Chapter 10

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"You shouldn't have trusted Baelish as openly as you had."

"He was Catelyn's childhood friend, she assure me I could rely on him for help."

"People change with time. He had suggested that I punish you more severely, make an example out of you to be precise. He's also the one who gave you the information regarding the dagger, I'm guessing?"


"A lesson learned then. The man's good with coins, but he's always planning things in his head. Jon had been insistent that I do not trust him, nor the Grandmaester and Varys."

"So they'll all be off of your council then?"

"In time. Pycelle's loyalties lie with House Lannister. He'll be loyal to me for that. The other two have limited time on my council. But that is not what I wanted to talk to you about, not the only matter at least. You realize why you had to go, yes?"

"Because of my accusations and what my wife did, yes I understand. But I stay by what I said about your siblings."

"Stubborn like my father was. Your words condemn you and your daughters. My mother does not take insults like that laying down. My father erupted and his retaliation was swift. My mother's retaliation is silent but will destroy you, your daughters and everyone that came with you and everyone you left behind."

"She can't be that bad-"

"Because she's a woman? She's a mother, Lord Stark. And my mother will do anything to protect her children. Leave by ship. You will be accompanied by Baratheon men who will accompany you till Winterfell and then return. Even with how things went between us, I hope the relation between our families remains as they were while my father was still alive."

The conversation had occurred a day before his coronation. Edric had been there to bid the Northern party farewell. Lord Stark had been as respectful and stoic as he was known to be, his daughters were not. Arya was open about her dislike for the new King, or maybe the dislike was for the entire Lannister family. Sansa was heartbroken, furiously apologizing to Edric and begging him to reconsider. But the King had remained adamant and had wished her the best for the future. It was a little heartbreaking to see.

Edric was blessed and crowned by the High Septon in the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing with the crown his father had worn all through his reign. Immediately after he had tasked Grandmaester Pycelle to send ravens to summon the Lords and Ladies to swear their loyalties to him and another one to his grandfather to pull his forces back from the Riverlands and return to The Westerlands. The Crownlands houses were the first to respond to the call, coming to swear fealty to their new King. The Riverlands were next to come, thankful for the intervention of the Crown on their behalf. They wanted compensation for the damages, and Edric had promised his help in restoring the damaged lands. The Lords also did not shy away from bringing their daughters to court. The new King was single, and the realm would need a new Queen after all.

Edric sat on his throne, smiled and accepted their fealty. The daughters tried to woo him, and he acted as a man of his stature should. He made no advances toward any of them.

A week after his coronation he called for a small meeting, an important one at that. But instead of the Small Council room, he held it in the Throne Room. The Council members were the first to come in. Stannis Baratheon, his eldest uncle on his father's side had come that morning, not with the rest of The Crownland Houses. He looked stern and stood a little distance from the rest of the Council.

"This is a little unorthodox, but today's Council meeting required a larger room" Edric spoke, smiling at his council. "Let us first start this council by acknowledging the elephant in the room. My uncle Renly Baratheon, former Lord of Storm's End has been stripped of everything and banished to The Wall. He was planning a coup against me and he has been punished for it. But that leaves a vacancy in a very important position in The Kingdom. Lord Stannis Baratheon" he called and the man stepped forward. "My father named you Lord of Dragonstone when you were his heir. By right Storm's End is yours, and it shall be from this point on. I strip you of your title as Lord of Dragonstone and install you as Lord of Storm's End, your descendants from this point on will inherit Storm's End" the declaration was met by applause from the Council. Lord Stannis remained stoic, bowing his head and thanking his King for the honour of restoring Storm's End to him. A closer look at his usually flinty eyes and anyone in the room could tell that the man was very happy about it.

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