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The cameras were set, two in each room to cover the blind spots. They had cameras in the other rooms in case the thief wandered. "Th-the cameras are set a-and ready." Alphys confirmed as she looked as all the screens. "N-next time they c-come, there w-will be no e-escape."
"Ah hell yeah! I can't wait to throw these suckers in jail for this!" Undyne pumped her fist in the air. "What if it's more complicated then that though?" Frisk asked. "What if they are homeless and that's why the steal our food?" Toriel pet her child's head. "Perhaps my child, but I do wish they would be less messy about it.." Gaster shook his head. "I guess we will see when the time comes."


The time came two weeks later. The taller was playing with the young while the older was enjoying being groomed by one of the pack while Alpha and Luna were out with the rest of the pack. The session was cut short when a few coyotes dared to dart to their remaining food reserves and take off with it. The older startled while his packmate chased after them along with the taller. The pups immediately ran to the older for comfort as he made a noise halfway between a sigh and a whine. He knew exactly what this meant. He and the taller would have to get back to work, going into the danger zone to get easy food for the little ones. The older pulled one of the little ones into his lap, washing dirt off its skull as it struggled to get away. The others quickly realized their own fate and tried to escape only to freeze in place as the older cast his blue magic on them. Not that he knew what it was, he only knew that he and the taller could do it. When the taller did get back, the left the pups to their packmates care and went off to hunt, locating their usual target quickly. It was just a bit of blue magic to unlock the window and the taller helped the older up and inside before pulling himself in. From there they searched the place, some foods being to tantalizing to not tear apart and eat. The older jumped onto the counter and knocked down anything eatible for the younger to catch before they both escaped from where they came.


Upon seeing that footage, everyone was shocked. "D-dr. Gaster, I- aren't y-you th-the l-last of y-your kind?" The doctor looked just as shocked and confused as the others. "I-I thought I was.." He stammered. "Those poor dears were filthy and obviously starving." Toriel murmured, soul breaking for the poor state the Skeletons were in. "So... what do we do now..? I mean, we can't arrest a couple of malnourished hobo Skeletons, right? That's not fair to them." Undyne grumbled, feeling bad for even thinking about getting them arrested. "Next time, we should catch them in the act. If we could talk to them and help them, this can stop." Gaster wanted nothing more than to meet and help his kin when they needed it. He refused to let this continue.

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