A familiar face

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 I was still frozen infant of my mirror replaying memories of the past when I heard it. Bellamy's car pulled into the driveway and shortly after I heard him come in. " HEY HAR IM HOME" I heard Bellamy's voice carry froom down stairs along with the door slamming shut making me jump. Suddenly I was back and reality hit me hard and this time I couldn't stop the tears from coming.  " Harley" bellamy called again but closer, like he was right outside my room. " Just a sec!" i called out my voice breaking at the end. Quickly I grabbed the washcloth and scrubbed my face to make sure all the ruined make up was gone. I squeezed my eyes shut willing the tears to stop. " Harley? are you ok? " he called from outside the door with concern evident in his voice " y-yeah just a sec" I called out. I heard him reach and try and open the door making my heart jump " open the door Har" he said in a concerned yet serious way " no!" I imediantly shouted in return " NOW harley. Come one,please?" he pleaded with me. " n-no..." i said voice filled with tears and cracking " har?" he said with his last plea I walked over to the door, I opened it and stared at the floor waiting for him to speak. " Have you been crying?.." he said trailing off.  I couldn't take it anymore as I through my self into him and burried my head in his chest as I sobbed.  " Whats wrong? why are you upset? did something happen?" he questioned as he clutched me close to his chest and rubbed my back. " I-i- it jus- i-i miss them bel" I sobbed out shaking violently in his arms " i-its sso hhard b-bell my he-ad its jus- it wont go awa-y m-make it go away bellamy! i m-miss the-em so much, mmmo-m, ddad....beck..i-it was m-my falt" i said my voice slightly muffled by  bellamy's chest and cracking at the end. " Hey now none of that it wasnt your fault ok, none of it was. And I know I miss them too har I misss them too hey shhhh shhh its gonna be ok alright? im here its ok" he said clutching me tighter as i continued to sob lightly. After what felt like hours i finally stopped crying and losend my grip on bel " look at me" he said making me shake my head in response " come on please?" he asked again so i slowly brought my head up and looked up to see that he had been crying too " listen to me okay? i miss them too just as much as you har, i miss the way mom would always laugh even if she was sad she always found a way to laugh. I miss dad's awful jokes, they were never funny but mom would always laugh just to make him feel better. But they wouldn't want this harley and i know that i hadnt exactly handled it well in the past either but they'd want us to be happy i know its hard but you gotta try okay? " he said all the while having tears fall from his eyes. " okay..ill try, for you" I said barely above a whisper "good " he said while cracking a small smile " now lets get you cleanend up ok?" he said as he grabbed the discarded washcloth and held it under the running water. " Come 'ere" he said as he motioned towards me, He gently whipped the tears away". When he was done he enveloped me in a tight hug " it's gonna be okay har i promise. I know it sucks now but we'll make it through this" he said before he let go and looked at me and said " now how about we have a movie night huh? we havent had one in ages and I dont know about you but I could use one." making me laugh a little " y-yeah i'd like that" I said as I sniffled." Well then it's settled movie night it is" he said as he walked down stairs. After he left I changed into a pair of plaid sleep shorts and my black hoodie. I headed down stairs and into the kitchen " go pick put a movie while i make popcorn and get the drinks" he said as he took out a bowl for the popcorn. I walked over to the T.V and crouched down to pull out the dvd's, I sorted out all of the horror films and picked Lilo and stitch and put it into the dvd player.  I heard the ding! of the microwave so I sat on the couch and got comfy just as Bell walked in with a big bowl of popcorn and 2 bottles of water  "here" he said as he handed me one of the bottles and then sat down next to me "thanks" i said as i played the movie and grabbed the popcorn bowl. I sat there stareing at the tv as the movie began to play, i opened up my water and took small sips as the movie went on. I took a handful of popcorn to munch on and turned back to the screen just in time to see my favirute part were stitch makes this little town and then breaks it down. 

By the time the credits rolled across the screen I had finished my water and we were out of popcorn." i'll get more" i said as i got up and grabbed the bowl " okay ill put in the next movie" bell said as i entered the kitchen " make it a horror!" I yelled from the kitchen as I took out a thingy of popcorn and popped it in the microwave. When the popcorn was done i took it out and poured it into the bowl. I grabbed 2 cans of rootbeer and walked out into the living room " what'd you pick?" I asked as I handed him his drink and plopped back down on the sofa " Insidiou-" he said before he was cut off by the doorbell " i'll get it" I said as I handed him the popcorn and opened my soda . I walked to the door and looked out the peephole but i couldnt see anything so I opened the door only to have my heart stop and drop my soda to the ground and spilling out. It was like all of the air had been sucked out of my lungs, my mouth went dry and i was frozen in place. It took me a second before i could speak "L-l-lockie? " i croaked out as I stared wide eyed at him " hello love did ya miss me?" 

* Hello lovelys! Sorry i havent updated in a while i've been caught up in all my stupid school work :p I havent edited this yet so im sure there are a few mistakes here and there but ill take care of that when i get the chance. Soooo how was this?did you like? did you not like it? Who's this Lockie guy?? why did she react that way??? who ate the last bannana at lunch?????

P.s Ok so ive recently started sorta kinda in a way been helping out with this  story by Mrs.CalumHood_35 its called " Adopted by 5sos" and its AMAZEBALLS! seriously though  go read all her stuff she's awesome!

P.s.s  on a side note i need help with the pairings so who should be with who???? As you  already know the main pairing will be harley and peter but what about everyone else?? tell me what you guy's think, ill pair anyone together!

~Till next time my lovelys

Thanks for reading!

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and remember check this girl out  ~> Mrs.CalumHood_35 <~ 

~Hale4life <3 *

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