Chapter 12

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I swear, I think the views went up by 100 overnight or something. Thank you guys so much! //Cries a river...a metaphorical river//

---Present Time---

"What are you all doing out here?!" the target demanded.

"Now!" Dean Thomas shouted, and then the Death Eater was hit unconscious by Ivan and a particularly thick textbook.

"Good job, guys," Yao said sarcastically as he jumped from the stair railings and landed gracefully onto his feet.

"Yao, was that necessary? You could have taken the stairs rather than jump off the banister," Kiku protested.

"It's all about style!" Alfred grinned, also jumping from the banister, but he missed his footing and fell face flat.

"Yes, very heroic. Let's just take what we've come for and leave," Arthur sighed, prying the wand from the Death Eater. "Oh, and could somebody wipe his memory for me? Thanks," he said absentmindedly, examining the wand.

"Sure," Kiku replied, waving his wand and wiping all his memory of him being a Death Eater.

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Antonio wondered aloud. "Well, I think we should try to see how it works!" Gilbert grinned gleefully. Francis nodded enthusiastically, throwing an arm around his albino friend.

"I agree with Gilbert; we should see what it does!"

Everyone started to walk to the Room of Requirement, ignoring Yao's "But I already told you what it does!"

---4 years ago---

"Azkaban couldn't do anything to that convict, after all," Tino murmured, words unusually sharp. He gestured at the Daily Prophet, snorting with scorn. He stared at Berwald with such a sharp look that even the Swedish teen was crumbling, if subtly.

"When we get enough power in the Ministry, let's fix that, yeah?" He smiled, directing this question at his friend. Berwald nodded, throat dry. There was something about how Tino said "we", not "I".

That was the thing about Tino. With his innocent smile, no one would've suspected just how fragile he was on the inside, behind all the strong willed reserves he put up. He was a weakling who wanted to become strong. And it unnerved the emotionless Berwald.


"I'm gonna try out to be a Chaser on the Gryffindor team," Alfred announced suddenly.

"What? You can't possibly do that!" Arthur sputtered. Alfred tilted his head, confused.


Arthur sighed. "Alfred, you refuse to accept the Quidditch regulations, and play like it's Quodpot. You're so defiant, and you can't seem to improve from your position as a Reserve!"

Alfred let out a loud, agitated sigh himself. "But that takes too much time!" he whined.

"Well too bad, suck it up," Arthur rolled his eyes, finishing up his notes and closing his book. "Oh bother, it's raining once more."

The rain seemed even more depressing than usual, especially since Sirius Black's breakout from Azkaban had made it past the Ministry and got put into the Daily Prophet. Toris pushed by Arthur suddenly, muttering, "Sorry, sorry... Ivan, you forgot your umbrella!"

"Man, Ivan still thinks he's his slave?" Alfred muttered, flipping lazily through his comic book.

"Unfortunately," Arthur replied, swiftly prying it from his hands and replacing it with a Herbology paper Alfred was in the middle of revising.

"Fix this, alright?" Arthur gave him his award winning smile that looked extremely forced, and Alfred snorted.

"Alright; just stop forcing yourself."


"Like, who will be the next victim for our pranks? Ooh, how about those unawesome loser Vargas brothers?" Gilbert asked, pretending to be studying but he was really just killing time with the other members of the Bad Touch Trio.

"No, not them..." Antonio said, hardly above a whisper. Francis turned, smirking like he always did.

"Okay, then, who DO you suggest?" the French asked.

"Uh...Natalia?" Antonio said weakly.

All three shuddered. "Ivan's little sister? No! Either she will kill us or Ivan will! We can't afford to die! That'll be totally unawesome too!" Gilbert whined.

"Yes, what Gil said! Anybody but her!" Francis whimpered. Antonio smiled widely.

"ANYbody?" The two nodded rapidly. "Okay then. How about..." he whispered a name into their ears, and they looked at each other fearfully, then back at the Spainard. Said Spainard just smiled innocently.


"Re-really? We have to do this to HER?" Gilbert asked. Antonio nodded.

"Ok, I shall sacrifice my beatifu-" As soon as Francis said that, his friends gladly pushed him out of the tapestry.

"Uh...Francis, was it? You're kinda in my way...I really gotta get around" Elizabeta trailed off. "Uh...did you need anything?" she asked.

"Uh...uh...yeah! Um, I needed to borrow...borrow...your...manga! Yeah!" Francis made up on a whim.

"Really? You want to read it?" Elizabeta asked, joy in her eyes.

"Ye-yeah..." Francis replied. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Antonio and Gilbert levitating paint above her head.

"Okay, hold on, I'll get it..." Elizabeta grinned.

"Excuse me," Ginny called, crashing into Elizabeta. Gilbert was surprised, and he dropped the paint onto Ginny. "Aw, really? Geez," Ginny sighed before running off. Pure evil was coming from the Hungarian.

"Were you planning to dump that on me?!" Francis was scared out of his wits, but he kept his cool and said, "Of course not! They're just-" Elizabeta whipped out a random frying pan and beat the Bad Touch Trio up with it. A certain Austrian by the name of Roderich watched with interest, chuckling, "Karma's evil, hm?" as he brushed off the paint with disdain.

The Bad Touch Trio were living up to the Weasley twins' standards, but they were just a forced effort to distract from the terrible news.


"Ah, I'm bored. Hey, Kiku, Ludwig, can we play football?" Feliciano asked, bored out of his mind.

"Unfortunately, we cannot. It is raining cats and dogs right now," Kiku said regretfully, tightening his warm scarf around him. Yao's mother had knitted it for him as thanks for being Yao's friend, but he had a feeling she didn't like him much...

"E-eh? Ludwig, we can go and play regardless, right?" Feliciano asked. "No," he replied, irritated. Feliciano, sensing the mood in a similar manner to Kiku, just shut up and walked off to start up a conversation with some Hufflepuffs. Feliciano pouted as he did so.

Ludwig and Kiku had insisted that they were not mad at him, but he couldn't be sure. He looked up, upset.

Dark rain brought bad omens.

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