Words and Puzzles

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It was take two of trying to teach Sans how to use silverware, but he seemed to prefer using his hands. Everyone decided to stay home to help Gaster help the boys to their lifestyle, starting with Sans since he seemed further along in progress then Papyrus. That had ended with Gaster washing oatmeal off Sans hands though. Now it was lunch time and the meal this time seemed to be chili. Why were they being given such messy foods..? Gaster smacked Sans hand ways as he tried to grab a handful. "No. Do you remember this from earlier?" Gaster held up the silverware. "ssssspooooonn." Gaster gave an approving nod. "Now please use the spoon." He held it out to a confused Sans. Gingerly, Sans took the item and stared at it, then up at him. Gaster sighed. "U-uh, D-Dr. Gaster, P-Papyrus isn't eating.." Gaster sighed and turned, only to see Papyrus watching them closely. "What are you doing..?" Papyrus barked suddenly, the spoon clanked into the bowl as Sans jumped, having been caught by his younger brother. Sans gave Papyrus a wounded look. "... Dr. Alphys, could you put a spoon in Papyrus bowl?"


It was just a hypothesis, one that Gaster thought was unlikely, but if there was a chance, then perhaps Sans and Papyrus could help each other. Alphys set a spoon in Papyrus bowl only for the Skeleton to take it up as a toddler would and scoop some chili onto it. He then proceeded to bring it to his mouth and bite down on the spoon, making him flinch. He lessened the pressure and pulled the spoon out. Seeing that it was free of its contents, he became visibly excited as he chewed and swallowed. Then he repeated the process again and again until his bowl was empty. Gaster was astounded. Perhaps Papyrus was further  along than he thought? He turned to Sans who had been watching Papyrus with wide sockets. It seemed he didn't know Papyrus could do this either. "Could you all take Papyrus and see what else he can do? I need to watch Sans.." Gaster looked at the hesitant older Skeleton. Undyne shot up. "COME ON PUNK! LET'S GET YOU GOING ON THINGS!" Papyrus bounced around Undyne as they disappeared into the other room. "'s hhh-hhhaaap-hhhhaaaappeeeeee." Sans gestured to where his brother disappeared. "It seems so." Gaster replied. "sssso-sssssolllllv-sssssollllvved ssssspooooooonnn."


The Taller was quite happy indeed as he was given other items to figure out, like the little box with buttons that turned on the colorful images, or the switch that made rooms bright or dark, or even how to lift his legs on the couch and chairs. Each new discovery he figured out only fueled his excitement. He loved these puzzles and he could help the Older with them all! Papyrus tore around the living room once he got too excited. The Older and The Other, among more pack, poked in. The Other spoke to the Warrior, who had been giving the Taller the things to figure out. The Warrior snapped her fingers, gaining the Taller's attention. More things were said as she pointed to the box with buttons. He didn't know what was said, but he wandered over anyway and pressed the red button that he found out turned the colorful images on and off. It was loud from when he messed with the controls earlier and quickly moved to the side buttons that quieted the colorful pictures. That, he had to say was his favorite thing to figure out. He loved a challenge.

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