Start of change and A Christmas marathon

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* i put in a bit of a time skip so just thought id say that this is set a bit after the previous chapter * 

Its hard to believe how the time has passed. Its been a month since Lockie arrived but things are still tense between him and Bellamy i mean they're at least talking now but its still weird with the two of them. I guess it will be for a while but at least tomorrow's Christmas i guess. School's been boring as ever, especially when you dont know many people. Stiles and Scott haven't really been at school and neither has the rest of them lately which is kind of weird but whatever i guess. I've been awake for a few hours but i just don't feel like getting up yet so i just continued to stare up at the ceiling. I rolled over and looked at my clock to see it was going on 10:00 "ugh" i groaned to myself as i rolled back over. 'Might aswell'  i thought to myself as i sat up and rubbed my eyes while i swung my legs over the side. I got up and walked down stairs to see the both Bell and Lockie in the kitchen cooking together and laughing. At that i walked out of the kitchen, waited 5 seconds and then walked back inside ' nope, still the same' . This is progress i mean not to long ago Bellamy couldn't stand being in the same room as Lockie let alone standing beside him cooking which made me a little suspicious. "Uh.. hey guys" i said making myself known " Hey Harley" they both said in between laughs. I continued to stand there totally perplexed as they continued to laugh and joke like nothing had happened all the while flipping french toast and making eggs. " Okay what did i miss? " i asked as i looked at the pair of them " what do you mean" asked Lockie as he flipped the last piece of french toast on to a plate " yeah " said Bellamy as he turned to look at me "i mean that yesterday you were barely talking and now you're joking?" i said as i crossed my arms and looked between the two of them. " I don't know what your talking about" said Lockie with Bellamy shaking his head in agreement " okay come on cut it out" i said " alright well we decided to stop with all the fighting because while i may still be a little mad but  its time that i stop acting like a child and just be happy we've got him back" said Bellamy as he nudged Lockie playfully with his shoulder  " yeah what he said" said lockie as he playfully pushed him back. I was still a little wary of their behavior but most of all i was happy. This family, My family, it may be small but its what i have and I'm just happy we can finally go back to what we had. "Well I'm glad you finally came to your senses ya doof " i said with a smile as i walked further into the kitchen and hugged both of them. After the hug Lockie handed me a plate of food which i took to the table and started to eat soon being joined by the both of them. When i finished i got up and washed my plate before i went back upstairs and into my room to get the rest of the gifts and bring them downstairs. I grabbed 4 boxes wrapped in blue and silver paper and 2 blue bags and brought them down stairs and into the living room to put them under the tree. Our tree was simple but it still looked pretty good, It had  white lights with blue, white , and silver bulbs, stars and such with blue bows. I carefully placed the presents underneath and then stepped back and sat on the couch as Bellamy and Lockie came into the living room " ooooh more present" said Lockie as he walked over to the tree and bent down to check them out. He reached for one but i swatted his hand away " oww what'd you do that foooor" whined Lockie as he cradled his hand " don't touch them! they're all of limits until tomorrow morning" i said as he continued to hold his hand " oh come on it didn't hurt that much" i said " yeah huh" he said as he got up and sat next to  Bellamy on the couch "big baby" i mumbled " what'd you say?" asked Lockie " oh nothing" i said with a smirk as i sat next to him on the couch. We just sat there for a few minutes until Lockie spoke " so...." he dragged out " movie marathon?" i finished " yeah" they both said in unison " marathon it is" i said as i got up and got out all of our Christmas movies and picked one to start. After i popped in the movie i say back down beside them " What'd you pick?" asked Bellamy " Night before Christmas" i said with a small smile since it was one of our favorites. As the movie began we had our eyes focused on the screen.

10 Christmas movies later the day was past, the sun had long gone down and i was starting to feel sleepy as my eyes became heavy. It was getting hard to keep my eyes opened and focused on the T.V as i felt sleep trying to take hold over my body. I finally let my head fall to the side onto Lockie's shoulder and let sleep take its hold. Not to long after i felt someone, probably Lockie, pick me up and carry me upstairs to my room. After he laid me on my bed and pulled the blankets over me i heard him whisper a faint 'goodnight' before he quietly closed my door. I snuggled into my warm bed and drifted off to sleep...

* Hey my lovelys!! So in the previous Authors note i said i would try and get this up before the new year but its hear now. This only took me about 2 hours so this may not be my best work but here it is as promised.So what did you think? Good? Bad?? let me know :) oh and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! I hope you guys and gals are enjoying the holidays and i hope you like this chapter! 

~Till next time my lovelys :)

Happy Holidays :p 

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~Hale4life xx

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