Chapter 11

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After the team discovered that the man that the RCMP in Canada had detained was not a murderer. In fact, he was a war hero that lost his leg in Afghanistan; when he came home he could barely process his trauma since he additionally found out his sister was living on the streets. He found her and brought her home but after a couple of weeks of steady progress she fell back to her old ways out on the streets and the man never saw her again. 

He did notice a lot of people going missing so he started doing nightly checks and found that in a span of 2 months 10 people just vanished without a trace. The war veteran went to the authorities in Detroit for help but they ultimately told him these kinds of people can't go missing and brushed him off. 

So he crossed the border into Canada and made a huge scene just to get the FBI to open an investigation; Because nobody else was looking for these people including his sister. Which would make 11 potential victims in 2 months. 

Skid Row, Downtown Detroit

Severide and Morgan started driving down the streets of skid row as the sun was just starting to come up. Zoey's phone began to ring and she pressed the answer button before she looked at who was calling. "SSA Severide," she said as they drove looking around, "You sound so professional Zoey," it was Benny's voice that sounded through the speaker taking her aback a little. "Yea I'm just working a case, what's up?" the blonde asked him trying to figure out why the sudden call. "I was wondering if maybe when you come home if you wanted... to maybe sit down and have a drink and talk?" Benny asked surprising the agent as Morgan sat there watching his partner's reaction. 

Zoey was looking around at all the people living on the streets, their parents stopped caring long ago. "Um sure, look I actually gotta go but we'll get a couple of rounds at SilverLine when I come home," the blonde said even surprising herself. "I look forward to it, message me when you're back, I love you Zo," he said. "Yeah, I will," she said before hanging up the call as Morgan watched her silently. "What was that?" Morgan asked confused knowing Severide and her parents don't have a great relationship and if she could she'd avoid both of them for the rest of their lives; it was odd she agreed to go get drinks with her dad especially. 

The blonde sighed at the question, "Morgan look around, how many of these people's parents just gave up looking for them? I don't know. Benny screwed up big time but he's trying for now I guess," Zoey replied unsure of what to say. 

"That's strange, notice anything weird," Severide said pointing out the window of the truck. "they've set up camps not a single person isolated themselves," she adds. "People on the streets don't usually care about safety in numbers," Morgan replied. "Unless, something scared them into changing their behaviour," Zoey replied. "I mean look at this, drug deals are out in the open, Prostitutes seem to be working in groups. If this guy did kill 10 people, I don't see how he could've done it without witness'" Morgan said as Zoey pulled the truck into an alleyway. "So how do you wanna work this?" Morgan asked her. "I say we start with our most recent victim and see if we even have a crime here," Severide said as they both climbed out of the truck and Zoey locked the doors as they started to walk away. "Okay, how about you start with the junkies and I'll take the working girls," Morgan suggested handing his partner a folder containing photos of all 11 potentially missing victims. 

"Pffft Keep Dreaming," Zoey said before she walked off to go talk to the working girls while Morgan went to talk to the junkies. Zoey started walking around showing a photo and asking questions which didn't get anywhere at first until on of the woman of the night told her that "One day your girls on the street and the next she's gone. We've been trying to stick together but once a john rolls up your on your own," a woman told her. "What makes you think these people aren't just leaving?" Severide asked the question she hated asking but had to. "It's not that easy to get away from this life. Trust me" the woman said. 

Severide went to meet up with Morgan when her phone rang, "SSA Severide" she answered. "Hey ZoZo, you miss me baby?" Jack's voice or Thomas' whatever his name really was Zoey didn't care. How'd he get this number and why didn't it come from the prison where he's supposed to be, I mean inmates get phones snuck in all the time.  "Thomas," she said pausing, "So I see you moved on pretty fast..." he said through the line How'd he know that? "Engaged even... but do you really know the man your living with ZoZo?" he said through the line causing her blood to boil at teh fact he had the nerve to mention Jay. "What do you want? Don't you have prison shit to do?" she snapped back at him. 

The man just let out a chilling laugh, "He didn't tell you? interesting" he said getting under the agents skin. "Tell me what?" she replied irritated, "He's married," Thomas replied causing Zoey to pause walking again. "What are you talking about?" Severide said rolling her eyes, "Why don't you ask his ex-wife Abby. Well I guess she'd still be his wife since they aren't divorced, I'll talk later ZoZo." was all he said before he hung up. 

Severide kept walking back as a million thoughts went through her mind, Jay's married? No way! It isn't possible! is it? The blonde agent pulled her phone out dialling Garcia's number, "I thought you forgot about me it hurt," Garcia said through the line. "I could never forget a goddess like you, can you look into something for me?" Severide asked. "Of course, what's up?" Garcia asked through the line. Zoey took a breath hesitating to ask, "Can you look into a marriage record for me?" she asked. "I can do more than that if you give me a name honey," Garcia said as she started typing. "Jay Halstead and Abby something i don't know her last name," Zoey said as the line when quiet. 

The sound of rapid typing was all Severide heard before Garcia gasped, "Wha- He's still Married to an Abby McSweeney now Abby Halstead. Zoey I'm sorry" Garcia said through the line sadly. "How long?" she asked, "9 years," she replied as Zoey's breath hitched a little. "Thanks Penelope, also can we just keep this between us for now?" Severide asked. "Yea, absolutely if there's anything you need just let me know," was all Garcia said clearly upset at the discovery. Zoey on the other hand felt betrayed, "Thanks Penelope," she said hanging up as she walked over to Jay's pickup truck where Morgan was waiting. 

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