10: Bahrain Testing

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A.N: Little time skip, be prepared for 3 chapters of confusion and fast-paced writing because it'll be the Bahrain testing, Bahrain and Saudi weekends. If you remember the Barcelona one that I did that whole chapter was weird so to write the following few chapters I am referring back to that one for my memory of how to write these following 3 parts. also for these chapters, bear with me because as you can tell it has been months since the start of the season so I'm going by what the lap-by-lap things say on the f1 app because I can't remember much. anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter, if you have any advice on how I can change the way I write these chapters or in general please comment and tell me because I love to see when people interact and comment because it feels like I'm having a discussion over the story like from an outsiders perspective, anyway that's enough ranting from me, let's get into the chapter (I won't do a recap because well  its a time skip and yaa)

10: Bahrain Testing 10-12 March 2022

Pierre woke up on the plane with a start, he had a really bad feeling in his stomach and looked around at the seats filled with his friends. His ocean-blue eyes stopped on the Monegasque sleeping in front of him, his glasses crooked on his face and the Frenchman found himself smiling at the sight,

"You are being a real creep mate."

A heavy Spanish accent spoke up from next to him, he moved his eyes from Charles to the brown eyes of Carlos,

"Oh shut up, it's not like you don't do the same thing with Lando."

Pierre smirked at the blush that covered the Spaniard's cheeks,

"I have no idea what you mean."

Pierre just sighed and pointed his head to the empty seat next to him,

"Sit down, I think we should talk."

Carlos looked back at his seat next to a sleeping Lando and sighed sitting next to the AlphaTauri driver,

"I'm sitting, so talk."

Pierre looked at Charles and hummed,

"Look, Carlos. Lando is my friend, okay, and he is really sensitive. His feelings are so valuable, please don't do anything foolish."

Carlos looked at the Frenchman in front of him with a frown,

"I'm not going to hurt him if that's what you mean. I care about him more than anything, I'd give up racing if it meant keeping him safe."

Pierre nodded and glanced over at Charles,

"So would I mate, this world is tough but we must do what we have to do to look after our loved ones."

Carlos hummed and looked at his teammate sleeping across from the two men and sighed, 

"How did you two do it? You know, become what you are?"

Pierre raised a brow and looked at the man sitting next to him,

"Well you and Max sort of helped us out, I just confessed my feelings to him as did he with me and that night we spent it talking about what we should do, and that led us to decide to be together but not make it official to the other drivers yet. Carlos, if this is about your feelings towards Lando, I think it's best if you talk to him about it."

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