Chapter 10

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Jay & Zoey's Apartment, Chicago

Zoey sat on the couch munching away on fries as she curled up against Jay while they watched Bob's Burgers. Jay dropped Will off at his place on the way back saying he had an early shift in the ED in the morning. The two lay there watching the show until Zoey fell asleep with her head resting on Jay's chest listening to the sound of his heart still holding a fry she hadn't eaten yet. 

The detective smiled at the sight taking a photo of them, Zoey looked so cute and peaceful. Jay chuckled as he took the fry out of her hand eating it before moving the container to the table carefully so he didn't wake the blonde. The detective smiled at the woman in his arms that he was absolutely in love with. Shortly after another episode, Jay drifted to sleep on the couch too. 

After what felt like minutes Zoey bolted awake out of breath from a night terror. She could hear her heart thumping in her ears as she looked around the room trying to remember where she was. "Hey, you okay?" Jay asked from next to her startled awake by the blonde who took a shakey breath before standing up, "Yeah, I'm fine" she replied running a hand through her hair and taking a few deep breaths trying to push the images of unsubs victims burned in her mind. The fully frozen woman with lifeless eyes, the 16-year-old with the smashed in head, "Zo?" Jay asked knowing fully well she'd had a night terror. "Jay, I'm fine really," she told him as her phone rang from the table.

The blonde picked up the device answering it on the second ring, "SSA Severide," she said into the line, "Hey, Severide it's JJ" her colleague said through the phone. "What's up?" Zoey asked, "We got a case," her colleague said through the line."Alright I'll head to the airport- Actually Hotch wants you and Morgan to meet in Detroit" JJ said cutting Severide off. "I take it you guys aren't meeting us there?" She asked walking towards the bedroom putting JJ on speaker as she went to change not caring if the door was open. 

"No, The rest of us are heading to Port Huron in Michigan," JJ said as Zoey pulled her black skinny jean on before looking around for a shirt still half asleep. "Wanna brief me a bit on what happened?" she asked, as Jay handed her a shirt with his signature sexy smirk that drove Zoey crazy about him. 'Thanks' she mouthed to him as she threw the shirt on. "All we know is that a 26 male crossed the border into Canada and proceeded to drive his car through the guard post, claiming he'd ordered 10 people, The RCMP in Canada have requested our help," JJ said. 

"Let me guess the victims were all from Detroit?" Severide asked, "Yea, so Hotch needs you and Morgan to talk to the authorities and see what you can find," JJ said. "Alright, I'm heading out now," Severide said through the line before she hung up looking at Jay who had a worried look on his face. "Can we trade vehicles for a week maybe 2?" she asked him earning a look as he raised an eyebrow at her. "You just got a brand new Ferarri and you wanna drive my truck?" he said more than asked as Zoey walked out of the room heading over to the washer and dryer taking her clothes out of the dryer and tossing them into her go bag. 

"It's not that I want to, I'm driving down to Detroit to pick Morgan up. I don't think it'd be a smart idea for me to be driving a flashy sports car in downtown Detroit, especially since I still have to go get Morgan from the airport," Zoey explained as she picked her keys off the counter handing them to him. "Fair point and I will gladly test drive your Ferarri for the next week," the detective said with a smirk. "Don't burn the rubber of my tires before I get back, please" Zoey said with a smile as she placed a kiss on his lips. 

"Me? never," he replied playing innocent which caused the blonde to laugh as she walked over to 2 safes unlocking the bottom one and pulling out her gun and badge placing them on her hip before she walked over to the counter taking Jay's truck keys. "I love you, I'll call you when I get to the airport," Zoey said walking over to the door. "I love you too, I'll probably call since you're gonna be on the road anyways," he replied as Severide smiled and walked out the door and out of the apartment climbing into Jay's truck and adjusting all the mirrors, seat and setting her phone up through the Bluetooth speakers before she started the truck and started driving towards the interstate heading to Detroit. 

Detroit Metropolitan, Wayne County, Airport

The drive was typically a 4 almost 5 hour drive but with how fast Zoey was speeding down the highway she cut the time in half. It didn't take long for the light grey pickup truck to pull up to the car pool lane of the airport located just outside Detroit. The blonde called Morgan who answered on the 2nd ring. "Hey Superwoman I'm just getting off the flight." Morgan said through the line. "Perfect timing, I'm outside in the carpool lane." Severide replied through the line, "Alright I'm heading out the door now," Morgan said through the line as he appeared through the sliding doors of the airport looking around. "Grey pickup, in front of you," was all Zoey said before ending the call as Morgan walked over and climbed in the passenger seat. 

"Isn't this lover boy's truck?" her partner asked fastening his seatbelt as she started driving off towards the police station. "Yeah, I traded vehicles with him for the case," she replied turning her music down a bit. "For what? You don't have a car" Morgan asked confused, "Oh yea, I got a new Fearri turns out it was covered under insurance. I didn't think it'd be wise driving around Downtown Detroit in a flashy sports car," she said. "That's true, so Lover boy must be enjoying your Ferarri," Morgan said as Severide parked the truck at the police station when his phone rang. 

"SSA Morgan, yea. Alright well than we will head there first," was all he said before hanging up. "Hotch wants us to head down to skid row, that's where all the victims are bringing abducted from." Morgan said to his partner. Severide nodded and started teh truck and took off towards skid row.

21st District Police Department, Chicago

Everyone walked into the room half alseep except detective Halstead who was already awake because his finance had to leave for work. "When did you trade your truck in Halstead?" Ruzek asked as they walked up the stairs into the bullpen. "I didn't, Zoey and I traded vehicles for the week," was all the detective said taking a seat at his desk. "You let her borrow your truck? to go on a case hunting serial killers?" Antonio asked a bit surprised. "She had to drive to downtown Detroit and she wasn't comfortable taking her car," Jay said. 

"Fair, my cousin got held at gun point for the Jordan's on his feet. Detrot's a cold place" Atwater added walking in the room. That's when Voight appeared through the doorway to his office walking in the room and slamming a photo on the empty board. Everyone looked up at the photo. "Thomas Ikes AKA Jack Webber, escaped stateville an hour ago. Police Commitioner has asked us to locate and transfer him back to prison. Halstead a word," Voight finished saying before walking into his office. 

A bunch of emotions washing over the detective as he walked into teh sergeants office, "Do you need to sit this one out?" was all the older man asked. The question caused the detective to cross his arms over his chest and raise his eyebrow at the man, "Serg, I'm fine" the detective said. "Alright well this stays in house, for now" Voight told him before dismissing him. 

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