Feral Skeletons

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"What's going on-" Toriel cut herself off upon seeing the struggling small Skeleton beneath Asgore's weight. "He's got a strong bite for his height.." Asgore said as he looked over the stinging bite. The older had even managed to draw blood despite Asgore's thick fur. "No kidding! This guy bit me twice! I think he was trying to go for the throat.." Dr. Gaster walked in with first aid for both parties, drawing a growl from both Skeletons. It made him freeze, but only for a moment. He applied blue magic to the older so that Asgore and Undyne could get a safe distance from them and heal up. The scientist approached the older first, stopping about five feet away before crouching down to examine him. The older growled again, jaws twisted into a feral snarl. Gaster wanted to get closer. From this distance it looked like he had old puncture wounds from some sort of animal, cracks and chips littered his body, as far as he could tell. "Can you understand me?" Communication was one sided, the Skeleton didn't respond and even seemed confused. He examined and tried to communicate with the second, but yielded the same results. "These Skeletons aren't just homeless... they are completely feral." Gaster concluded.


Alphys brought a hand to her muzzle, with Toriel in much the same state of shock. Undyne and Asgore kinda figured that out in their little skirmish and Frisk, well they didn't know what to think. "Wait, feral as in raised by wild animals? That feral? I thought those were just in stories?" Dr. Gaster sighed in disappointment. "I'm afraid not. It is rare, but very real." He looked to his kin with a saddened stare. His kin had needed his assistance and where had he been at the time? Was he already trapped Underground, or were these Skeletons as old as he was, having been living in the wilderness for hundreds of years? Could he ever bring them back into society? Or would they remain like this for the rest of their lives? "W-what do we do..? We can't just... release them!" Toriel fretted. Gaster had to agree. "I want to try and determine their ages before they were adopted into whatever sort of animal colony it was.. That will help in determining their futures." The older glanced at his kin before returning his gaze to Gaster. He had a bad feeling about this.


It was no struggle for Gaster to get them upstairs and into the bathroom. No, the struggle was trying to get them out of their dirty and torn garments and into the bath. He had to use his magic hands so he wouldn't get bit. While that was going on, he tried to use their clothes to determine a age range. The clothes looked more modern. The smaller was definitely the older of the two, a blue jacket (probably the most in tact thing), a tattered pair of black basketball shorts, and a shredded white shirt. They were clothes for a child the age of five to seven, which meant if he was exposed long enough, he could probably remember speech and culture. The taller on the other hand, wasn't so lucky, wearing a too small tattered white shirt, too small blue undergarments, and that red scarf that he seemed highly defensive over. They were definitely clothes for a young toddler between the ages of two to four. He had a low possibility of recalling any of his former life, unlike the older. They seemed to have calmed down at this point, now that they were out of the tub. They were dripping wet and out of fight. They ended up pressing close, curling up in a pile of their old clothes. Gaster sighed. "Perhaps... we can make this work."

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