Chapter 2

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Regretfully, the journey was as dull and taxing as he had feared it would be. The journey, if the entourage only consisted of mounted travellers, it would have taken them about twelve days, without any stops of course. But the party consisted of both mounted men and carriages and other transports for luggage and all. And then there were also multiple stops to rest, hunt, feast, and visit lords small and big. All in all, it took the entourage a little over a month to reach Winterfell. Edric was not overly fond of the memories he made on the journey, of lords pushing their daughters to seduce him to bed, of stopping to hunt every few days when the supplies were still strong and would last them a good few weeks. The sentiment was shared by his mother, who was scowling most if not all the way there.

Joffrey seemed aloof, trying to show that he was enjoying it. Edric knew the boy would have blown up by now if their father was not around them. He wanted their father's approval like his older brother seemed to have.

Myrcella on the other hand had no such wishes but was too polite to complain. So, she would pout and secretly do it to Edric and their mother. Tommen was bored but also distracted easily to moan about it.

But Edric would admit that once they had entered The Northern lands and snow was seen almost everywhere, he felt a little calmer, entranced by the beauty of The North. His family did not share his sentiment. So, when they finally reached Winterfell, they all let out a giant sigh of relief.

Edric had been the first to enter, followed by his brother Joffrey and then the boy's bodyguard Sandor Clegane, better known as The Hound. Like Joffrey, Edric had a bodyguard of his own once, a towering man that intimidated him greatly. But after he had earned his spurs in a tourney and was Knighted by his father at fifteen, a proud moment for both parents since it was rare for someone to be knighted so young. But it also did not come as a surprise.

Jon Arryn had told Edric the story of Jaeherys l Targaryen, who had trained under his Kingsguard before he reached his majority and claimed The Throne. Edric wanted to do that as well and practically begged The Hand and The King to allow it. Jon while a little hesitant, had to give in once Robert had agreed to it. So, Edric's training began when he was seven, under the watchful eyes of Ser Barristan the Bold and Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard. The other members had pitched in as well, but it had been those two that had invested the most time with Edric.

The Starks were all looking at him, one of them in particular with clear blue eyes and vibrant red hair. And beside her, a male with the same blue eyes and copperish hair gave him a cool look. Brother and sister then, he surmised and smiled at them both.

The coach carrying his mother and younger siblings lumbered in next, followed by his father The King. All knelt immediately when his father entered. Edric got himself off his horse, moving to the coach to help his mother and siblings down. While it is normally a servant or squire that helped, Edric preferred to do it himself. He then watched his father and Lord Stark interact, holding back a laugh at the look Lord Stark gave his father when the man commented about how fat The Lord of Winterfell had gotten. The two then burst into laughter and embraced.

"Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?" The King asked, pulling back from the embrace.

"Guarding the North for you, Your Grace. Winterfell is yours" The Lord of Winterfell smiled.

"Father seems to be in a very good mood" Myrcella beside him commented. Ï don't think he's that happy around anyone else. Not even Uncle Stannis and Uncle Renly."

Myrcella wasn't wrong, Edric rarely saw his father this cheerful. Even under the influence of alcohol was the man not as cheerful and full of life as he was now. "The two of them are practically brothers. Maybe closer than we ever thought" Edric finally answered his sister.

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