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A sigh escaped from a young man's lips who was travelling on the bus, looking around the city with his tired eyes. He dwelled with thoughts as he looked around the buildings going past him. He was brought out of his trance when a small while was heard from his chest. 

He looked down and smiled subtly when he saw his daughter cuddled up to his chest, whining due to the cold weather outside. He bit his lip slightly as he wanted to get her a furry thick sweater but they were always out of his range. Shaking his thoughts away, brought her closer and tried to cover her with his own sweater. 

"Seongnam!" The automatic speaker on the bus announced their arrival at the designated stop for passengers to disembark. Jeongguk heeded the notice and cautiously exited the bus while holding his sleeping kid on his shoulder while wearing his backpack.

He walked on the footpath of one of the cheapest places in Seoul. It was loud as always. People minding their own work who work as hard as him for every penny. He gently bowed back to the people who recognised and greeted him. He walked down the path to his small apartment on the fifth floor of the building. 

Being a single father made moving to a location like this extra difficult for him. He had his kid by himself. His neighbourhood was noisy, disorderly, and dangerous—especially for his little daughter. But thanks to his toned, muscular figure, piercings, and tattoos on his arm sleeves. He always kept a low profile and avoided getting involved in other things. He always makes sure that his life is consumed by either his business or his daughter.

He was well aware of the thugs that roam around the streets at night, the illegal activities done, and a lot of underground stuff along with the few normal families who live around him. He had never shown, but all his fear was about his daughter. There were chances of her being abducted but he can't help. He can't afford a good place to live with the income he gets. He has to leave every night for his job. He leaves her with his neighbour every night after she is asleep and comes back before she wakes up. He only has his daughter's safety in his mind 24/7. 

He was a Bar bouncer working the night shift. He leaves at 11 pm and comes home back by 7 am. No matter how hard and dangerous his job is, his salary is still meagre and that pisses him off. But on the other side, he is happy that he is able to spend all his day with his daughter. At least she wouldn't feel left out. He loves her. 

"Hi, J-Jeongguk" He heard someone greet him. He cocked his head to the side to see his neighbour, Lisa standing feet away from him. "Hi" He replied tiredly but he didn't fail to notice the faint blush that crept on her cheeks. 

"When do I come to take her?" She asked, shyly as he tucked her hair behind her ear. She smiled timidly.

Jeongguk stood there looking at her with unamused eyes. He had been living here for almost 1 and half years and he had known her for 7 months. She was polite but he also knew that the girl was crushing hard on him. It was too obvious. But he never was rude to her because she had been taking care of the baby almost every day since she was born and he never had a problem from her end. She was sweet. 

But who's gonna tell her that he is an M-preg male, who has had legit given birth to his daughter, and that he is not interested in dating anyone at the moment? He never said that to her as she didn't confess yet and he was waiting for the right time. Thanks to his body appearance again. For now, he was gonna let things be as they were. 

"umm, Jeongguk, You are spacing out" Lisa smiled and looked at the male in front of her, batting her lashes innocently. "a-ah m'sorry. I am a little sleepy and don't worry, I'll bring her to you. It's just 8 anyway. We have three more hours to go." His expression remained stoic and his voice sounded tired. 

Lisa nodded her head " that's fine, you can call me if you need help" she smiled. Jeongguk nodded and smiled tight-lipped. He unlocked the door of his apartment and walked in. He shut the door and trudged in and laid his daughter in the small wooden cradle, carefully. He gently kissed her cheeks and smiled at her. He covered her with a thick blanket. "I'm sorry. papa isn't able to bring you all the necessities. But I promise I will one day." He smiled sadly and pecked her again. 

He flung his stompers away and decided to take a hot shower. He stood there, under the shower and let the water run past his body, washing away all the tiredness and loosening his muscles. He wished he could skip work today and have eyeful sleep with his daughter in his arms, secured all night.  He turned off the faucet and dried himself with a towel. He put on an oversized vest and boxers. 

He trudged to the kitchen to make something for himself. Once he opened the fridge, he found nothing. He forgot to stock the groceries again. He shut it back a bit harshly and moved his gaze to the cupboards to find something to eat. Finally, finding bread and jam, he leaned against the kitchen platform and carelessly gulped the food down before chugging a glass of warm water.

He ruffled his hair as he walked to the bedroom and picked up his laptop to get back to the grind to find jobs again. He sat on the bed and took glances at his daughter every few minutes while he kept himself busy on the laptop, wishing to find a well-paid job. 

 He was invested in the laptop until his phone went off. It was his alarm to get started for work. He immediately turned it off, not wanting to disturb the child but his attempt went futile when the baby started crying already. He placed his laptop aside and walked to the baby and gently lift her up, trying to calm her down. 

"Shh, I am here now. Calm down" he spoke as softly as possible trying to soothe her. He kept rocking her as he walked around the room until he heard the cries die down. When he was sure that she went back to sleep, he carefully placed her back in her crib. He made sure to swaddle her properly before he started dressing up. 

He wore his black shirt and black oversized pants with his belt. He tucked the bottom edges of the pants into the stompers he wore. He made sure his lip and eyebrow piercings were clearly visible. It was just to make sure that no one messes with him. He has created that bad boy aura to protect himself. People barely could make out that he is a Mpreg male, let alone has a daughter. 

He sprayed his cologne and set his hair before collecting his phone and wallet along with his backpack. He then lifted the baby before walking out of the apartment and locking it. He walked to the next door and rang the bell. Lisa usually opened it with a smile and took the baby. Once Jeongguk made sure that the baby isn't going to wake up anytime soon, he bowed a little to Lisa before rushing out to his work. 

that was his daily life. 


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