they didn't want me riding home in the condition I was in so he let me stay in their guest room. I borrowed some of his clothes since mine got damaged in the fall" I said while wringing my hands nervously' I really hope that was believable' I thought to myself. " Harley....why didn't you call me? I would have picked you up. I was so worried about you! I called you about a dozen times. Are you okay? What hurts?" He said as his worried eyes raked over me. "I uh...Lost my phone when I fell. I found it this morning but It's cracked. I'm okay I guess. I hit my head when I fell and my wrist hurts but nothing is broken so thats a plus haha" I said trying to ease the tension in the air but it did nothing. Bellamy pulled me into a bone crushing hug that made me wince internally. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you that our parent's are gone you're my responsibility. I'd absolutely lose it if anything ever happened to you little sis. I'm still mad that you didn't come home but you're not in trouble. Just...promise to never have me worrying this much about you again" said Bellamy. At that my heart broke. Partially due to lying to my big brother but....I didn't realize just how worried he really was. "I'm sorry Bell I didn't mean to make you worry so much..." I said as I hugged him as tight as I could even though my achy body was screaming at me and my head was pounding. " Let me take a look at your injuries. Before you protest either I do it or someone at the hospital will" Said Bellamy as he pulled away from me. " Can we do that later? Scott checked me out and bandaged me up with his mom's first aid kit. I'm okay Bell, really. I just want to lay down" I said ' All I want to do is lay down. Everything hurts' . " How hard did you hit your head? Any dizziness, nausea, or vomiting? Sensitivity to light?" He said as palpated the back of my head. "No, Mel- I mean Scott already asked me these questions" I said hoping he wasn't paying attention to my slip up. " Okay....nothing feels broken or out of place. Let me just get my pen light so I can-" "Bell I'm fine can I please go upstairs and lay down? My body is just really sore and Scott made me stay up to make sure I didn't have a concussion so I'm exhausted" I said cutting Bellamy off. Bellamy sighed and looked the bandage on my head one more time before he said "Alright. Go get some rest Har. I'll wake you up to check on you in a few hours". "Okay Bell, Love you big bro" I said before I headed upstairs.

Once I stepped into my room and closed the door behind me I breathed a sigh of relief. I walked over to my bed and plopped down which was a bad Idea. "Ow" I winced as my bruised body hit the mattress. I took my phone out and plugged it into the charger then I laid down. I stared at the ceiling and thought about what had happened. Everything was okay just like Peter said it would be. While, I feel bad that I had to lie to Bellamy this is all just too much for him to know. At least for right now. I'm still having trouble grasping it. My mind was starting to spiral with the whole "Almost everyone I know in this town is a werewolf" and " I got kidnapped and could have died". I rolled over and got a little more comfortable. My body's need for rest was starting to take over and before I knew It I could barely keep my eyes open. My mind started to drift over to Peter. His eyes, the way he smelled, the way his lips felt against mine.... With Peter on my brain I quickly drifted off to sleep.

***********3 HOUR TIME JUMP**********

I was awoken by a buzzing sensation underneath me "What the fudgenuggets..." I mumbled as I opened my eyes and propped myself up. I looked down and realized that I had rolled onto my phone in my sleep. I rolled off my phone and closed my eyes again. I was still tired and had every intension of falling back asleep but then...'What if it's Peter' I thought as I opened my eyes and reached for my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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