Going bananas for bananas

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* Sorry for the wait i just started my sophomore year of HS so Im working on that and I'm using my stupid school computer and it sucks donkey ballz but here it is :)*

"IM WAKING UP I FEEL IT IN MY BONES ENOUGH TO MA-"  I reached over and shut my phone alarm off before it continued " UGH" I groaned as I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the sun." Why must it be so bright" I mumbled to myself as I sat up. The smell of bacon and eggs drifting in from the kitchen finally got me to get up and go downstairs. When I made my way down I could hear my brother humming along to the radio. I walked in the kitchen and saw Bellamy standing in front of the stove flipping  pancakes." Mornin sis" he said while he finished flipping the last pancake." mornin bro" I said while yawning. " How many do you want " he asked while pointing to the pancakes." 2 fine so whats the schedule for today? " I asked while he handed me a plate with 2 pancakes, some eggs, and 2 slices of bacon." Well, I have a meeting  over at the hospital at 8, then we'll jump over to the high school and get you enrolled, then we have to go pick up some stuff from the grocery store and maybe the hardware store" he said. "Swnz gwdd" I said while chewing a piece of pancake." Don't talk with your mouth full " he said while giving me a look" whateves" I said while chewing on my last piece of bacon." Go get dressed we have to be out of here in half an hour" he said as he served himself some food. "Okaaaaay" I said while getting up and rushing upstairs." HEY PUT YOUR PLATE IN THE SINK" he shouted after me" UGHHH" I groaned while slowly walking back to the kitchen and placing my plate in the sink." Thank you" he said with a smirk " whatever weirdo" I said while running back upstairs to take a quick shower. When I walked into my room I went straight to my bathroom and took a cold shower to  wake me up. After I finished I jumped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I grabbed another towel and wrapped it around my hair. Before picking my clothes out I walked over to my bedside table and played some music to listen to while I get ready. I was walking to my closet when Picture Perfect by Escape the Fate started to play. I picked up the same box that I had gotten my PJ's out of and dug through it until I found what I was looking for. I decided on a pair of dark gray skinnies with a black tank top. I dug around a little more until I found a red and white plaid long sleeve to go over it with my black converse. After slipping that on I went back into the bathroom to figure out what to do with my still wet hair. After a bit of combing it out I went to find my blow dryer and started drying my hair. When it was done I decided to tease it a little. When I finished I was about to do my make up when I heard my brother calling for me "HAR COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" he shouted from downstairs."IN A MINUTE DUDE IM ALMOST DONE" I shouted back while applying some eyeliner. "YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES OR IM LEAVING YOU HERE" he shouted "THATS ALL IM ASKING FOR" I said while putting on some mascara and applying a little along with some red tinted lip gloss. When I was done I got up and went over to the big mirror in my room to see how I look."Not too shabby Harley not too shabby" I said while smirking."I feel like I'm missing something.." I mumbled to myself as I looked in the mirror. "Oh i know what" I said as I went over to my bag and pulled out a pair of black silicone eyelets and switched out my green ones. After taking one more look in the mirror I went downstairs to meet my brother. "Finally lets go" he said  "I'm coming don't rush" I said back to him while following him to the car...

***********************************************TIME SKIP*******************************************************

"god that was BOOORING" I said as we walked out of the hospital." It wasn't that bad har, the hospital's great! I cant wait to start tomorrow besides its my dream job Harley, so could you try and be a little happy for me" he said as we walked back to the car." I am happy for you big bro it was just really boring waiting for you" I said to him."I know but come on we have to go get you enrolled at the high school" he said while we got in the car. "But whhhyyy" I whined." Because we need to get you started, you've already missed a few days Harley" "well why cant you just go to the school without me, figure out that shibobble and you can drop me at the store so I can do the grocery shopping " I said with a small smirk"but.." he started to say but I cut him off "PLEEEEEASE" I asked giving him the puppy dog eyes."Ugh not the puppy dog eyes come on Harley" he whined "fine" he caved" YESS" I said as I sat back while he pulled out of the parking lot and started driving to town to the store. After a few wrong turns we finally arrived at the market. "Bye sis here's my card and spend wisely oh and here's the list be sure to get everything on it. Make sure you call me when your about to check out so I can come and get you" he said as I got out of the car and grabbed the credit card that he was handing me along with the list " I'm not five ya know I've been shopping before bro" "no really" he said while sticking his tongue out at me. "Yea yea yea see ya later" I said as he drove off . I walked in and grabbed a cart then I looked over the list."Bread, pb&j, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, orange juice ,coffee, cereal and...BANANAS!" I said to myself ending in a happy tone. If you haven't caught on I LOVE bananas they're like my fav thing to eat!. I was walking towards the Fruits & Vegetables to get the last few things left since I had already gotten everything else.I had just put the lettuce and 4 tomatoes in the cart when I spotted the bananas"BANANAS!!" I shouted earning a few weird looks but I didn't care. I ran over to the bananas and picked up a bunch of them. As I was turning back to run to the cart I crashed into something sending me falling to the floor. I wasn't expecting what I saw when I looked up.....

So that was long and not my best work but what did you think?

does it sound rushed?

who do you think she bumped into??

whats your opinion on bananas????

Till next time my lovelies and don't forget to vote and comment pls :)

-Hale4life <3

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