6: Pre-Season Testing Barcelona

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AN: Before we begin this chapter I still want to apologise for the last chapter. I know I made Carlos out to be a horrible sus person and I want to apologise for that ahhh, but I swear it's for story purposes only, he is one of the softest souls on the planet and should be protected at all costs. Now that I've apologised let's do a previous thing again, shall we? Recap what happened because I need it.


We did a massive time skip, Lando got a little golden retriever puppy called Simba for Christmas as a gift from all the boys, so sweet. Daniel teased Lando for wearing Carlos' Ferrari hoodie. We get to Spain. Carlos and Charles picked Lando up from the airport an hour later than everyone else. Daniel and Max ask to share a room because they don't feel safe and the teams know. Lando overheard that conversation but before he could hear anymore Pierre yelled to Charles asking where Lando was making Max and Daniel turn to him, Lando was still wearing the Ferrari hoodie from before and he ran off to get to his hotel room, Carlos was giving an icy cold look at Daniel that gave Max shivers. Charles and Pierre entered the elevator and were shortly joined by Esteban, Charles then started having a moment making Pierre get worried but also cautious. They get him to Pierre's room and lay him down to which Pierre asks Esteban why he helped and we get a soft moment between the two Frenchies. In the morning Lando is woken up by Carlos because Daniel told him to wake him up. On the way to the track, Lando car-pooled with Carlos and Charles, Charles looked different so Lando asked and Carlos snapped at him to mind his own business, Lando called Max in a panic telling him that he and Charles needed help, Max led the two to his driver's room and calmed them down and called Christian to talk about safety precautions. 


Charles grabbed his phone messaging Pierre apologising about the morning they had and for Carlos' actions before he bumped into someone,


The Monegasque driver looked up from his phone to the face of his teammate and he felt his muscles tense up,

"Oh, umm, Carlos."

The Spaniard looked him up and down and sighed shaking his head and walked away to his driver's room slamming the door behind him, Charles felt his heartbeat slow down again, and he quickly typed a message to Max saying he just bumped into Carlos and that everything was okay. He sighed entered the Ferrari garage and looked around taking in his surroundings, he grabbed his phone and saw that the Frenchman sent a selfie of him that had the caption "Good luck", he chuckled and saved the picture on his phone, he'd change it to his lock screen eventually. He put on his crash helmet and climbed into the car humming to himself when a voice came through,

"Okay Charles, I've heard you have had an eventful morning with some issues but focus on getting a good time on the board." 

Charles sighed and rolled his eyes thinking about the morning he had, but as he pulled his visor down all thoughts like that disappeared and his mind went to the car and the track.

"Charles, Norris and Russell are the cars on track joining you."


Lando sighed as he pulled his car out to the pit lane ahead of the Mercedes and the Ferrari. He couldn't get the actions of the morning out of his head no matter how hard he could,

"Lando, focus on the session, please." 

Lando hummed in reply, not in the mood to talk. The pit lane light went green and he whipped his car onto the circuit. As he went round the corners all that he could hear in his mind was the sound of Carlos' voice yelling at him, his hands clutched the wheel more tightly,

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