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TW: There will be a part in this chapter that does contain Lando having a somewhat panic attack or anxiety attack so if you're uncomfortable reading those then, I don't actually know what you can do other than go to the next chapter because it's the last paragraph in this chapter. I don't know how to write a panic attack properly because even though I have them myself, it's hard to write it in words so bear with it okay? 


Pierre walked up the stairs, thinking through all the possible reasons Charles ran from the room with the excuse of wanting a nap.

'Maybe he just wants a nap, Pierre, stop overthinking it.'

But he knew that wasn't the case, deep down he knew something was wrong with the Monegasque driver. Pierre found himself standing outside a door, Charles' door, before he could knock he heard a bang coming from inside the room and a string of curse words, some in English and a few in French. Pierre frowned and raised his hand to knock when he heard a chuckle behind him, startled he turned around to Esteban leaning against the wall,

"Trouble in paradise?"

Pierre rolled his eyes and knocked on the door, ignoring his old friend's comment,

"Who is it?"

A little voice broke out from the other side of the door,

"It's Pierre Charlie, let me in."

The door immediately opened and Charles grabbed Pierre by the shirt dragging him into the room and slammed the door behind them.


Pierre gasped at the Monegasque, Charles' eyes were red-rimmed, tears stained his cheeks, and his voice sounded rough like he's been in a screaming match.

"Oh Charlie, my poor Charlie."

The Frenchman wrapped his arms around his best friend, holding him close.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so stupid."

Pierre frowned looking at the room and how everything was tipped upside down, clothes were strewn around the room.

"Charlie, talk to me. What's wrong Mon coeur."

Charles sniffled and let go of Pierre, looking up into his blue eyes,

"I don't know, Pi. Something is wrong with me Pierre, I can't tell you."

Pierre frowned deeper, looking at the struggle going on behind the eyes of his friend,

"I'm always going to be here Charles, always."

Charles nodded and sighed. 


The same thing was happening a few rooms down, Max was sitting on his balcony, phone in hand staring at the view deep in thought again. Daniel being worried since dinner had been spamming the Dutchman's phone with funny things trying to cheer him up, but nothing was working. The Australian had given up with the memes and had walked downstairs, he peaked into the gaming room to see his young teammate clinging onto Carlos. He sighed and stepped into the room,

"Hey Carlos, is he asleep?"

Carlos jumped at the unexpected voice and Lando groaned accidentally elbowing him.

"Hola Daniel, he's been asleep for ages."

The Australian looked at the two drivers in front of him and smiled softly,

"You know, he really misses you. It's always Carlos this, Carlos that. It did get on my nerves at one point until I realised the obvious."

He looked at the Spaniard with a smirk but Carlos didn't notice, his main focus was on the young Brit next to him,

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