Chapter 16

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He looked so squishy, making weird little noises between a gurgle and mewl. Golden tufts of hair on his head, and emerald green eyes on him. Edric reached down to poke the baby's cheek. As suspected, he was very squishy. The baby grabbed the finger and Edric tried to pull away. But the baby had other plans, gripping it tightly and bringing it to his mouth. Edric was disgusted by the slobber but after a moment he just giggled and smiled. "I promise. I'm going to protect you no matter what. Be the best big brother that others will be jealous of you."

"You've been here all night. You should go rest" the sound of his mother's voice snapped Edric out of the memory. The baby before him was replaced by a man on the cusp of adulthood, the healthy pinkish skin replaced by pale greenish skin. His green eyes were closed, a painted stone placed on each. He was in a golden tunic, covered by a golden shroud.

"I promised him that I would protect him" Edric spoke softly, "I promised that I won't let anything happen to him. To any one of my younger siblings. I failed."

"Edric, you can't blame yourself for this" his mother gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "This is not your fault, not yours. Our enemies struck us when we least expected it to."

"The poison was meant for me" Edric muttered and felt the hand on his shoulder tighten its grip. A light of realization dawned in Cersei's eyes. "If I had stopped Joffrey from drinking my wine-"

"You would be dead" Cersei made the King turn to her, cupped his face and made him look into her eyes. "I will not have you think that. You did not know, and if Joffrey had not drank it, you would have. I will not have you blame yourself for not dying in your brother's place" she said sternly. "We both know who exactly is responsible for it. We need you to focus and avenge your brother, not sulk down here all day."

"It would have been easier if it were a matter of commoners. One word and I'd have their heads. As things stand now, we have no proof. And without any solid proof, we can't act and risk a war breaking out. We need to be smart about it. But I will avenge Joff, I promise it."

Cersei looked not too pleased, but she did not say anything. The woman pulled her hands back and the King kissed his mother's cheek before walking away from her, from his brother's dead body and towards the doors that would lead him out of the Sept. He found his uncle Jaime there, just walking in. They shared a look before Edric walked out. Outside Edric was approached by his squire, who informed him that a Council meeting had been called by the Hand and his presence was requested. By the time Edric had reached the Council chambers, his Council had been all there.

"We're sorry to pull you away from your grieving, your Grace" Pycelle stuttered out and Edric waved it off.

"I've done my grieving. I'm a King, and I should be attending to the realm's matters now" he stated as he took his seat. The air in the room seemed to ease up at that. "I've been absent for two days from here, catch me up on the matters I have missed."

The matters missed were trivial, just the cost of the wedding, the chaos of those that had come to take part in the tourneys to earn recognition. The City Watch had found new recruits, now standing at strong six thousand. Martyn Rivers' replacement had been found as well from the Watch, a young but tall and strong man by the name of Harwin. And more had been found to place in the vacant captain's position of the City Watch. The Lannister twins Martyn and Willem had both been squires to King Robert and put into the City Watch after the man's death. They had worked their way up to be captains of the Dragon Gate and Lion Gate respectively. Ser Lothor Brune, who earned his spurs during the Greyjoy Rebellion was named captain of the Iron Gate, Ser Perwyn Frey the Captain of the Old Gate, and Ser Theo Frey the Captain of the Gate of the Gods. Harwin replaced Martyn Rivers as Captain of the River Gate and Addam Marbrand was made captain of the King's Gate. Seven Captains for the Seven major gates with Ser Jacelyn Bywaters as the Lord Commander. Anguy's group of elite archers had earned more men as well, the Captain himself picking them. They stood strong at two thousand well-trained and equipped archers.

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