Chapter 1

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"Aerys Targaryen took an active part in his rule. He was ambitious and prone to boast a lot of his plans of reform and extension. The Seven Kingdoms prospered under him, under his council who he filled with young and able men who could get the job they were assigned done perfectly."

"But he was the Mad King. Father won the rebellion and the people supported him for Aerys' madness. And then as made King."

"That is also correct. Your father is a very renowned warrior, charismatic and kind. And his reign is a very peaceful one, one the realm has not had in a long time. But he lacks many things as King. He does not like to sit in council meetings and does not pay too much attention to how things are run through his kingdom. His council is not bad, some of the best men in this time and age. Do you understand why I am telling you all of this?"

"Because I am to be King one day?"

"Exactly. We want you to be the kind of King that does not fall into just one category. Be the best of your father, but do not confine yourself to just that. Do not listen to the court and believe blindly, work on your own, learn what the previous kings have done good and do better. Understood?"

"Yes, Lord Arryn."

"Now, what did I say about calling me that when it's just the two of us? And let's not tell your father that I said all that about him and Aerys. You know how much he loves to hear it."

"I am feeling a little hungry."

"You little rascal!"

"I knew I could find you here. You don't need to stand vigil for him all day. I'm sure someone can take over from you."

Edric looked away from the body of the now deceased Hand of The King, a man that was more of a grandfather to him than his own grandfather was. When his eyes moved to the person that had spoken, he saw that it was his sister Myrcella.

"He was like a grandfather to me. He was my grandfather if I'm being honest" Edric spoke. Myrcella walked forward, hugging into his brother's side. Edric smiled and gently ruffled her hair. She was five years his younger, but was easily the sibling he got along with and dotted on the most. "Why are you here? Was there anything you needed from me?"

"No, I was just missing you" she answered simply and Edric chuckled.

"Alright then" he gently patted her on the head. "Do you know where everyone else is? Mother? Father? Joffrey and Tommen?"

"Father is in his room. I think he has some of his lady friends over. I don't know where Mother is, and Joffrey is doing his own thing with his little band of men at arms. Tommen is playing with this kitten he found. It's so cute! You should come to see it!"

"I will" Edric smiled. "But first, I'm going to check in on father. This day will not be easy on him. Why don't you go and find mother? I'm sure you can keep her busy with something or the other."

Myrcella pouted but listened to what her older brother had to say, as she always did. Edric lingered at the foot of Jon Arryn's dead body, the sound of laughter from the memory he had been playing in his head echoing for a while until he had decided to leave. Just as his sister had said, their father was in his chambers, the door to it guarded by two of the Kingsguard.

"Is he in there with his whores?"

"No. But he is drinking, and he is drinking a lot" replied Ser Boros Blount.

"Open the doors then."

"Your father-"

"Open them."

Ser Boros shared a look with Ser Meryn, who just shrugged. The Kingsguard opened the door for Edric and the boy walked in without another word. His father was in there, red in the face from all the wine he had drunk. He had a chalice of wine in his hand already, and his squire at his side.

"I thought I told those blasted fools to not let anyone in," the King said once he had noticed his eldest in the room, which took him a while.

"And I told them to let me in," Edric said smoothly. He walked over to his father, took the chalice from his hand and put it aside. Then he turned to Lancel, ignoring his father's spluttering. "You may go now," he said kindly and the squire left with a nod.


"You've drunk too much already," Edric told him bluntly, arms folded over his chest and looking at his father with scrutinizing eyes. "You could have stood vigil at Jon's body at the sept with me."

At the mention of Jon Arryn the King calmed slightly. He met the scrutinizing gaze with a sullen stare before looking away. "You might look like me boy, but your eyes are your mother's through and through."

"I know. You've told me that every time I gave you a judgmental look" Edric answered, taking a seat beside his father. "I loved him too, you know. He was like a grandfather to me."

"Might as well have been. The man practically raised you. Made you sit in council meetings from the moment you could read and write" the man laughed. "I should hand the kingdom over to you right now. And go off somewhere to hunt, whore and smash skulls in."

"Not the right time for that" Edric smiled slightly, "besides, with the shape you are in? You'll be the one getting hunted more than anything else."

"Is that right? You questioning my ability to stab something with a spear?" Robert questioned, before bursting into boisterous laughter, joined in by Edric a moment after.

"So what do you plan to do about The Hand? You can't wait too long, you know?"

"I have someone in mind. You should know him, I've told you a lot about him already."

"Ah" Edric nodded his head. "So we are making a long journey?"

"Aye. We should leave immediately. And get that Maester to write him a raven" The King went to stand but Edric stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"I will see to it that it's all done. You need to rest up and get that drunkenness dealt with" Edric told him sternly. Robert protested, and then he grumbled when he knew there was no fighting it. Edric left the chambers after putting his father to bed, instructing the Kingsguard to not let anyone enter, not even his mother. Who he coincidentally met when he turned the corner.

"Father's gone to sleep. Too drunk to function properly so I encouraged him to work the alcohol through his system. Right now wouldn't be a good idea to approach him" the prince spoke.

"You always did know how to manage him the best" The Queen smiled, cupping her son's cheek before asking him to join her for a walk. "I am sorry for your loss Ed. I know you loved that man dearly."

"Thank you, mother" Edric smiled. "Father's already chosen a replacement. It's going to be a long journey" the prince warned his mother. The Queen frowned, the expression being enough to portray her disapproval.

"Ah, that man" she pursed her lips. "There couldn't have been a better choice?"

"Oh, there are many better choices. But you know father. He has his tastes" Edric said with a friendly roll of his eyes. "It won't be too bad. I'm sure Ned Stark will serve in father's interest."

"Yes, I'm sure he will" The Queen murmured. "Your sister came to me. Said you wanted her to keep me company."

"Why not? She has her ladies, but it never hurts to pick up on a few things from a true lady" he grinned and Cersei shook her head with a soft smile. "You should go tell the three that we'll be making our way North. I have to go and have the Grand Maester draft the raven to Winterfell."

Edric and his mother separated, each going to do their respective tasks. The prince hoped that maybe the journey would not be as dull and taxing as he felt it would be.

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