On Guard

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As the days continued, the boys continued to find the windows more and more amusing, which had everyone but Gaster worried. Gaster knew they weren't going to run, but it did make him curious about their sudden obsession. "Sans." The eldest turned his head from the window to look at his father figure. Gaster lifted the jacket from its spot on his desk, revealing that it was finally mended. Sans sockets and smile widened as he reached for it. Gaster gladly handed it over, watching Sans eagerly slip it on. It still bagged on his small frame, but his happiness was worth it. "thank you... i missed it.." Gaster smiled at Sans, rubbing his skull in an affectionate manner. "Of course, anything for my boys." Sans eyelights glowed brighter as he started making an animalistic purr like noise. One that Gaster almost found familiar, but he couldn't place his phalange on it. "Well, we don't want to be late to dinner. Come on." Sans trailed behind Gaster, taking one last look at the window as he thought he saw movement yet again. They seemed to be getting restless out there.


Throughout dinner Sans and Papyrus, who'd long since joined everyone else at the table, kept glancing at the closest window. Gaster sighed. "Boys?" Both their attentions went to him. "What is out there that has your attention? What is bothering you?" Sans matched Gaster's even stare with a fierce one. "they are here. want us back." Gaster paused, piecing together Sans meaning. "They being..."
"PACK." Papyrus confirmed. "alpha and luna come soon. we tell them no. they leave us alone." Sans gaze went back to the window. "Alpha and Luna? They are the pack leaders?" Sans nodded. "And you've been watching this pack all week?" Undyne asked. Papyrus nodded. WATCH THEM WATCH US." Alphys shivered. "W-will they h-hurt us...?" Sans and Papyrus both growled at that, making Alphys and Frisk flinch. "Words please." Gaster reminded them. "We don't understand growl." Sans ducked away, giving an apologetic smile. "not gonna hurt you, not if they don't wanna be hurt back." Papyrus growled again, as if to emphasize Sans point. "You both have fought them before?" Gaster asked worriedly, making both boys nod. "fight for dominance, respect. normal with pack." Sans waved it off. "I'm still worried for both of you. Please don't fight unless absolutely necessary." They both nodded.


The likes of Toriel, Frisk, and Alphys were nervous to go outside now. Not without one of the Skeleton brothers, Undyne, Asgore, or Gaster. Nobody blamed them, it was nerve-wracking to know that there was something in the woods watching that didn't want to be seen themselves. 'The Pack' could come out at any time to do damage or cause harm. The house had more or less went on lockdown until this Alpha and Luna came to take the boys. "What will happen when they do come?" Sans huffed quietly. "they are bold. strong. will come and make themselves known. will do what it takes to find us." Sans paused, thinking on his plan of action. "can't let that happen. we meet them outside. refuse submission, refuse to go back. they should leave. might fight first. not sure about that part." Sans shrugged to which Gaster frowned disapprovingly at. "What did I say about fighting?" Sans met his eyelights again. "necessary to keep this pack safe." He argued. "I think the term your looking for is family. Still, what if you lose the battle? I'm not losing you boys..." Sans shook his head. "not gonna happen. to much to lose." Sans affirmed quietly.

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