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Gaster had been working on mending the scarf and jacket, but now that BOTH the boys were learning how to be civil monsters, he was finding it harder to find the time. For one, they were going from being nocturnal to being diurnal. The transition wasn't easy on them, they still took quite a few naps during the day, especially Sans, but it was happening none the less. As Gaster had hoped, Papyrus was really teaching Sans well and Sans was getting there with Papyrus. The younger brother was at least getting his vowels. Gaster had to say that he was very loud compared to his brother. Didn't seem to understand the concept of an inside voice. Gaster didn't really expect either of them to, though. Sans voice seemed to be naturally quiet. Toriel was starting to enjoy their company. She was down stairs coloring with them right now while Gaster patched the scarf. There was a knock at the door and Gaster sighed, putting down the scarf. "Come in." Something else Papyrus picked up on despite hanging out with Undyne the most out of everyone? Manners. Papyrus poked his head in with a happy grin before tottering over on his still unbalanced two legs and plopped down beside him. He seemed content to sit there and watch.


It went like this a lot. They would take turns checking on Gaster. After Papyrus had left, Sans had come in. After Sans had left, Papyrus would come in. It seemed he was the most favored. "scarf." Sans said as he watched. "fix the scarf."
"That is what I am doing, yes." Gaster replied. "I'm fixing your brother's scarf." Sans eyes lowered. "... brother's scarf.." Gaster hummed in reply. Sans blinked, shook his head and went back downstairs. Gaster liked having the boys around. They gave him a joy he hadn't felt in a long time. He couldn't imagine his life before the boys broke in. A knock. "Come in, Papyrus, this is your room too." Gaster said without looking up. "DA... DA-DY!" Gaster's sockets widened as the cloth fell from his hands, his head snapping over to stare at Papyrus in bewilderment only to get a face full of paper. Gaster took it in his hands, staring at a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people. Gaster felt his soul warm as he looked at a clearly expectant Papyrus. Gaster found himself hugging the boy. "Thank you Papyrus, I love it."


Eventually Papyrus and Gaster had went downstairs for dinner, Papyrus picture had found a nice home on Gaster's wall. Gaster stared at the others throughout dinner, wondering who taught Papyrus what a dad even was. Not that he was mad or anything, quite the opposite in fact. All he got in return though were pokerfaces. Were they all in on it? Perhaps he would never know. He glanced at Sans, who seemed to be trying to follow the conversation going on between Toriel and Frisk. Gaster wondered if Sans felt the same as Papyrus.


Gaster woke up in the night. He wasn't sure why, but he felt that he was needed for something important. Papyrus was pressed firmly to his right side, sound asleep. Sans... was not. "Sans..?" Gaster slipped off the bed, looking at his clock. It was nearly 2am. "Sans?" Gaster didn't have to go far, Sans was at his desk, staring blankly at the scarf. "Sans? Are you alright?" Sans closed his sockets. "... mommy's scarf... daddy's jacket.." Oh. It must've been a memory, and likely not a favorable one. "Did something... bad happen?" Sans nodded, turning to Gaster with sockets brimming with tears. "red water, white dust." Gaster sighed. A vague description, but red water could mean blood and Gaster knew what white dust meant. Sans most likely witnessed a skirmish between his parents and humans. One where nobody came out on top. Not to long after that the animals took the boys in. "Come here Sans.." Gaster held onto Sans as he released long since suppressed emotion. They sat there for a good hour before Sans leaned into Gaster in exhaustion. "... will you... be our..... daddy..?" Sans mumbled as Gaster carried him to the bed. "... Yes, of course."

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