Chapter 19

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Zoey & Kelly's Townhouse, Chicago 

Zoey spent the last few hours sitting around drinking and talking with the team about funny stories when the front door opened and Kelly and Jennifer walked in. The smile on the blonde's face dropped as the older woman with long brown hair walked in looking at Zoey with an unimpressed look on her face. 

The blonde was leaning against the counter drinking the last of the Scotch, "You know, the devil calls to us in more modern ways than we think especially when he knows we're weak," Jen said picking up the empty bottle on the counter. "Actually in most religions including Catholicism and Christianity alcohol is used to clean sins away hence why at the last supper for instance Jesus gave his disciples wine," Reid said to the woman causing the blonde to take a long sip of the scotch trying her hardest to hide the smirk on her face. "But it isn't God's will," Jennifer said causing the team to pause looking towards her. 

JJ went to say something when her phone rang, the blonde stood up walking away from the table to take the call which didn't last more than 30 seconds before she returned to the table. "We gotta get going, it's urgent," JJ said looking at Hotch who nodded. The team stood up only having 1 drink it was Zoey that overdid it but she also just found out her fiance was married and watched her dad get murdered in front of her by a hitman she dated for 3 years and never knew was a hitman. 

"I'll check in with you later," Hotch said as the team got up and walked out of the house saying bye to Kelly and Jen. Zoey didn't say anything just started walking to her room. "SO you bailed on the wake and now you won't have a conversation with me? Respect thy mother and father," Jen said earning a scoff. "Why don't you just do me a favour and go back to Texas to your perfect life and stop spewing your bible verses at me? I don't and won't believe in your God, especially after the shit I've seen. And as for respecting my parents, the only true parent I had. Got buried today," Zoey snapped as Jen's face went from shock to hurt and she turned and walked straight out the door. 

Kelly stood there in shock, "really?" was all he asked Zoey as she rolled her eyes and walked into her room shutting the door behind her before laying in bed not wanting to get up again. Her dad was gone and all she could think of were his last words repeating in her mind. 'I'm so proud of you and your brother'  Zoey cried softly into her pillow until she eventually fell asleep. 

After what felt like minutes the blonde bolted up taking a short breath terrified from the nightmare she had. It was the same nightmare she had since her dad died and it was always him dying in front of her and her not being able to save him. Zoey let out a soft cry covering her mouth to muffle the sound of her sobs. How could Benny be proud of her when he knew she was the reason he was there, he was the reason she got shot, he knew she dated the man that he watched beat her and yet he was still proud of her. How? 

Zoey felt like she failed him, it was her job to find him before that happened and she couldn't even save her own dad. She felt so lost and helpless and the pain she felt was excruciating but the guilt was worse. The blonde stood up grabbing her phone, keys and ID wanting to find a corner store and get some tequila. She wanted to stop thinking and feeling this overwhelming pain and guilt that was tearing her apart. 

The blonde slipped out of her room and the house locking the door behind her before she started walking down the road. Memories of Benny bleeding out in front of her played through her mind as she made her way to a corner store walking in and grabbing 2 bottles of her favourite tequila, paying for them before she walked out of the store twisting one of the caps off and began drinking it straight as she kept walking with no destination in mind. 

Shay's Gravestone, Chicago 

Zoey took another chug as Jay's words played in her mind. 'Marry Me?' the blonde fought tears as she kept walking only to end up in a familiar place one she always tended to end up in when she felt really low. "Hey bestie," the blonde said walking up to Shay's gravestone. "So um that detective I told you about. Well turns out he's married, haha" Zoey said laughing a little as she took a huge chug of the bottle. "My abusive ex turned out to be a hitman for the mafia, and shot Benny because he wanted me to be like him," She said softly as a tear fell from her eyes. The blonde took a shaky breath as tears started streaming down her face, "Fuck, I miss you Shay" she cried before chugging back the rest of the first bottle. 

At this point, she was already pretty drunk and everything spun as she moved, after a bit, Zoey stood up and started walking out of the cemetery heading back towards downtown to her and Shay's favourite club. The walk didn't take long to get there and Zoey didn't wait long in line to get inside where she was greeted by the familiar atmosphere. 

81 Club, Downtown Chicago

Jay and Antonio sat at a booth in the club taking over some beers on a stakeout, "I got her to sign the papers," Jay said scanning the room. "Why at Benny's wake though?" Antonio asked cutting straight to the point. "It was Abby's idea and I didn't know the wake was there that night," he replied. "Well congrats on being single," Antonio replied sarcastically as his eyes landed on Zoey who railed a shot down before walking over to the dance floor. "You think she'll forgive me?" Jay asked looking at Antonio who watched Zoey. "Why don't you find out," he replied nodding towards Zoey. 

Jay stood up with his beer and walked over to the blonde who was clearly wasted and dancing. "Hey," the detective said walking through the crowd and over to the blonde whose face lit up when she saw him. "Dance with meeeee" she slurred as she started white girl dancing causing the detective to chuckle a little. Zoey was so wasted she forgot how badly he hurt her all she knew was that she missed him and she was lonely. 

Without thinking she leaned forwards pressing her lips to his. Jay instantly smelted and tasted the tequila breaking the kiss even though he didn't want to. "Zo, you hammered. why don't I drive you home?" he asked her. "But I don't wannaaaa goooo" She slurred, "Please?" he asked her. "Onlyyy if youuuu stayy" she slurred looking at him. "Come on," The detective said as he walked Zoey out of the club and towards his pickup truck down the street. 

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