Chapter 20

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Word spread like wildfire and soon the people on the streets were screaming for justice. The commoners loved their Queen, who would actively try to do better for them. Her death started a period of mourning that quickly turned into outrage when the news of the murder was known. The head of Pycelle outside the gate to the Red Keep quelled the flames, but they were not silent just yet. Not when it was made known that the King's mother had played a hand as well in this murder.

Three days had passed since the arrest of Cersei Lannister and the subsequent orders to interrogate her. During this time the Queen's funeral had been completed and she had been buried under the Great Sept of Baelor, where all royals were put to rest. The whole of the realm wept from what Edric was told. But he didn't have the time to take it all in, not when his mother confessed and it was known to all the people. It was one of the guards, a Redwyne man who didn't believe that the King would punish his mother. The man was given back to his Lord to deal with. Sadly, Edric could not do the same with his mother.

She was confined to her chambers, a mess compared to her usual regality. Edric felt a pang seeing her like that, with dishevelled clothing and hair. When she saw him enter, she did not move from her spot on the bed, not even react.

"All of that over a fucking prophecy" the venom in his tone made the woman flinch. "You could have killed my daughter as well. Your Granddaughter could have died from your actions."

"What is my verdict, your Grace" the woman cut her son off, voice hollow and without any emotion behind them. It made Edric straighten, the emotions playing inside him calming.

"Your verdict" he knocked on the door behind him, two guards coming in and moving to the woman, "is that you've been found guilty in the murder of the Queen, my wife and the mother of my child. For that, you will lose your head. Bring her."

The guards nodded, pulling the King's mother to her feet and practically dragging her as they followed their King. Edric led the way, flanked by his Kingsguard minus Ser Jaime, trailed by the two guards and then a few more men behind them. The execution grounds would not be used this time, not for her. Men were gathered above the gates of The Red Keep, men of the council and kin to the King. And below them practically the entire city was collected, to watch the King's justice. Ser Jaime looked at his sister, and went to say something but decided not to speak. Lord Tywin did not look at his daughter, sternly staring out at the people gathered instead. Tyrion was comforting Tommen, who looked like he had seen better days. Edric couldn't blame him. He was about to see his mother being killed at the word of his brother. Myrcella was not there but Edric knew she'd be distraught as well. A raven had been sent to The Eyrie to let her know of what was happening. Cersei was her mother as well, she had a right to know.

Cersei was pushed to her knees and a roar of insults was thrown her way from the crowd below them. They all went silent when the King stepped forward.

"My people!" the King shouted from his place on the wall. "Your love for my wife, your Queen, truly warms my heart. Before you, kneels the woman responsible for her death, my own mother!" the crowd broke into jeers and shouts of curses, men and women roaring for Cersei's head. They were silenced when the King demanded them to be silent.

"Lord Paxter" the King called and the man who was standing to the side with his wife stepped forward. "I can't kill my own mother. I will not be labelled a Kinslayer" he unsheathed his blade and held it out to the man. "My sword, use it to carry my sentence. For I, Edric of House Baratheon, First of my Name, King of the Andals, The First Men, and The Rhoynar, Protector of the Realm, sentence Cersei of House Lannister to die, for her crimes against the royal family, her own blood. Maybe the seven have mercy on you" the King stepped back once Lord Paxter Redwyne took the offered Valyrian Blade. The man moved to Cersei and twirled the sword in his hands before slashing it down over the woman's neck. It was a clean strike, blood squirting out over the edge of the wall, the head rolling off it and down below. Cheers rang as Lord Paxter returned the blade to the King.

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