Chapter 28

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A/N: OMG 2K+ VIEWS!!!! :D :D

---Present Time---

"Alright, DA! Time to counterattack against those Death people!" Mathias shouted, jumping onto his feet with energy.

"You have to go free the other people first," Vlad said with slight amusement, leaning on the wall.

"Then why are you leaning on the wall? Give me the key, please," Lukas commanded, reaching his hands out expectantly.

"Here; my goal is complete," Vlad replied, smiling...regretfully? He tossed the keys to Mathias instead. "I'm sorry, Lukas. But freeing your friends weren't my intentions. I only wished to free you and Arthur, you see. I wanted to take you two with me to flee to Switzerland, where it's neutral territory. We'll be safe there until this whole thing blows over-"

Slap. Vlad blinked, stunned. Did that friend of Lukas really slap him? He grew angry, walking right up to Mathias.

"What was that for?!" he shouted, grabbing the Dane by his robes.

"It wasn't me," Mathias protested.

"You're humorous, Vlad. It wasn't Mathias; it was me. Did you expect Arthur and I to really just say, 'Okay, let's go'? Did you not think we would have made new relations and friends at a different school after seven years?" Lukas asked, still somehow managing a poker face. "You're trapped in the past. You were a ten year old Pureblood fresh from Romania, who only knew how to say "Hullo, nice to meet you" and "My name is Vlad". But now you're a transfer from a posh magic school who only seems to care about two people besides himself. You've changed. And so have we."

Vlad stood there, stunned. Suddenly, a smile made its way to Mathias' face. He shrugged out of Vlad's grip and made his way to Lukas' side.

"Great going, Lukas! Good for you!" he replied, lifting the Norwegian straight up easily. "C'mon, let's go find Tino first!" Lukas let out a deep chuckle.

Vlad finally comprehended what just happened when Mathias rushed out, dragging Lukas along.

He gave a sad smile, picking at a small white thread on his coat absentmindedly. Guess he's going to Switzerland himself. With that, he walked out of the cell and towards a new future with new friends.

---3 years ago---

This time, our story will begin in summer, across the ocean in America. There, Alfred struggled to finish his summer work. Completely immersed in the load, he didn't realize that someone was at his door until an annoying ringing began (which he remembered was his doorbell) and all magical activity in his home stopped suddenly.

"Alfred, Julie's here!" Alfred stuck out his tongue; he didn't really like his annoying neighbor.

"Coming," he replied anyways, stowing his wand into his jacket pocket and hiding his spellbooks behind his dusty encyclopedias his school required when he was in elementary school. Alfred ran down the steps in two, jumping over a particularly creaky one and landing on his socks.

"Hey, Alfred!" Julie said, hands in her pocket and standing outside the doorway. The reason why Alfred didn't like Julie was because she was too superficial.

To prove his point, let's take a look at Julie. Julie is wearing a white tank top and a hot pink miniskirt. Her feet are in ten inch high heels for no reason whatsoever except to feel like a grown up even though she was only 14, not to mention the cake of makeup that is so thick, you couldn't tell what she used to look like.

It wasn't that he hated her for being very immersed in how she looked; it was just that he hated that she embodied the annoying "dumb and pretty" cliché.

"Mrs. Jones, I'm going to borrow Alfred if that's fine with you," Julie continued, obviously pretending that she didn't notice how Alfred made a horrified face.

"Sure thing, Julie, hon." Alfred internally cursed his mom. Didn't she know how much he hated the girl?

"Thanks, Mrs. Jones," Julie replied, teeth glaring as if she was a tiger with sharp fangs. She dug her nails into Alfred's arm (whether on purpose or not, he couldn't tell) and pulled him away from his house.

"Let's go to the city," Julie stated when they exited the suburban neighborhood.

"Fine, but do you have money for the subway?" Alfred sighed, fingering his wand inside his jacket pocket absentmindedly.

"No; I'll just steal it from someone," Julie replied casually, smirking.

"What? Why even offer to go to the city when you don't have money and you have to resort to stealing?" Alfred asked, obviously pissed.

"Well, I wanted to go to the city with you, because it'll be so romantic or something like that..." She replied, giving him a highly unconvincing pouting face.

"I don't care. If you don't have the money, don't steal; simple as that! I'm waiting for some mail, so excuse me." Alfred rolled his eyes, feeling extremely like a certain Brit.

"Um, I may not be able to go to the city, but maybe we can go to the park instead?" Julie suggested hurriedly, reaching out and grasping his hand tightly. Alfred thought for a moment. His eagle usually flew past the park on his trip from Britain...maybe he can find out if Arthur replied.

"Fine." He consented, starting to fast walk to the park and at least six feet away from Julie.


He did see the eagle soaring past with a letter in his claw, and Alfred stood up almost instantly.

He quickly flipped open his phone and emailed his mom to leave his window open for his beloved bird.

"I, uh, gotta go," Alfred said hurriedly, starting to shove away from Julie.

"W-wait! I haven't asked you about your school yet!" Julie shouted, knowing full well that would get Alfred's attention.

Alfred did indeed got excited to talk about Hogwarts, even if only a little bit about it.

"Well, it's kinda's this boarding school in Scotland and stuff. It's really cool-"

"Is it true that people bring toads to that school?"

"Yes, but-"

"That's gross, don't you think?"

"Well, it's okay, but-"

"How is it okay? I bet all British people don't actually act like gentlemen, and they just like to drink tea made out of frog poop!"

At this, she waited for Alfred's reply, but it turns out he scrammed.


Dear Alfred,

I received your highly detailed description about Matthew's birthday, and I must say that I'm intrigued. How would Canadian bacon taste good on a bright red cake, exactly?

Perhaps you'll show me this mystery, for I am taking a visit to your Big Apple. Peter was supposed to come with me, but mother insists that he can't for some strange reason.

I do hope you will refrain from making such crude jokes about Brits while I am traversing and visiting you in my free time when I arrive. Ah yes; my arrival time.

By the time this letter arrives, I'm getting off a plane from Britain to New York. You have a week to prove to me that America is a lovely place. Good luck.


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