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AN: so these parts have all been a build-up and introduction to the characters and an idea of the 'relationships' they build throughout the story. I know I'm focusing on like a selection of drivers, but I don't know how to write the others. I could make stuff up but I don't like doing that and shoving a characteristic on someone HOWEVER you'll argue with saying I'm doing exactly that but with Esteban. Don't worry, you'll understand why eventually okay? Also I just randomly thought interaction would be good, so you know how there's a comments section area thing lmao, well I was thinking can you guys tell who my favourite driver is from my writing? I would love to hear who you lot think it is. Anyways enjoy whatever this chapter is. It continues straight from the last chapter, here's a reminder of what happened.


PREVIOUSLY... (but make it confusing as hell)

George has a crush on Alex, but Does Alex know? George talked to Lewis about it and found out that Sewis is real, Seb and Lewis are together, but they revealed that George is very obvious with how he feels about Alex, but he doesn't want to risk their careers and have people hate them, Alex more than him. We then went outside where we came across Pierre sitting on the side of the pool, Max walked out to apologise and they talked about Daniel picking up the weird phone call but how Max hadn't seen Daniel all day, he felt avoided. Pierre used his bright mind and was like,

"Max, Daniel isn't avoiding you, he's probably thinking about what to say, I do it with Charles." 

Then Max dropped the

"Charles likes you"

and poor Pierre was in denial, saying no he doesn't. We cut scenes to the kitchen where we found Esteban and Charles, Charles got jealous and made Pierre jealous by using Estie Bestie which turned out to be stupid because Pierre stormed off into the house with Max following him. Then we cut scenes again to Carlos just waking up after spending the night sleeping in the same bed as Lando and Carlos heard what happened, Pierre locked himself in the bathroom crying, begging to be left alone whilst Max said Charles is stupid. Carlos being the smooth operator he is went to talk to Charles who was just worried about Pierre and we got the confirmation of Charles liking Pierre as more than a friend, but he's scared he'll lose him if he ever finds out. THEN we got Charles asking Carlos about Lando and saying it's obvious which is what Daniel said. Charles and Max had a little heated conversation in front of the bathroom, Max called Charles the biggest prick, and Charles threatened to punch Max, revealed he liked Pierre again, said Esteban angered him and he said sorry and he loves Pierre ah. Then we had Max asking Charles if he had seen Daniel. AND we finished with Max saying he was going on a run...


As day turned to night Max had yet to see Daniel, he went around asking all the drivers but no one had seen him so the young Dutch driver was worried about his friend. He had been getting calls like the one that his friend had picked up all the time recently, he wished he was more careful, he didn't want anyone getting involved or worse, getting hurt. Now the person under threat was Daniel and Max was kicking himself. Making up his mind he went downstairs in his jacket and shoes and entered the living room spotting Lando and Carlos talking about something quietly, Max cleared his throat making the two jump,

"I'm going out. If anyone asks where I've gone, neither of you know and if you see Dan call me straight away."

Lando nodded straight away but Carlos was frowning deeply, he looked wary of Max, but sighed and nodded,


Max nodded and walked out of the house, he looked at the cars on the driveway and frowned when he noticed Daniel's car was missing in the line-up, he got into his own car and pulled out of the driveway faster than he usually would.

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