8: The CCC

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a.n: Hi, so last part I asked for a different name for the 'secret sessions' that Charles, Lando, Alex, George, Pierre and Carlos started, and one person came up with such a good name so it's changing from 'secret sessions' to The CCC (Covert Conference Club). Sooo there we go, shall we do a recap or am I capable of remembering what happened? Meh, recap time because I am stupid. I also promise we will get Lando redemption.


Lando Lando Lando, what did he do you ask? Innocent Lando is an inform/spy for the mysterious person or persons that are threatening Max and Daniel because they are blackmailing him because they know that he likes Carlos, (shocker), he got tasked to cause drama (gasp) between Carlos and Daniel which then brought a spat between Carlos and Max, which got our super parents Sewis to step in and calm the situation down. They tried blaming Charles the poor guy was just an innocent bystander who always has Pierre on his brain (but don't we all). Everyone made up and we joined them later on at night and this club that contained the Twitch quartet (Charles, Lando, Alex and George), Lando invited Pierre and Carlos along, and we finished it off as soon as the meeting was about to start so let's begin this next one, shall we?

Part 8:

"Let's begin this meeting."

Charles announced, looking at his friends,

"Before we start, George as you are disgusted by the name how about we discuss name changes for the group? Does anyone want to put forth any ideas?"

Pierre grabbed Charles' hand under the table and smiled thinking,

"How about the Secret Society?"

Carlos looked across at George raising a brow and chuckled,

"That sounds the same as Secret Sessions, I have one but I don't know if I'm allowed to put forward a name yet."

Charles nodded at his teammate letting him go ahead,

"How about we call it the Covert Conference Club? CCC for short?"

The group nodded eagerly and Charles hummed thinking,

"That is a good idea mate, very easy to remember, and sounds official. I like it, we are now the Covert Conference Club or if you're lazy The CCC."

The group nodded and lightly tapped the table but quickly fell silent as Charles cleared his throat.

"Right then, now to the juicier things. If you have any from the other drivers, the in-club secrets or out-club secrets."

Carlos looked at Charles and Pierre and sighed running a hand through his hair.

"I have one but it's too personal for one of these things I can share a different one, only if it's okay between you both?"

Pierre flushed and tightened his hold on Charles' hand but the Monegasque nodded,

"Sure, whatever gets said in the club stays in the club."

Carlos nodded and sighed,

"So it's about today and what happened. Max and I got into an argument because of Daniel and Lando being close, and we both decided that there is someone in this house trying to cause problems, which brings me to the secret, I've noticed that Max has been acting more to himself than usual, more reserved. Daniel and I spoke about it but then everything went quiet so there might be something going on there between them or surrounding them."

The others nodded but Lando just looked directly at Carlos raising a brow.

"Okay, so we all should take a deeper look at that. Thanks, Carlos, who is next?"

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