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Jeongguk jolted up from his sleep when he felt a sudden weight on his hip. He carded his fingers through his hair and tried to squint his eyes open.

Once he did, he averted his attention toward the weight on his body. He yanked the duvet away only to see someone's leg resting on his hip.

He frowned and looked around with his sleepy eyes to make sure he didn't sleep in someone else's room by mistake. But when he saw his clothes on the chair and Jiah in the crib, he was sure it was his room.

He removed the weight on his hip and rubbed his sleep away. He looked down to see taehyung sprawled over his bed diagonally with his head resting in one corner and the legs on the other. His hands were completely fisted and he was drooling on his pillow with his mouth a little ajar. 

Jeongguk frowned looking at the scene, trying to decipher how the younger ended up sleeping beside him.  

Before he did anything else, he wore his shirt and set his dishevelled hair after he stood up from his bed. He checked on Ji-ah who was sound asleep. He covered her with the sheet she had kicked in her sleep. 

He looked at the time and walked to taehyung. He sighed. He was still wondering how the younger ended up here. He didn't think much about it and proceeded to set him in a comfortable position on his bed. He grabbed a tissue and wiped his drool. He brushed his hair back neatly and covered him with the duvet. He was just too cute to resist sometimes though it has just been a short while since they'd met each other. 

He was suddenly distracted when he heard small whimpers from the other side of the room. He smiled a little when he saw his baby stretching her limbs in sleep, almost waking up. "Good morning, Princess" He walked to her, lifting her up in his arms only to scrunch his nose. 

"You stinky little girl!" Jeongguk fondly teased her, understanding the reason she woke up from her deep slumber. He placed her back in her crib and walked to the drawers to get tissues and a new diaper. 

He walked back to change her neatly and gently before washing and cleaning himself and lifting her in his arms again. He started bouncing her in his arms, making her a giggling mess. He started talking a little gibberish making her giggle even more. He constantly bopped his nose with her and tickled her sides. 

Even though he was having fun with her, he knew she would get hungry soon, but taehyung's presence was the only issue. He still isn't anywhere close to coming out yet. He hoped the baby wouldn't wake up while he was feeding her. If Taehyung saw him milking or feeding her, it would be embarrassing and he is unsure of how to explain it to his little brain.

As anticipated, Ji-ah started thrashing around in his arms. It was the cue that she was hungry. Jeongguk sighed and just discarded his shirt. Ji-ah was more important to him. 

He turned towards the window and stood by it. He was enjoying the view quietly while Ji-ah was enjoying her feed. He looked at how the birds were chirping and how bright the sky was. He liked the day's weather and decided to do a little gardening if he was free. He observed how the grass needed some trimming in the lawn and he had to pluck the weeds. 

He knew he was meant to be a babysitter but he can't help sometimes, He loved gardening. Once, he felt that Ji-ah retreated from him, He helped her burp which she did with a lot of giggles. 

He praised her as he dressed her up in new clothes. He took her down and placed her on the floor with some toys and pillows around. 

"Morning gguk!" Rose chirped, happily, when she saw Jeongguk entering the kitchen. "Morning, Ro!" 

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