Back to school

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Blared my alarm clock rudely awakening me " ugh whyyy" i groaned as i rolled over and shut off my alarm. I slowly sat up and stumbled over to the bathroom to get ready. Once i got to the bathroom i turned on the shower, striped off my pajama's and jumped into the shower. After 10 minutes i grabbed my towel and got out. I walked back into my room and opened my closet to choose an outfit for the day. After looking through my clothes i picked out a white Of Mice&Men sweatshirt with a pair of black skinny jeans and my black converse. After i got dressed i walked back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before i brushed and blow dried my hair. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already 7:20 causing me to rush even more. I decided to  put my hair into a high ponytail and brushed my bangs to the side. When i finished with my hair i applied some mascara and eyeliner and then put on my glasses. I walked back into my room to grab my phone and my bag before i jogged down stairs and entered the kitchen. When i walked in i saw Bellamy making coffee " mornin Bellamy " i said as i walked over to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice and poured my self a glass " good morning Harley" said Bellamy in a too cheerful way. After i grabbed my juice i got a granola bar and a banana before i sat down at the table and started to eat my breakfast. As Bellamy read through the paper and drank his coffee i finished my breakfast and checked the time on my phone 7:35. I quickly got up, threw away my trash, and washed my cup before i picked up my bag and put my phone in my pocket " come on im gonna be late" i said to Bellamy before i walked to the door. When i got to the door i waited for Bell to grab his stuff and follow me out to the car. After he unlocked it we both got in and we were on our way to school. 

When we pulled up i reluctantly opened the door " see ya at home" i said before i got out  to which he replied " lockie is gonna pick you up later see ya kid" before he drove of. I walked towards the school and i went straight to my locker where i saw scott and stiles whispering back and fourth about something " hey guys what with all the whispering?" i said as i walked up to them and put in my locker combination" nothing!" they both said.  I took out my books and turned to them " how are you? i mean with the whole almost getting hit by a car thing?" asked scott " fine i guess, i didn't really get all that hurt..." i said as i fidgeted with the sleeves of my hoodie " h-hey do you guys like know know peter? " i asked " uh..yeah i guess not really well we dont know him but we do-" stiles said before scott interrupted him " yeah why?" he asked "well i was wondering if you could like give me his address? or his number? its just that i still have the clothes he Lent me and i wanted to give them back" i said sort of mumbling the last part " u-um i dont know it might not be the best-" scott started but i interrupted " please! i just need to talk to him.." i said while giving him my puppy dog eyes. Scott then exchanged a look with stiles before he said " gimme a pieces of paper" i reached into my bag and tore a piece out from my notebook and handed it to him. After he scribbled something out he handed it to me " thank you scott" i said jus before the bell rang. " Welp come on my fellow humans" said stiles as he gave us a goofy smile and linked arms with me and scott before we walked to class.  

******TIME SKIP TO LUNCH because classes are boring and im lazy so yeah********

I pushed open the big, heavy doors to the cafeteria and was meet with the loud chatter and laughter of the students. It seemed a lot more crowded than usual as i tried to make my way over to the line to get my lunch. As i was trying to push past the big groups of people i was knocked to the ground by someone " hey watch where your- hey arent you the new girl?" said some guy, i looked up and was met with a familiar face 'whats his name? jake? no. jess? no. jeramy? no..wait! jackson that's his name' i thought to myself before i spoke " y-yeah, Harley, your jackson right?" i asked as he helped me up " yeah that me" he said smirking. I dusted myself of and walked over to the lunch line with him. I ended up just getting and apple, a turkey sandwich, and a bottle of water. " D-do you mind if i sit with you guys again?" i stuttered out " whatever sure i don't care" he said before he walked off leaving me standing their before i quickly followed. When i got to the table jackson had already sat down so i just awkwardly stood there for a few seconds before i stuttered out " h-hey" " hi harley sit by me" said stiles as he scooted over. " Thanks" i said before i sat down next to him and waved to the rest of the table in response i got a mixture of " hey " "hi" and " sup" 's .  I picked up my sandwich and took a bite out of it while they talked about studying for a test in Algebra. I sat their eating my sandwich starring down at the table not really knowing what to do. They were all talking with each other and i was just there ya know?. I was about to open my water bottle when i heard my name so i looked up and saw stiles starring back at me " s-sorry did you say something?" i asked " yeah i asked how your break was?" he said " oh um it was okay i guess. My brother, my....other brother lockie, showed up so i was really happy...How was yours?" i asked he expression shifted to something unreadable as he exchanged a look with everyone else at the table before he quickly changed it to a smile and said " yeah it was great!" and then proceeded to shove curly fries in his mouth. I noticed that they where acting weird, almost like they were hiding something but that's none of my business. Before i knew it the bell rung and i was off to my locker. When i got to my locker i grabed my books and headed of to physical science for yet another lecture. 

Always back to you..(A peter hale love story)Where stories live. Discover now