Chapter 6

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FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Zoey sat at her desk unphased by the news, The video stopped and the team just stared at her including Rossi who walked in halfway through the video but got pulled in once the agent was name-dropped. "You pulled 3 people out of a fully submerged car? in the Chicago river in mid-October? and you think it's no big deal?!" Garica said a bit shocked as Zoey shrugged. "Look at you go superwoman," Morgan said patting his partner on the back as she messaged Jay and Kelly letting them know she was back at the office. 

"What's wrong kid? that was an incredible thing you did," Rossi said noticing Severide seemed unphased by her incredible accomplishment. "It's just not a big deal, is all. Any of you probably would've done the same thing, if you were there" she said with a shrug. "It takes a special kind of crazy to jump into the Chicago river after a car, especially with how cold that water is this time of year," Morgan said as Zoey took another drink of the go-go juice. 

Zoey just shrugged again not sure what to say to her team, "That's nothing compared to what Kelly and Benny have done," the blonde agent replied softly. "So that's what this is about? Benny" Reid said. "No, I'm just saying I grew up in a family of firefighters. This is just another Tuesday to them," Zoey replied with a sigh before she stood up with her bag. "I'm gonna change," she said noticing she was still in her heels and dress she wore to Molly's. 

Severide went to the bathroom and changed before walking back into the office and over to her desk. "We got a case," Hotch said appearing at the top of the stairs, The team got up and started walking towards the round table room. "Zo, you know that just because your family saves the day all the time doesn't make your accomplishments any less than theirs," Morgan said to his partner as they walked up the stairs to the briefing room. "Yeah," was all Zoey said as she walked into the room and took a seat as Morgan sat down next to him. 

"First of all I just wanna say Welcome back Reid and Severide, also nice save the other night," Hotch said looking at the blonde agent. "Thanks," she said as JJ began handing out a folder. 

"This is Brook Chambers, her father Peter a widower, left her home alone for the weekend," JJ said as the photo of a teenage girl appeared on the screen followed by another two teenage girls. "Polly Homefelt and Kelly Seymore were all sleeping over Saturday night. At 9:35 during the town's pep rally, for the town's high school football team, both Kelly and Polly called home." JJ said before playing a voice recording. 

"Hey, It's me I know this is last minute but please don't be angry. Brook, Kelly and I are going to take off on a road trip for a few days. Sort of our last adventure before graduation, we'll be back Friday night, Love you bye" the recording said.  "Kelly Seymore left this message on her parent's machine 44 seconds later," JJ said before playing another audio that was almost exactly the same. "Exactly the same," Reid said when the recording stopped. "Word for word" JJ added. 

"Both calls were made from Brook's phone before it was switched off since then," JJ said still briefing the team. "And there's been no activity of their cell phone or ATM cards since Saturday," Garcia said. "Well, it does sound like they were reading from a script," Hotch said, "And obviously since the phones turned off, I can't use it to locate the girls, but I have an open trap on the number in case it gets turned back on "Garcia added. "Okay, guys, guys not for nothing. I remember my senior year in high school, is it possible those girls took a road trip?" Morgan asked. 

"No," JJ replied bluntly before Severide could say anything, "Absolutely not. Polly accepted an athletic scholarship to Penn State. I was a high school athlete just like these girls, I was these girls. They don't smoke, they don't do drugs, they don't drink during the season, and they do not jeopardize a full-ride scholarship by cutting school and missing practice." JJ said taking the case personally. 

"Okay, I hear you JJ. It has been 5-days. There's a chance these girls..." Morgan couldn't even finish his sentence. "There's a chance we may not find them," Morgan said. "I don't think, so," Rossi said not agreeing with Morgan who was statistically speaking correctly. Usually, children aren't held for more than 24 hours and that time decreases the older the child or this case teenagers were. "Why not?" Severide asked confused, "The phone messages, If they were reading from a script, They said I'll see you next Friday. Not two days, not two weeks. Friday" Reid said. "Why be that specific, My guess is we have until Friday to find them," Rossi said. "Two days," Severide said baffled as to how the team would be able to find these 3 teenage girls in 2 days. Not to mention why were they only just informed that 3 teenage girls have been missing for 5 days?! 

The parents were the ones that reached out to JJ in the first place, not the local authorities. Which meant the local authorities weren't worried or bothered that 3 straight A students just vanished with vague messages, no location as to where they were going, and No activity from any of their bank accounts; which meant they couldn't be travelling on a road trip. There's be footage, not to mention what teenage girl carried wads of cash when a debit card was more secure and less likely to get you robbed.

"Wheels up in 30," Hotch said and Zoey got up and walked out of the room without a word going to get her go bag and get her car keys when she paused and sighed. "Need a lift superwoman?" Morgan asked from beside her with his go bag over his shoulder already. "Thanks," she said as they started walking towards the elevator with the rest of the team close by. "So your brother and dad are firefighters? That's pretty cool, what about your mom?" Morgan asked his partner once the elevator doors closed. "She was a school teacher, now she's married to a pastor somewhere in Texas," Zoey replied causing Reid to pause at her words. "Didn't Benny have an affair with one of your teachers?" Reid said more than asked. "My English teacher yea, she took off to find herself after that," The blonde replied not really sure what to say as the elevator doors opened she started walking over to Morgan's dark grey Jeep. 

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