Bright lights and Rainy days

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*    I'm back my lovelys!!!! enjoy :) *


Was what awoken me  " the fuzzle" I groaned as I opened my eyes wondering what it was.  I leaned over and grabbed my phone to see it was 6: 40  about 20 minutes before my alarm would've gone off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes only then hearing the rain coming from outside.  I got up and went over to my window to open the shades and saw that it was pouring " great" i sighed as i went to flick on the lights only to have my eyes blinded " fuck " i cursed as i went over to my closet to grab some clothes.  I decided on a white and purple jumper  with a purple hoodie over it and my black skinnie jeans along with black converse. After i grabbed my clothes i walked over to the bathroom and took off my outfit from yesterday that i had fallen asleep in and jumped in the shower. 10 minutes later i got out and grabbed my towel to dry off and then shimied into the clothes i had picked out. When i was dresses i grabbed my blow dryer to finish drying my still damp hair. When i finished i put my glasses on and  brushed my teeth, afterwards i combed my hair and teased it a bit until i was happy  and then put in a black bow. After i put on my mascara and some pink tinted lip gloss i walked back into my room to check my phone to see it was 7:28 " hmm" i hummed realising i didnt take as much time as i thought. I toke my phone of off the charger, grabbed my ear buds, and slung my backpack over my shoulder before i switched the light off and headed down stairs. When i got downstirs i noticed Bellamy sitting at the table sipping at his coffe " mornin' Bell " i said as i walked over to the fruit bowl to grab an apple " hey Harley how'd you sleep?" he asked as he took another sip from his coffee." Ok i guess so how'd did work go?" i asked while pouring a glass of apple juice and sipping at it " it acutally went beter than i had expected ya know since i had mellisa to help me " Bellamy said with  grin on his face " thats coolio bro school went good i even made some new friends" i said before i bite into my apple and took a seat next to him. While i went to take another sip of my apple juice i picked up my phone to see that it was 7:30 so i chugged the rest of my juice and slung my backpack over my shoulder, grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket " come on bro " i said as i headed for the door with Bellamy trailing behind me. It was still pouring so we i pulled up my hoodie and ran to the car along with Bellamy. When we were in the car we started our drive to the school.

20 minutes later we arrived at school " bye Bellamy your gonna pick me up later right?" i asked hopefully since i was pretty sure this rain wasnt going to let up anytime soon " yeah ill be here at 2 see yah Har have a good day" he said " yeah you too have fun at work" i replied as i jumped out of the car and made a beeline for the door. When i entered the school i was hit with a gush of cold air "woah" i said as i started to shiver. I walked up to my locker, opened it up and proceded to stuff my backpack into it. After my backpack was stuffed in i tugged off my soaked hoodie and stuffed it in my locker as well and tugged down the sleeves of my jumper. I sighed to myself as i grabbed my Geometry book and headed to class, when i got into the classroom i looked at the board and noticed it said POP QUIZ in big letters ' well this should be fun ' i mumbled sarcasticly to myself. I waved to scott and stiles and then walked over to take my seat and begin the test.

Before i knew it the bell rung so i handed in my work and was out the door.  I had just closed my locker after exchanging my algebra text book for my English 2 book when stiles and scott walked up to me " hi harley!"  said stiles " hi" scott said  " h-hey stiles hi scott" i stuttered out 'ugh stupid stutter! ' i thought to myself. After that we walked in silence to our next class. When we walked to class we went back to our seats and waited for Mr.Harris to tell us what to do. " Ok class be quiet we have work to do" he said sternly as he started to pass out worksheets " i want you to turn to chapter 4 and read through chapter 6 while taking notes and then i want you to complete this worksheet by the end of class" when he finished talking the class groaned and i heard mumbled ' greats' and 'ofcourses' from everyone. I was about to start the work when someone tapped my shoulder " mhmm?" i humed as i turned around only to be greated by some dude; jackson, i think " j-jackson right ?" i asked " yeah do you have a pen i can borrow i lost mine? " he asked with a smirk plastered on his face " yeah "  i said as i reached into my bag and grabbed him a pen " thanks" he said as he took it and walked back to his seat with danny i think. When he walked away i turned back to find stiles and scott whispering something to eachother, i shrugged it off and went back to my work. When i finally finished i got up and turned my work in just as the bell rung. I walked back to my bag and saw that stiles and scott were still talking so i just grabbed my stuff and headed to my next class.' This is gonna be a long day....' i  thought to myself as i started off to my next class.

***************TIME SKIP TO LUNCH********************

I just got into the lunch room to see that it wasnt as full as it was yester day.  i hummed a random tune as i went over to get into the luch line. I decided to get a  slice of pizza with curly fries, an apple and a bottle of water. After i paid for my food i went to find stiles but i couldnt see him anywhere, actually i didnt see anyone that i knew ' i wonder where they went?' i thought to myself as i walked over to an empty table in the back to eat my food. The table i choose was infront of the windows, i could hear the whistle of the wind  and it was still pouring like crazy!. I had finished early so i decided to go to my locker and get my books for next period. I had just openend my locker when all of a sudden there was and anouncement coming in over the intercom ' ATTENSION STUDENTS AS YOU PROBABLY CAN ALREADY TELL THE STORM OUTSIDE IS GETTING BAD AND ITS JUST GOING TO GET WORSE SO WE ARE REALISING ALL STUDENTS TO GO HOME PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY OUT OF THE SCHOOL' . " Woah " i mumbled to myself as the hall was suddenly bombarded with students trying to leave. I grabbed my now dry hoodie and tugged it on over my head and then grabbed my bag as i headed for the doors. I was almost there when i realised i should call Bell so i took out my phone and dialed his number ring....ring....ring...ring..ring" come on pick up " i mumbled to myself when he finally answerd " Hey Harley, is everything okay?" he asked " no they just realesed us because of this storm i need you to come get me" i said as i looked out of the doors seeing people rushing to their cars. " I cant Har im stuck at the hospital im sorry..can you take the bus?" he asked i looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it had been around 10 minutes since the anouncement  meaning the busses would be gone " ugh..yeah sure Bell i'll be fine" i lied " you sure? " he asked concern evident in his voice " yeah ill be fine i gotta go..ill see ya at home?" " wha- i- you- " " Bell? your breaking up what?" i asked just before the call cut out. I put my phone in my pocket, pulled my hood over my head and walked out the door.

I was compleatly soaked and i wasnt even half way home " ugh this is just great" i grumbled to myself as i walked through a giant puddle. I could barley see anything in this freakin rain it was so frusterating. I was almost at my house, all i had to do was cross the street and walk over a few houses and i would be home ' finally!' i thought to myself as i went to cross. I was almost to the otherside when all of a sudden i heard the screaching of tires and saw a car rushing towards me, i was blinded by the head lights , i couldnt move it was like i was frozen in place watching in what felt like slow motion as the car came at me.......

* CLIFHANGER!!! :P so i know its a little short but what did you think of it? i thought it came out pretty good considering i finished most of this in school but anyways i know there are alot of grammer mistakes in this chapter so before you say anything i'll be going over and editing it tomorrow to fix them :) oh and next update should be up this weekend so..

thanks for reading!

~Till next time my lovelys :)

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~Hale4life <3  *

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