Chapter 9

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"You are a better man than I. Jon Arryn taught you how to rule from the time you could understand speech. Never forget what he taught you and you'll do a damn well job of ruling. Keep Ned close. He's a stubborn man, but he's a good man."

"I will, father."

"I was never meant to be a father-"

"You did a good job at being one, father. Do not carry that regret."

The dying King smiled at that, the grip on his son's hand tightening. "Go on. You don't want to see this."

Edric nodded, letting the man's hand go reluctantly and stood. He walked away from the bed, receiving a comforting shoulder squeeze from his mother. The door was opened for him and on the other side stood a worried Lord Stark. The Prince stepped aside for the man and Lord Stark rushed in. Edric passed through the open door, which closed behind him. The Prince stood outside the doors and took deep breaths to control the emotions that ran rampant through him.

The hunting party had returned in the morning with dire news. The King had been gored by a boar on the hunt and was not looking too good. The Maester had tried his best but eventually, he had put his hands up and declared that there wasn't much that he could do.

The doors opening once more snapped Edric out of his thoughts. Everyone but Lord Stark had exited the room. The Queen walked away without another word, while the Grandmaester, Master of Laws, Master of Whispers and Lord Commander of The Kingsguard remained outside the door.

"I am sorry for your loss, your Grace," the Grandmaester said, bowing his head.

"My father has not died yet. He is your King" Edric corrected the aged man who stuttered and stumbled out an apology. Lord Stark came out a few moments later.

"Give him milk of the poppy," the man said. The Grandmaester and Master of Laws rushed back in while the rest remained outside.

"He was reeling from the wine. He commanded us to step aside, but I failed him" Ser Barristan said.

"You can't protect a man from himself. And my father was anything but a man who would take suggestions, least of all when he was intoxicated" Edric assured the Knight.

"I wonder, Ser Barristan, who gave the king this wine?" Lord Varys asked.

"His squire, from the king's own skin" Ser Barristan answered.

"Such a dutiful boy to make sure his Grace did not lack refreshment," Lord Varys said, lowering his head and with a sympathetic tone. "I do hope the poor lad does not blame himself."

Edric shut his eyes and mused over the words. It would sound like a caring sentence to any man that did not know the spider personally. But to Edric and Lord Stark, they understood the double meaning. But only one of them paid an actual mind to it.

"His Grace has had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen," Lord Stark said. "Whatever arrangements you made, unmake them. At once."

"I'm afraid those birds have flown" Lord Varys dipped his head, "The girl is likely dead already."

Lord Stark did not look happy at the revelation. Instead, he walked away. Edric walked away as well, not with Lord Stark but to his own chambers. He grieved on his own there, knowing well enough that his mother was not grieving like he was. He doubted whether the woman was grieving, to begin with. Their marriage wasn't the happiest, not even close to it. Edric would not hold it against her if she wasn't. But his siblings were grieving and they came to find him. The youngest two were not shy about showing it. Joffrey on the other hand was ranting about how crying would not solve anything. But the boy did not shrug off the comforting hand on his shoulder. Late into the night, Edric found himself in the company of an uninvited guest.

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