Chapter 15

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21st District Police Department, Chicago 

Severide climbed the familiar steps emerging into the bullpen of the intelligence unit after being released from Med with not even a scratch along with Morgan. "All clear?" Hotch asked the agents who nod yes, "So where are we?" Morgan asked. "Garcia tracked Benny's phone activity and ATM transactions there's been no activity in 4 days," Reid said. "What about properties Thomas or his family owned?" Severide asked, "Nothing," Prentiss replied. "Did he ever mention anywhere he'd go to relax or take you anywhere?" Morgan asked the blonde who shook her head no. "There's gotta be something," JJ said, "I could barely get him off the couch or away from a bottle of liquor we never went anywhere, not while I was home at least," Zoey said. 

"You were with him for 3 years and don't know anything about him?" Jay said more than asked not convinced by what the agent was saying. "Must be a quality I'm attracted to, Liars and men with other lives I never knew about," she replied casually making a jab at the detective along with a glare. 

The comment took the detective by surprise, "Zoey-" Jay started to say as the blonde turned and walked into the break room to make a coffee not wanting to hear whatever excuse the detective had to justify his actions. "You okay?" Antonio asked walking into the room holding a mug as Severide went to pour a fresh cup of coffee, but stopped with a sigh looking through the window of the breakroom at the whiteboard. "Twice now Toni, I let the wrong person in just to have them lie and play me. Jack, I mean Thomas is a hitman? for the Russian Mafia? How'd I miss that? And Halstead's been married for almost a decade. And Benny's missing and I didn't know until 4 days after the fact? How am I supposed to do my job when I ca- It happens Zo. People we care about cloud our judgement and it's hard to try not to take it personal. How were you supposed to know that in a past life Tom was a hit man and Hell I worked with Halstead for the last 6 years and never knew he was married and he dated Gabby," the detective said. 

"Just try to take a step back from the case and try not to let it get personal," Antonio said trying to reassure her. Severide nodded pouring herself and him a mug of coffee. "We gotta lead," Morgan said poking his head in the room causing the blonde agent and the dark-haired detective set their mugs on the counter and darted out of the room. 

"There are 3 potential locations we'll split up swat is meeting us at the locations," Hotch said as everyone darted down the stairs and outside. "Mind if I go with you?" Antonio asked keeping up with Morgan and Severide who were almost to her Ferarri. "Sure, get in," Morgan said As Antonio climbed in the backseat. Morgan took shotgun and Severide hopped in the driver's seat wasting no time before she sped off. "Throw on the undercover lights," Antonio said, "I don't have any- I installed them with Kelly. Red and Blue button." Antonio said as Morgan pushed the button and flashing lights switched on. 

"Thanks, Toni," Severeide said as they zoomed off towards the location Garcia sent, the agent could see Hotch and Reid in an SUV not far behind them. The blonde was pushing almost 80 through the city getting close to the location when she ran over a speed trap instantly popping her tires and sending her car into a spin before coming to a sudden stop. "Shit, everyone okay?" Severide asked after a moment looking around. "We hit a speed trap?" Antonio asked as the blonde looked up in time to see a massive truck heading straight towards them. 

Zoey instantly braced for impact as the vehicle slammed into them, sending her face into the steering wheel and knocking her out. She came to after a couple of seconds as a high-pitched ringing filled her ears, a blurry figure appeared beside her pulling her from the wreck at first she thought it was someone from the team until she was thrown into a dark enclosed space. That was the last blurry image she saw as everything went dark. 

Unknown Location 

Severide groaned as she started waking up to a massive headache, followed by a loud high-pitched ringing in her ears. The blonde agent groaned a little moving a bit but was instantly treated by pain shooting through her chest. Her blue eyes fluttered open as everything spun around her. Severide ignored the pain the best she could trying to focus as her vision started to clear and the ringing in her ears stopped. "Zoey? can you hear me?" a familiar voice said catching her attention. She turned to look in the direction to see Benny sitting on the floor against the wall tied up, worry and concern clear in his voice. 

"Yeah, what the hell happened? where are we?" she asked him pushing herself up only to have intense pain shoot through her ribs and chest. Severide hissed at the pain taking a sharp breath in. "Are you hurt? Zo stop moving" Benny said in a stern tone. Images of the car spinning out and the headlight flashed through her mind, "It was a trap, he set it up." Zoey said laying on the floor taking shallow breaths hoping the pain would subside. "I should have noticed you were missing sooner," she said looking at Benny who had a sad look across his face. "Don't worry about that now, what happened?" he asked again about her trying to assess her injuries as a typical firefighter would. 

"We were heading too well where we thought you'd be. We hit a speed trap and my car spun out, I managed to stop us from flipping but a truck came out of nowhere and plowed through us. Next thing I know I was yanked from the car and I can't remember anything after that," she said. "How long was I out?" she asked him trying to push herself up again ignoring the pain as she leaned against the wall to sit up. "Stop moving you could have a spinal injury," Benny told her again, "A spinal injury is the least of our problems right now," she replied as footsteps sounded and the door across the room opened to reveal Thomas who had a grin on his face. 

"So glad to see you're awake Zozo," he said walking over and crouching down in front of her. "LEAVE HER ALONE" Benny seethed from across the room causing him to just laugh. "You got one tough old man Zo, I see where you get it from," he said going to move hair from her face when she moved her face away. "What do you want Tom?" she asked looking at him cutting to the point. "You know.. my teams looking for me... by now," she said a bit out of breath as she looked at the man she dated for 3 years a man she knew absolutely nothing about. 

Within a slit second he sent a right hook to her ribs causing her to double over winded from the motion. "That's for leaving me," he said before sending another punch to the side. "LEAVE HER ALONE, HOW ABOUT YOU UNTIE ME AND YOU FIGHT SOMEONE YOUR OWN DAMN SIZE" Benny yelled angrily watching his daughter get knocked around. "That's for sending me to Stateville" Tom growled sending an even harder blow to her side again. 

Severide gasped for a breath as pain surged through her body making it hard for her to focus on breathing with each blow. "And that's for moving on," he seethed before his face softened looking at the blonde doubled over in pain. She coughed a bit tasting the familiar metallic taste of blood. "Why'd you do that Zozo? we could've had a beautiful life together, maybe started a family," Tom said his tone changing on a dime causing Benny to stare shocked by the behaviour shift. Zoey could tell he was horrified, Tom leaned forwards pressing his lips on hers. 

Without thinking she smashed her head into his head butting the man before spitting blood in his face. Tom wiped his face in disgust and backhanded the blonde so hard she fell over. 

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