authors note

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I don't really know how to make author notes but I guess I have to start with the obvious, THIS IS FICTIONAL! I don't know any of the drivers personally, and everything in this book onwards is completely FICTIONAL. There will obviously be drama, I'll try not to make too much drama but I can't promise that. As there will be drama, this will be again FICTIONAL ARGUMENTS, I'm not here to say these have happened, and stuff because I don't want to make any of these drivers that I love (a fair few) look like a bunch of wankers (iykyk). 

There will be a few driverxdriver partnerships ahead as well so if you are a bit iffy about that kinda thing then you are about to head into the wrong book amigo. These relationships will contain Carlando, Maxiel, Piarles and Alex x George. As I will be writing these relationships that are FICTIONAL for the purpose of this story and with respect to the drivers there will be 0 highly intense smut content, there will however be brief mentions and digs at sexual references. NO SMUT ONWARDS! There will be lots of cuddles, hugs, kisses and extremely cute moments because why not? There will also be drama, and arguments, (maybe a fight or two, maybe more). 

As the name of the book title, all the drivers will be living in a house together, which I'm going to struggle writing because I'll definitely forget something or someone. I'll probably get halfway through a chapter and something will be different because of my crappy memory aha. Also, there will be race weekends, which obviously means that I have taken the stats from their races so far and onwards their standings and stats (or if your Lando 'data') in this 2022 ongoing season, which means there will be a bit of the obvious practise sessions, qualifying and the race and post-race etc. 

Okay, I think that is all I need to say sooo, good luck going forwards with this book. Ah, also yes I am English but even though I am English, my style of writing is crap, I also haven't completed a story like ever so bare with me if my updates are crappy, if spelling and grammar are bad. (THERE WILL BE SWEARING IN THIS BOOK AS WELL)

ANYWAYS, that's all I have to say, thanks for reading this all the way through if you did, the dedication is impeccable, all the love to you whoever is reading this, have fun and tag along for this long weird crazy ride. OKAY, LET'S GO.

L xoxo 

(p.s: my name is Lauren, but I go by Lorenzo because I'm non-binary anyways not important, see you in chapter 1, adios amigos)

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