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I woke up and thankfully my headache was gone, but the pain in my stomach remained. I felt as though it would never leave me. I grabbed my phone to try to distract myself from the horrid pain that throbbed inside of me. Sadly, it didn't distract me very well.

That was, until I noticed a text message from Faith that read, "I don't know what happened. I wish you had come, but don't feel bad. Daniel and I had fun!"

I was glad that they had fun, but I replied with just, "Sorry. I didn't feel well."

I went to wash my face. I took my time, but when I came back, I realised that Faith had replied instantly. The message read, "If you feel better, do you want to go to church with me?"

I hadn't been to church in forever. Why would I go now? I always kind of felt out of place at church, like I didn't belong, like I wasn't good enough. The strange thing was, this time, my heart was screaming at me to go. My heart knew, even though I didn't know.

My mom always said, "Trust your instincts." I do not think that this is what she was talking about, but it works in this situation so I am just going to go with it.

My heart finally pushed me to send a message in reply that read, "If you don't mind..."

Another immediate reply. This one I was ready for. It read, "Will you be ready in an hour? I'll pick you up."

My stomach pain let off just a tiny bit, which was magical. I didn't understand then, but it's okay. Magic can only be kept a secret for so long.

I replied to her message with glee. The message read, "Sure thing." I don't know why, but I just felt like dancing, but I was still in pain.

Instead of dancing, I put down my phone, I only had an hour before Faith would get there. In that hour, I straightened my hair, put on a dress, put on makeup, ate breakfast, and so much more. Who knew I could get ready so quickly! I know I did not know!


"Sorry I'm a little late."

"No. Thanks for taking me! And sorry I bailed on you guys last night!" My stomach throbbed more.

"I don't want this to sound mean, but... I had a blast!"


"Yes." She started blushing.


"What?" She did not make direct eye contact and her face was steadily getting redder. I knew it! I knew it!

"You know!"

"Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about."


Then I just stared at her, hoping she would break and tell me what happened.

"Oh, look, we're here," she said, breaking the silence, finally.

When we got out of the car, I started singing. "Faith and Daniel sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N---" She had covered my mouth to stop me from singing the final letter and the rest of the lovely old kissing song.

Then I told her, "How rude."

"Oh shush." I was really glad that we were friends. Actually, I am still glad today. Faith is the best!


Church was wonderful, it got me thinking about a lot of things. When I was younger, I had been a "follower of Christ". I mean I had said the prayers and I sang songs sometimes and every once and a while, I would read part of my study bible. It was really hard for me to believe what I had read. I thought it was cool though. I was a fan of Jesus.

Her church have me a lovely book called, "Not a Fan". It was amazing. It right me a lot. I read it an my bible everyday instead of listening to music or watching television. I listening to only worship music. I did every thing I could to do hard things, because I was also reading a book called, "Do Hard Things - A Teenage Rebellion Against Rebellion". Slowly, I shifted from fan to follower and from a normal teen who lies a lot to a teen who did hard things. Everyone noticed. Even my stomach noticed. It slowly began to hurt less. Finally my life was going in the right direction.

It was all because of Faith. If only I would've had faith in God all along. It would've been so much easier. I know, no matter how bad it is, it will get better. I realised that everyone was fighting a tough battle and so I prayed for guidance in helping the lost, even the lost who I didn't particularly like. I was literally constant in prayer and it really changed my life.

I realised that guys and everything was stressing me out so I no longer thought about dating. I had a few close friends. And that was all I needed. I knew that God would lead me in the right direction, and I knew that it might lead back to dating eventually, just not now.

I knew that God had a great plan for me. I knew his plan would include doing hard things and being a fan, so I started with doing that. I went to church with Faith every Wednesday and Sunday. We worked at the food pantry in our town every Tuesday and Thursday. We raise money for mission work in our free time. She was really the best friend a girl could have, she almost always lead me in the right direction, and I can never thank her enough for that.


One day, while we were at the food pantry working, Faith said to me, "Its official."

"What's official?"

"Me and Daniel!"

"Really!?!" I squeezed her so tight.

"Yes! We are going on a real date tomorrow and I'm so excited!" She jumped up and down like a little girl.

"That's wonderful." I looked down and began putting the food up on the shelves again.

"Don't feel bad," she said as she glared at me.

"Oh. I don't. No need to worry. I'm just getting back to work."


"Are you sure?"

"Of course."


I mean I thought Daniel liked me. I know it shouldn't bother me because I'm not up for dating right now, I'm still working on becoming a fan.

"Anyways, tonight can you help me with my Spanish homework. I just don't get it," she said. She could speak English perfectly but throw a ñ in there and she gets so confused.

"Of course! You know I love Spanish!"

"Well, of course! That I why I asked you!" She smiled at me. It seemed that Daniel was making we so happy. I just hope they are good for each other.

Oh. And I pray that I will continue to think of him as a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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