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"Ggukie!" Taehyung immediately snapped his head up as soon as he heard the familiar voice he had been dying to hear since morning. He sprung up on his feet before he sprinted towards the elder, throwing himself onto him, wanting to be engulfed by those strong muscular arms. 

But to his dismay, he was gently pushed away by the elder made the younger frown profusely. He looked at the elder in utter disbelief. "Gguk-" 

"Tae, Greet them, These are the new investors for our company" Jeongguk pointed to the 3 delegates who had been eyeing them ever since they entered the lobby, and Taehyung, who failed to notice their presence, immediately bowed to them in respect. He slightly grinned at them sheepishly. 

"Good afternoon" 

"Aren't you Kim Taehyung? If I'm not wrong, You are Namjoon's brother" One of the delegates questioned him as he eyed him from up and down. A little too casual to be his brother. Taehyung scratched his nape awkwardly nodding to his question. The delegates nodded in understanding. 

"Yeah! That's me!" Taehyung eyed Jeongguk and then back at the delegate back and forth awkwardly. He consciously walked back behind the elder, clutching onto his shirt while the elder sent off the delegates politely. 

Once done, Jeongguk turned around and crossed his arms on his chest, flashing his eyebrows at the younger, quietly demanding an explanation. 

Taehyung stood across from Jeongguk, his eyes downcast as he struggled to find the right words. He had been feeling lonely and neglected lately, and he knew that he needed to talk to his boyfriend about it. He had been continuously fiddling with his shirt without uttering a word as he chewed on his bottom lips. 

The receptionist's eyes slightly dilated at the change in the demeanor of the younger. He was all roaring for a few minutes and now he was standing like a lost puppy before his boss with his shoulders all slumped down. 

"Does anyone in the house know that you've come here?" That was the first question the elder asked as he eyed the younger. 

"Noona" Taehyung muttered under his breath but enough audible for the elder to hear it, who nodded understanding. Jeongguk's eyes suddenly darted toward the receptionist who had been watching the scene unfold. He just cleared his throat before he made his way back to the elevator. 

Taehyung just managed to follow him, trying to cope with his long strides with his shorter ones. He just sprinted at this point. "Ggukie, wait" He muttered that almost came out like a breath. 


Well, for Taehyung, the day didn't go as planned. This was probably the first time he watched Jeongguk actually working and saw how busy he actually was. He hasn't sat properly for a minute. He had second thoughts on if he should actually confront Jeongguk about their relationship. 

But watching him being so restless, really felt so selfish of himself. He felt like the office didn't have a purpose-built when he was outpacing around in the corridors with the files and making numerous calls.  He could see him constantly stressing out call after call. 

Taehyung had no work and all he needed was Jeongguk. He also realized he never was in his headspace up until he wanted. He was always forcefully brought out of it because of Jeongguk's absence or because of the college work and many other reasons like that. All this caused him constant headaches and dizzy feelings. He tried to Jeongguk about it but the elder had been giving him such less time lately.

He shows up either in the early morning before he leaves for work or after or before dinner, especially when the younger is sleepy and ready to go to bed. That is all the time they've been meeting lately. Taehyung feels awful thinking about it. 

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