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PREVIOUSLY... (because I forgot what I wrote in the last chapter)

Max was worried about Daniel, so he went downstairs bumped into Carlos and Lando and said, "I'm going out. If anyone asks where I've gone neither of you know and if you see Dan call me straight away." Then he went out to look for him. Then we cut scenes to Daniel, (sort of time switching) he stole the random creepy person's number from Max's phone and he called it asking how the person had Max's number, but didn't get a straight-up answer but got threatened in the process, after a few hours his phone died so he went and parked at a vantage point and fell asleep. Then we cut to Carlos, Lando and the drivers eating pasta in the kitchen, Lewis then asked where Max and Daniel were, Lando choked on his pasta because he panicked, Carlos soothed him (lifesaver), and Lewis zoned in on Lando, which the young Mclaren driver broke and said, "I don't know, Danny has been gone all day, Max was looking for him all day so he is probably looking for him now.", Carlos closed his eyes and turned to Lando and was like, "We should tell the truth, what if they're in danger", Lewis got worried, turned into proper parent mode, (Super Lew), and started firing out questions such as, "Who is in danger? Tell the truth about what? What is going on?" So Carlos told him the truth, repeated what Max said to him and Lando and added "But Danny hasn't been around all day, so we were thinking what if something has happened to him but he can't tell us." The Sewis parent mode was again activated and Lewis took charge (obviously), he was like, "Alright, listen up. We will split into groups of two and look for them both." The teams were Sewis, Piarles, Carlando, Alex and George, (I didn't know what the others could've been but I did put an Estie Bestie and Schumi interaction soooo). THEN we cut to Max, locating Daniel by a car tracker app (not weird), As he was about to get on his way to retrieve Daniel, Charles' Ferrari flew past him. Max pulls onto the road behind the car, locks eyes with the Monegasque through the rearview mirror and as soon as the light turns green he flies past him and speeds off to Daniel. Max found Daniel, and he admitted to being frightened, yadda yadda, Dan asked to call the others but got interrupted by Charles pulling up and ranting at Max about being an idiot etc. ANYWAYS ONTO THE ACTUAL CHAPTER. 


TIME SKIP (to Pre Season testing in Barcelona, FYI it's been a long time since February, so bear with me)

As Christmas passes and snow falls, the New Year brings the Drivers into 2022, January passes by quicker than the speed of light. Then February comes around, it's the week of Pre-Season testing in Barcelona. The house is quiet, half of the drivers have already gone to Barcelona, and some even went to visit family but for the remaining drivers, it was quiet. Lando woke up, his eyes landing on the little ball of fluff at the bottom of his bed and smiled brightly,

"Simba, hey boy."

A little golden retriever poked his head up and jumped onto the young Brit, licking his face. 

"Hey, stop! That tickles."

The door to the bedroom burst open as Daniel came into the room holding a ball,

"Simba, there you are. Lando, good you're awake. Get ready, pack your things. We're leaving in exactly 20 minutes."

Lando raised a brow questionably at his teammate's behaviour and the Aussie sighed,

"Pre-season testing? Barcelona? Come on, don't tell me you forgot?"

Lando flushed and jumped out of bed, running to the closet and grabbing his suitcase and a bunch of clothes causing Daniel to groan even louder than before,

"Oh my god, you forgot. If this is seriously what happens when Carlos isn't here to help then we seriously have a problem. Also, nice hoodie, it's very red."

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