Sans and Papyrus

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The had a dream. The taller was still very little and was being held they their last caretaker, their mother. Sans was running ahead, the jacket that he was practically drowning in fluttered behind in as he ran. He'd looked behind him to see his mother and father and baby brother and tripped on a root. As most children his age did, he started to cry, and his father rushed over to check on him. "It's ok, Sans, you're ok. It's just a little dirt." His father brushed the dirt off his shorts and bones, his mother kissed it better. "Would holding Papyrus make you feel better?" Sans nodded, holding his arms out to his infant brother. That's when Sans woke up. He had to tell Gaster. So he woke his brother up, Papyrus, he now knew his name was and opened the door to the outside world. Of course, Papyrus got excited at the prospect of exploring more of the place, he rushed downstairs and slammed into the wall, only to shake off and keep running. Sans followed his brother down, watching as Papyrus took Gaster down and the Skeleton struggled beneath him. When Gaster finally managed, he turned to Sans. "What are you doing?" He asked in exasperation. Sans pointed to himself. "s-ssssssaaaanssss." Then to Papyrus. "paaaa- paaaapy-russsss."


That's what lead them to now, with everyone looking at him in silence. Sans inwardly flinched at the raspy, gravelly sound his voice made. He was fairly certain it wasn't supposed to sound like that. "Those are... your names?" Gaster asked slowly, trying to get over his shock. Sans nodded after a moment. Yes, that's what it was called. A name. "Sans." He pointed to Sans. "And Papyrus." Sans nodded again as Papyrus turned to him with his head tilted. "W-wow, I must say... you are recalling a lot faster than I expected. You must have a pretty good memory, Sans. Or your highly intelligent." Sans didn't understand most of that, but he heard his name in that sentence so he assumed that Gaster understood. Sans looked at the food around him. What was the word for that again..? He closed his eyes in thought. "Sans?" Gaster called, voice laced with worry at Sans scrunched up face. "hhaaa... huuu- huuuj- huuun" Stars, what was the word? "huuun-jee? huuun..." Frisk perked. "Hungry?" They offered. Sans nodded vigorously.


The taller was... confused. There was a change happening with the older that he didn't understand. He was acting more like the others than he was himself. How did he do that? Why? Could the taller do it too? How? A bowl of food was placed on the floor for the taller, who gratefully accepted the meal. He yawned as he padded over, not used to being awake in the bright hours of the day. Maybe if the taller started copying the older, he could understand more? He wanted to be apart of this stange world too. The taller licked the bowl clean of its contents and watched his kin. He was sitting down, using his forepaw to grab the sticky, warm meal and put it in his mouth. The other was trying to get him to use a strange rounded object. It looked to the taller like it could do what Sans forepaw was doing, like some sort of scoop. The taller should have waited to eat, then maybe he would have been able to show the older. Perhaps something else would come up that the taller could figure out. He liked this game.

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