That First Night

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Gaster found out that they were more nocturnal when he woke up to a crash at 11 in the evening. Gaster had went to bed around 8, he'd left the door open to explore the room while he slept, but now he sat bolt upright with his magic activated as he stared at the taller of the two. A blue light could be seen from down the hall, the older probably got startled too. Gaster grumbled quietly as he absent-mindedly flicked on the light switch, making the older flinch back into the darkness of the bathroom. The taller had knocked over one of Gaster's bookshelves, trying to get a rubber bounce ball that Gaster had used for some test or another. Both boys jumped at the knock on Gaster's door. "Is everything alright in there?" Toriel asked in worry. "We are fine, one of the boys knocked down a shelf is all, nobody is harmed." There was a sigh from the other side. "Alright, Doctor, please do be careful." Gaster grunted as he picked up the shelf. "Of course, good night, Toriel." He looked at the taller, who looked as if he was about to get in trouble, and smiled at him. "It's fine, young one." He reassured.


It was not even an hour later when Gaster was being pulled on. "Mm, what..?" He looked over to see the older of the two this time, pulling frantically at his sleeve. "What...?" He said more out of confusion this time. The light was flicked on once more as the older literally dragged him out of his bed by his sleeve and toward the bathroom. It seemed he knew how to walk on his feet Gaster noticed as the rain fell quietly outside. Soon he rounded the corner into the bathroom and flicked the light on to see the taller licking his foot, the delicate bones cracked and broken. It seemed he'd taken damage after all. The older got back down on all fours, seemingly trying to comfort the younger while Gaster assessed the damage. "I'm sorry, I should have checked you earlier.." Both boys watched (one curious, the other weary) as Gaster allowed a green glow to amit from his hands and onto the taller's foot. The taller tried to flinch away from the foreign magic, but the older pinned his foot down, requesting trust to (what Gaster assumed to be) his brother.


It was 2 am when something stepped on Gaster, waking him in an instant. It was the younger, who seemed to be afraid of the storm that now raged outside and was seeking Gaster's comfort. The older simply watched on from in front of the window as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Gaster found their opposing personalities intriguing as the older was most definitely like the storm outside while the taller was more like the gentle rain from earlier. Gaster patted the spot beside him as the younger joined him on the bed and pressed close. He fell asleep rather quickly beside Gaster, the scientist wasn't too far behind him. The older turned from the raging storm to the peacefully sleeping Skeletons. The other has been breezing through his tests with ease, readily caring for them as their pack had done after their parents were hunted by the humans. The older loved his pack, he'd never forget what they'd done for him and his brother, but now he was conflicted because this was the world they were supposed to be part of, the other could easily become their new dad... should he trust the other or return to the pack? He simply wasn't sure.

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