Chapter 7

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"I've watched your jousts today, and I must say that I liked what I saw. Neither of you made it to the final rounds, but you have all shown quite some skill."

"Some more than the others" Lothor Brune quipped, making the other three stiffen.

"Regardless, you have all been brought here for your display at the tourney today" Edric interrupted before an argument broke out. Freys could be prideful, Walder Frey being a good example of it. Three of these men were Freys, all Walder's blood. He did not want to test the waters. "The City Watch is this city's last line of defence should it ever come under attack. But the watch has not been in the best of shape in a while now. The men in charge of it have not provided the best of results, nor have they trained men properly for me to trust them in combat. In time I plan to replace them and reconstruct them completely. And I want you four to lead them when the time comes. There will be other captains, how many, I'm still thinking about it. But your four will be one of those hand-picked captains. Two of you are knights, two if you are not. But that won't matter. You were selected by me. You will be loyal to me. Am I understood?"

The three Frey's had been more than eager to accept his terms, bend the knee and swear their loyalties to him. The Frey's were a large family, with lots of sons to go around. Only the heir and maybe the first three sons had a set future for them, the rest needed to make a path for themselves. So at the first chance, they had agreed to serve under him. Lothor Brune on the other hand had taken some time to think, coming the next morning to pledge his loyalties. The man was a freerider, an opportunist in a way. Unlike the other three, he would weigh his options before he did anything. Wherever the best coin comes from, he'd flock there for sure.

The tourney continued to the next day, Edric standing in the tent while his father got ready to take part in it. Lancel was trying to help him fit into his armour, but the armour was too small for him.

"You've outgrown your armour father. This is a good enough sign that you shouldn't take part in this tourney" Edric argued. His father ignored him, making the prince roll his eyes. Lord Stark came in not too long after and Edric left his father in the man's hands. He made his way to the tourney grounds, where unlike the previous day his mother was there with his siblings.

"How did it go?" The Queen asked her eldest once he had taken his seat.

"Lord Stark has it handled" Edric informed his mother with a resigned smile. The Queen smiled back, expecting such an answer. She had been against his father taking part in the tourney, the whole reason for the outburst at the feast the previous day.

"Your love sick puppy is giving you looks again. It's sickening" Joffrey muttered, making Edric look towards Sansa, who was giving him a shy smile.

"That's not very nice Joff" Edric scolded, returning the smile from Sansa with one of his own. His brother snorted, looking away towards the jousting tracks. The King came after a while and the jousting began.

The first bout was between Ser Jaime and Sandor. Edric could hear a few people placing their bets on his uncle Ser Jaime. Edric himself would have joined in had he not had to keep up his appearance at the moment. Which was lucky for him since Sandor had pulled a heist and won the tilt against Ser Jaime.

Ser Loras and Ser Gregor were up next and Edric watched with interest. Ser Loras was a knight with renown. He had performed more than just well so far. Maybe he could use him in his plans to revolutionize the City Watch. Ser Gregor on the other hand was not a viable choice. A powerful man he was, but he was not in Edric's opinion a man he would put in charge to keep the peace in the City. Violence suited him better.

The tilt began and Edric noticed how Ser Gregor's stallion was acting unusual right away, especially when it came closer to Ser Loras' mare. The answer was a simple one, Ser Loras had an edge in this competition. The man was using his head, something Edric saw in good light.

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