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The sky was turning grey/black by the time Lando pulled up to the big gates leading to the new home that he will be sharing with every driver. The young Brit was humming along to his playlist when he pulled into the big looped-around driveway and saw it was packed with cars, he stopped his vehicle and bit his lip nervously. Heavily sighing he unbuckled his seat belt and hopped out of the car grabbing his suitcase from the back, looking up at the house anxiously, the lights all on apart from one. He nodded, walked the pathway up to the front door, and knocked using the big knocker. The door opened to reveal his old teammate standing there, 

"Ah, Lando! Lando is here!"

Lando felt himself breathe a sigh of relief and walked over the door frame and into the house with a shocked look,

"Hola Carlos, yes the drive was good."

The Brit turned around to look at the Spaniard and shook his head smirking,

"Hola Carlitos. Thank you for opening the door."

The older just laughed and ran his hand through the curly locks of his old friend and walked away before catching the blush covering Lando's cheeks. Lando shook his head and walked upstairs to a bedroom. 


A few hours later, and everyone unpacked, the 20 drivers sat around the kitchen counter eating their food and making small talk.

"So, as we are all living together we should make some house rules. We will have cleaning sessions if not weekly then whenever there's time. Cooking should be done per team, so, for example, George and I will cook together one week and so on the next."

Lewis spoke looking over the drivers.

"The main rules are as follows, no matter what happens on the track, all angry air gets left outside this house, if any driver hurts another driver then there will be problems. Is that good with you guys?"

There was a mix of hums, nods and a chorus of 'yeah'. There was one that wasn't heard, everyone turned their heads to Max who was just staring straight ahead deep in thought.

"Max? Earth to Max?"

The dutch man frowned, noticing the hand wafting in front of his face and saw Daniel looking at him worried,

"Everything okay Maxy?"

He nodded and looked at his plate of food going back into his thoughts.

"Right, anyway. Welcome home and here's to another year of racing!"

There were some cheers and Daniel looked towards where Max was but he wasn't there anymore, he caught sight of the Red Bull driver leaving the room quietly.


As night fell most of the drivers had gone up to bed but some were sat downstairs in the gaming room, squeezed together on the couch. Carlos sat with a sleepy Lando curled up against his shoulder, his light snores and curls tickling the Spaniard's neck. Alex and George sat on a beanbag together scrolling through their phones, laughing occasionally at the odd meme. Charles sat on the other side of his teammate, controller in his hand as he was loading the FIFA game up for him to play with Carlos.

"What team are you picking mate?"

Pierre, that was sitting with his legs crossing the Monegasques leg, looked up from his phone,

"I think you two should do national teams. Change it up a bit."

Carlos hummed which made the young Brit move closer to him mumbling.

"Sure. I'll be Spain then. Come on Charles."

Charles nodded looking down and handed the controller to Pierre,

"You play for me, I'm actually going to nap."

Pierre looked up again confused,

"Oh. Okay, Charlie."

The young driver blushed and quickly ran from the room, sliding along the floor before rushing upstairs and closing the door, the rest of the boys looked at Pierre confused.

"What was that about?"

Pierre looked around even more confused than the others.

"I actually have no clue."

He shrugged and picked France. After 3 consecutive games, Carlos had won 2, and Pierre won 1. Alex and George have stopped laughing at memes and had both fallen asleep holding onto each other. Pierre sighed and got up,

"I suppose I'd best go see if Charles is okay. Goodnight Carlos."

The Ferrari driver nodded, before turning his attention to his Muppet friend, running his hand nonchalantly through his hair. 'So obvious' Pierre thought as he walked out of the room heading up the stairs to his best friend's room.


A.N: Andddd, here is where I stop this chapter, it's so confusing already.  a lot is happening, I don't know if this is up to a good standard but I'm not a professional storyteller so bare with me, it sucks. but boy oh boy. Lando blushes, cuddling and sleeping on Carlos, Carlos playing with Lando's hair. Also Alex and George just casually sleeping on a small beanbag chair. Charles randomly ran off upstairs after Pierre spoke. Max zones out and Daniel is worried. Honestly, if you ask me what the hell has just happened in this chapter, I'd have no clue other than a lot of semi-cute things. hope you enjoyed it, I don't know when the next part will be but I will include the Pierre and Charles conversation, some more maxiel, and maybe our first sign of tension. ahhhhhh. 

UPDATED: 11/20/23

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