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A.N: So, before we start this part I just noticed something. WE HAVE REACHED 1K READS! Like what? This has never happened to me before, so to everyone reading this story I love you all so so much. This story was just me being bored and wanting to entertain myself but now 9 chapters in it's blown up, so thank you, guys, so much, I'm so proud. I might eventually do a chapter that's related to the drivers checking out fanfics or something sooo if that's something you would like to read then continue reading, I guess. Anyways recap time to the last chapter...


CCC, The Covert Conference Club. We see Charles (the leader sort of), Lando, George, Alex, Pierre and Carlos. They started talking about secrets, we found out from Carlos that he and Max got into an argument because of Daniel and Lando, to which Max and Carlos thought someone in the house was trying to cause problems between people, however, his initial secret was that he has noticed Max been more reserved and something might be happening between Max and Daniel or surrounding them. George shared that he had a personal secret like Carlos but they weren't sharing it so he went for the second option of telling the group Sewis is real and it was confirmed to him when he was opening up about his feelings towards one driver in particular. Then we have Charles being cheeky and he asked Alex what he thought about George liking someone. Alex revealed that he heard Esteban and Mick acting like a couple but Lance came along and interrupted. Before any more secrets could be revealed however there was a noise upstairs and Lando lashed out at Carlos and Pierre asking them if they'd told anyone about the meeting, to which Carlos studied his muppet friend and flat-out asked him why he was being sketchy, to which Lando panicked and rushed upstairs to Daniels room. Lando rushed out an apology to his teammate in tears and the Aussie called Max in as a backup to help calm his friend down. Lando revealed that he knew them both were in trouble and was a spy for the person but Daniel and Max forgave him and came up with a plan to trick the trickster and Lando became the double spy. Lando, Max and Daniel are joining forces to find out who the snake is together. Lando asked them to join the CCC. 


"So, all three of us have received either a note or a phone call from this person, right?"

Max raised the question the other two drivers were thinking.

"I didn't receive a note, I just called them and prayed that they answered which they did. I called them at around 4 am which means if it's someone on the grid, they had to be awake early." 

Lando looked at his teammate and bit his lip in thought,

"Wait a minute, if it's someone on the grid then if they're using their phone then how about when everyone is together I use the excuse of going to the toilet and I call the number that rung us and you two look to see whose phone rings at that moment. Whoever phone rings we should move them onto our suspect list."

The other two look at the young Brit and smile,

"That is probably the smartest thing you have ever suggested Lando, however, there is one problem, what if nobody's phone rings?"

Lando frowned and sighed,

"I didn't think of that. I guess that means that they have a backup phone that's used to contact us and such."

Lando looked at his friends and smiled thinking,

"What are you smiling for?"

Max looked at the door and thought deeply, shutting out the conversation the other two were having.

"Maxie, what's happening in that brain of yours?"

Max turned back to the two staring at him,

"Lando, does anyone in the CCC know about this?"

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