A break-in and A bloodied floor

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* I feel like the worst writer ever i am SO sorry its been like a month. I've been trying to get caught up with school work, i had had writers block for the longest time but I'm back now and i don't plan on letting this happen again so read on!  :p*

i woke up to my alarm blaring right in my ear making me jump and fall of off the bed "ughh" i groaned while i rubbed the back of my head. I reached for my phone and pressed snooze, i looked down and noticed that i was still in my clothes from before " what the?" i mumbled 'must of fallen asleep after i got home' i thought to myself. I got up and stumbled over to my bathroom and turned on the lights. I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower.

10 Minutes later i got out and wrapped my towel around myself before i stood in front of the mirror and brushed the knots out of my hair. I ran back into my room and opened my closet to look for an outfit. After skimming through my clothes i picked out a purple long sleeve shirt with grey skinny jeans along with black TOM's. After i got dressed i walked back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair while i ran a brush through it. I swept my hair to one side and fixed my bangs before i put on red lipstick, winged my eyeliner and applied some blush. I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone, wrapped my ear buds around it and slung my bag over my shoulder before i trotted down stairs. I walked into the kitchen to find it empty making me frown in confusion. I ran back upstairs to check and see if Bellamy or Lockie were here but when i looked there was no one there " ugh!" i groaned as i walked back down and grabbed a bottle of water along with a banana before i headed out the door. I grabbed my jacket just in case and walked down the street in the direction  i believe the bus stop is and turn the corner to see the bus just pulling up so i ran up and got on just as the doors where about to close. I walked all the way to the back of the bus and took a seat then took out my phone from my pocket and blasted Broken Generation by Of Mice and Men, sat back and waited to get to school. 

By the time the bus pulled up it was already 7:44 so i walked straight to my locker to get my stuff and saw Scott and stiles already standing there whispering about something. I walked up and said " hey guys" getting there attention, stiles jumped and said " when did you get there" " just a second ago" " so you didn't hear what we were talking about?" "umm no?" i said " lets get to class before we're late " said stiles. I grabbed my books and walked with them to class.  

We walked into class just as the bell rung and quickly got to our seats. I grabbed my notebook and opened it before i grabbed a pen. I mindlessly stared at the board while the teachers started writing out notes. 

Not even half way through the class i started to zone out.' I hate school...well i guess i don't hate hate it but well its boring. I hope the rest of the day isn't this boring. If i had a unicorn school wouldn't be so boring...or a penguin I've always wanted a penguin named waffles or maybe like a twin so she could go to school for me and do my wor-' -AKE MRS. BLAKE ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION?" yelled the teacher in the most annoying voice " oh uh yeah, yeah totally" i said. I looked down at my paper and saw that i had drawn little doodles all over it  mixed in with the little bit of notes i had. I rolled my eyes and turned to a clean page before i quickly began to write out the notes that by now covered the whole board.

By the time the bell rung i still hadn't finished the notes so i wrote what i could then picked up my stuff. I walked out and caught up with stiles " hey did you finish the notes?" " yeah why do you need them?" " yeah that'd be great thanks stiles" i said as he took out the sheets of paper and handed them to me. We had walked back to our locker when i heard Scott's phone go off. He grabbed it out of his pocket and checked it. i noticed his eyes widen a bit before he said " stiles we uh-" he said but looked over to me before saying " stiles we have to go um...we have to go get that thing from the uh animal hospital.." stiles gave him a confused face before suddenly saying " oh! that thing uh Harley we have to go we'll see ya later yea?" he said before the two of them rushed down the hall pulling Lydia and aiden along with them. 'That was really weird...' i thought to myself as i stared down the hallway that they disappeared down. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and headed to next period.

The last bell rung and students rushed past me in the halls heading to their cars and the buses. I hadent seen scott or stiles since they left and the others weren't at lunch. It was weird, we were going to work on the project after school but neither of them were responding to my texts so i just decided to try and text them again later. I walked out of the school and sat on the curb while i waited for locke to show up.

After an hour of waiting i sighed and started walking home coming to the conclusion that he must  have forgotten to pick me up. As i was walking the wind started to pick up making me shiver and pull down the long sleeves of my shirt. I started to walk faster as i turned the corner onto my street. I continued to walk faster and fight against the wind as it tried to push me back. I looked towards my house and saw that Lockie's car wasn't in the drive way. When i finally got to my house i opened the door and closed it immediately. I leaned against the door and let out a sigh " HEY LOCK YOU FORGO-" i started but stopped when i looked around. The book shelf had been knocked over, glass was shattered all over the floor, the couches were turned over and the TV was lying on the floor. I felt my heart speed up as i looked around at the mess ' OH MY GOD DID SOMEONE BREAK IN?! ARE THEY STILL HERE OMFG I'M GONNA DIE. THEY'RE GONNA FIND ME AND KILL ME AND TAKE ALL MY STUF-' i thought to myself but stopped when something caught my eye, it was what looked like yellow mush stuff on the floor. I looked a little closer and it hit me. It was my bananas.' t-they killed m-mmah bananas..OH HELL NO BITCHES BOUT TO DIE TODAY' i thought as i grabbed what looked like a piece of the now broken book shelf and gripped it tight in my hands before i carefully walked around to the kitchen.' Where the hell is lockie?! ' i thought to myself as i looked around for him. My heart continued to race as i slowly walked forward, it was extremely silent except for the whistling of the wind from outside and the cracking of the already broken glass underneath my feet.  I peaked my head around the corner of the kitchen before i quickly turned the corner. What i saw next made me drop the piece of wood and fall to my knees. It was Lockie laid against the fridge covered in blood. I crawled over to him paying no mind to the shards of glass sticking into my palms and knees. "Lockie! Oh my god Lockie look at me please. Open your eyes" i said through tears as i propped up his head and put my head to his chest and i swear i felt my heart stop. He wasn't breathing. Lockie wasn't freaking BREATHING..

To be continued......

" HIYAH PEOPLE OH MAH GERD I FINALLY UPDATED! Sorry I haven't been on in like forever :/ but how was that? Good? Bad? Let me know! That Cliffhanger though eh? What do you think is gonna happen? Is lockie dead?? Who knows bruh...Oh wait i know ;p MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm evil aren't i? Anyway i'm just about done with the next chapter so ill be posting it either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. On a completely different subject do any of you listen to Falling In Reverse? If you do have you heard there latest album cause I'm like obsessed with it right now :p

On another note PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go and check out @Raven_district2 She is my best friend and she writes Hunger games/ Harry potter fics so it would be amazeballz if yall could go over to her account and follow her also read/comment/vote on her stories cause they're awesome so yeah :P

Till next time my lovelies!

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

        ~Hale4life <3  *

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