Chapter 14

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For anyone that had lived during the first Greyjoy Rebellion, it was as if Balon Greyjoy had torn the pages out of history books and reenacted them with the hopes that this time it would be different. The talks of Cersei committing incest had not completely died away, of Edric's rule still being fresh and untested, that by killing the favourite son of the Lord of High Garden the relationship between the Reach and the Crown had become strained. Maybe all of those factors encouraged the Lord of The Iron Islands to launch an attack.

The rebellion began when Balon Greyjoy attacked the Lannister Fleet at anchor in the darkness of the night, a surprise attack on Lannisport. It was reported that Victarion Greyjoy had been the one to do it, just like the first time around. But unlike last time, the entire fleet had not been destroyed. Though the remainder of them had sunk in the proceeding clash against the Ironborn. At that time the raven had been sent alerting the Crown of what had happened.

But that had not been all. More news came that the Ironborn had also attacked the North. Under the command of Balon's only daughter Asha Greyjoy, they had launched attacks along the Northern coast and surrounding areas, attacking places like Flint's Finger, Barrowton, Goldgrass and Moat Cailin. Some had gone as far as Torrhen's Square, but were unsuccessful and had retreated.

Edric wasted little time in calling his banners. He called on the Redwyne Fleet and ships from Oldtown to combine with the Royal Fleet and launch a combined attack on the Ironborn. The attack by sea was led by Lord Stannis and Lord Paxter. He ordered for the Riverlands to send men up North to help them free Moat Cailin and other areas currently under the attack of the Ironborn. The Riverlands were kin to the North through the Tully and Stark alliance, they would waste little time in sending help he knew.

Much like the first time around, the Crown had the superior numbers and resources. Once more the Iron Fleet under Victarion Greyjoy was smashed in the Straits of Fair Isle. But unlike last time, Victarion Greyjoy did not make it out of this alive. But he had not gone without a fight. Matched against Lord Paxter's twins, Lord Stannis and Lord Leyton's eldest, the commander of The Iron Fleet gravely injured Baelor Hightower and Stannis Baratheon and killed Horas and Hobber Redwyne. The victory at a great cost had allowed Edric's forces to cross from the green lands to the Iron Islands. Ser Gregor Clegane led the charge of the Lannister forces once they touched land on Pike, while the charge of the Crownlands men was led by Ser Jaime Lannister who attacked Harlaw. Saltcliffe, Orkmont, and Blacktyde were not spared either.

Once Edric's forces had touched land, he took over the reins of the mainland attack. The Crown forces destroyed everything in their path, leaving no survivors as they made their way to the castle on Pike. The walls were shattered with sieve engines and the forces flooded through. Lothor Brune and Martyn Rivers were the first to break in, hacking and slashing their way through the enemy with men at their back. Lothor Brune lost an eye in the charge while Martyn Rivers lost his life when an arrow hit him through the gap in his helm and right through his left eye. The resistance fell and Balon Greyjoy was brought before Edric in chains.

"Must be nostalgic, on your knees before a Baratheon king like this" Edric taunted, his face blank and tone cold. "More than a decade ago you were in a similar position, rebellion broken and you on your knees. And what was it that you said then?"

Balon spat at his feet and Edric slammed the same foot into his face. "I can name you traitor now. And I don't treat traitors with kindness" the King spat. He pulled his sword out of its sheathe and stood straight. "I, Edric of House Baratheon, first of my name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the Firstmen, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, sentence you to die" he lifted his blade and with a swift swipe of his sword beheaded Balon Greyjoy. He bent over, snatching the crown from Balon's head and held it out to his squire. "Keep this safe Mycah" he ordered and the boy nodded his head. The butcher's boy had been in his sights for a while now, watching him train and learn. When he ascended the Throne, he had named Mycah his squire. "And tell the men that I want every Lord's sword. Especially the two in possession of House Drumm and House Harlaw."

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