Chapter 17

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Benny Severide's Funeral Ceremony, Chicago

Zoey had been discharged from med just in time for her to attend her father's funeral service. The blonde hadn't said much since what happened, she blamed herself in all honesty and nobody could convince her otherwise. The blonde agent sat hiding behind the back of the church smoking a cigar, mostly in honour of her dad. "There you are, I've been looking all over for you," Kelly said from behind her. 

Zoey didn't bother to look up instead she exhaled the smoke taking another long haul before holding the cigar out to him. Kelly took the cigar taking a seat next to his baby sister. "Mom's been looking for you all day," he said after taking a puff of the cigar in his full CFD parade uniform. Zoey was in black dress pants a white undershirt and a black blazer which was the standard uniform for the FBI to wear to any ceremony. "I know," Zoey replied not wanting to deal with her mom right now. That was a can of words she didn't wanna deal with at the moment. "The service is about to start, we should head inside," Kelly said putting the cigar out and standing up before holding a hand out to his sister who took it. 

Kelly helped her up and the two siblings walked into the church, taking a seat in the front row on the other side of the pew from Jennifer not wanting to talk to her after she ran away to start a new life with her perfect husband that 'opened her eyes to God's way' Kelly walked in and took a seat between Zoey and Jennifer as the service started with the usual catholic and Christian speal the blonde heard a million times only this time it reminded her of the Cult her and Reid investigated in Ohio a while ago. 

The blonde agent spent most of the service lost in a whirlwind of memories and emotions clouding her mind. Kelly soon stood up and walked over to the podium to say a few words about their old man. 

"My father was a legendary firefighter, I know this because; he told me all the time," Kelly said with a small smile. "But he wasn't wrong, on March 16th, 1993. He pulled 7 people out of the Paxton hotel fire, they were trapped, and nobody could figure out how to get to them, but Benny wouldn't give up. Even when the building was coming down on top of him, that was Benny Severide. He always had to do things his own way, he was stubborn, and man he was tough. Sometimes too tough, he'd battle people he loved, as hard as he'd battle any fire. But every now and then, when you needed him the most, he'd have your back. Whether you knew it or not, no matter what the cost. It took me too long to figure that out, but I'll never forget it." Her brother said causing a tear to fall from Zoey's face. 

His words struck her, but the blonde managed to swallow the tears as Kelly walked over to their father's casket placing a metal down. "Rest easy dad, you deserved it," he said as 5 other firefighters walked over and they began carrying the casket out of the church. Zoey and Jennifer were right behind the casket as they walked down the rows of faces her eye's caught her team standing in the back pew. 

The group walked outside towards the hurse when a siren sounded causing everyone to stop and look up as 8 firetrucks rolled down the road with purple parade banners on the front. They quickly set up the ladders and flag as dozens of officers piled out of the trucks in parade uniform lining up to form a walkway to the hurse. 

"DETAIL, HEAD TAN HUT," an older man said as everyone lined up and moved into a stance, "PRESENT ARMS," he said as they all saluted staying in the stance. "Battalion Chief Benjamin Severide, has returned to quarters." The older man said as a bell rang 3 times causing Severide to lose all and any composure she had as she let out a shaky breath and a tear fell from her eyes causing her to quickly wipe it away. "here," Reid said softly holding out a handkerchief to the blonde who took it just nodding thank you to him as she wiped her eyes. 

Morgan stood on her other side and squeezed her shoulder lightly trying to reassure her it'd be okay. Zoey let out a shaky breathe again, "He is cleared from all his duties, he is gone but never forgotten, may he rest in peace with his brothers and sisters above," the older man said standing in front of Kelly and the others holding the casket before he moved into the lineup of Firefighters. "Ready. Step" Boden said and they began carrying Benny down the row and into the hurse. 

Kelly, Zoey and Jennifer got into a limo after and they drove off towards the graveyard where they'd say their final goodbyes. The blonde agent was quiet the entire time gripping onto the handkerchief Reid handed her as she just tried to keep herself together for a little longer. 

Molly's Bar, Bucktown Chicago

The burial was a blur and the next thing Zoey knew she was at Molly's bar that was packed tonight in honour of Benny and celebrating his life. Truth be told all the blonde wanted was to just go be alone, sob and drink but she knew she had to at least make an appearance at Benny's wake party. 

The minute Severide walked in she was overwhelmed by the large number of people crowding the bar; most of them apologizing for her loss and it was overstimulating, to say the least. Zoey paused looking around as she looked back at the door debating whether to just leave and made a run for it. The blonde was slowly going back towards the door out of the bar when she ran into Morgan. "There you are superwoman, come sit with us. I already got you a double" her partner said leading her over to a table where Reid, JJ, Prentiss, Hotch Rossi and Garcia were sitting. 

Zoey took a seat railing the drink back as she looked around the room trying to even her shaky breaths. "How are you holding up kid?" Rossi asked her even though the team knew the answer. "That depends, on if you want the bullshit I tell everyone or the truth" she replied not looking at them as her focus when to a random spot on the table. "We'd always prefer the truth," Hotch said as Zoey took a shaky breath with tear-filled eyes fighting them from spilling over. "I got my dad killed so no, not really," she said softly as her lip quivered at her the words she spoke. "I'm gonna get another drink," she suddenly said clearing her throat before walking over to the bar that had an assortment of different food set out. 

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