Chapter 24

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This is one of my longest ---Present Time---s so far. It's about 740 words. This entire chapter is over 1,000 words, as well. Achievement unlocked!

---Present Time---

"Who has the wand? Who has the wand?" Oliver asked, Crucio'ing Vlad.

"Don't hurt him; he has nothing to do with this-" Oliver's companion Crucio'ed Arthur for talking back.

"I have it!" Alfred yelled, unable to contain his anger. Oliver turned, dropping Vlad onto the floor harshly.

"Oh? Where is it, you liar?" He asked, tilting his head mockingly.

"It's in my room. Come with me; I'll give it to you." Alfred replied, hoping they wouldn't call out his bluff. It didn't matter if he was killed. It only mattered that Matthew and Arthur were safe from them enough to escape Hogwarts, to join Harry wherever he was. Alfred's a hero, wasn't he? He smiled a little wryly. Yeah, right.

"He looks like the guy that was with that albino. I think he's telling the truth," Oliver's friend told him.

"Alex, you think?" Oliver asked. Alex nodded.

"He has them ugly glasses, and is freakishly tall for his age...if only we had the surveillance in color...maybe we could've determined the hair and eye color. But he looks like the real deal...I'll take them hostage, just in case."

Alex jerked his thumb towards the two wounded wizards and the small first year.

"Alright. Take me there. But if you deceive me..." Oliver pulled out a sharpened knife. "I'll kill you the muggle way."

Alfred gulped. "Yes, I understand. My room's in Gryffindor tower."


Alfred hoped the plan worked. They knew the Death Eaters most likely had them on surveillance, so they had come up with a plan.

"Ivan and Natalia are the least suspected to be involved, considering they're descended from Death Eaters. They will most likely not be captured.

"That's why they will be planted on both sides of the Gryffindor tower to spring an attack on the Death Eater or Eaters. They'll Petrify them, then help whoever has been made to lure them there escape before his companions find him. This is all based on chance, so keep an open mind to make changes on the spot," Arthur had explained to them last meeting.

Alfred felt dread once they passed by the spot where Ivan and Natalia were supposed to be planted.

"If the mission fails, and Ivan and Natalia have been captured, the person who is leading them to Gryffindor tower will have to use one of the wand copies we've Transfigured from sticks and stones," Kiku added in.

Ginny had also stated, "The Death Eaters are more intelligent than we think, so it's important that whoever has been taken have a quick way to escape and save the others, who are most likely taken hostage."

Alfred's throat went dry. He would have to give Oliver the pretty convincing wand, and then, when his back was turned, Accio his broom and fly off. Conditions outside were a bit bad, however. It was pouring heavily, like typical Britain, and the sun had set hours ago. It was about midnight, so another issue would be to see in the pitch black.

"Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo," he told the Fat Lady, and she swung open. Alfred noticed she didn't make a snarky remark about the awful password, which was strange. Then, he noted that the reason was that Oliver had tore the painting with his knife, like Sirius Black had in third year. It seemed he would be next.

"Here it is," Alfred whispered, handing Oliver the wand. Immediately, Oliver slashed his knife, immediately causing a large gash down Alfred's right arm. "In case you think about escaping." He examined the wand a bit, turning in between his fingers. "Hm. Looks pretty real. However," he waved it a bit, "it is as real as a tinfoil wand. Child's play. You think you can fool me. Hmph. Tell me where the real one is, and I'll let you go with only your two legs chopped off."

"I don't know," Alfred lied, the blood seeping quickly from his arm and blending in with the blood red carpet.

"You do know. Where is it?!" Oliver yelled. Alfred winced. "Maybe with your brother?"

Alfred's eyes widened.

"Bingo, eh?" Oliver waved his own wand. "Accio Death Mutt." A large black dog appeared, growling. He had bloodshot eyes, and was very skinny, as if he was starved daily. "Death Mutt, tear this stupid mudblood peasant to pieces. I have to kill the other ones." Alfred tried to stand on his feet, and that was when the dog attacked.

---4 years ago---

"Come è Hogwarts per voi ragazzi?" Mr. Vargas asked. (How is Hogwarts for you boys?)

"Fa schifo!" Lovino replied. (It sucks!). Diana snorted into her pasta.

"Mama!" Feliciano exclaimed, shocked by the outburst.

"Scusate il mio sfogo, ma questo è ciò che tuo padre pensava quando aveva la tua età," Diana laughed, almost choking. (Excuse my outburst, but that's what your father thought when he was your age).

"Eeh? Davvero?" Feliciano asked, twirling his pasta around his fork with interest. "Ma papà è sempre ci dice che Hogwarts e la scuola è molto importante!" (But dad is always telling us that Hogwarts and schooling is very important!)

"Gli ho detto che doveva dirvi ragazzi che, mentre si cresce in modo che non si finiscono per essere come lui," Diana admitted. (I told him he had to tell you boys that while you grow up so that you don't end up being like him). Ludwig let a small smile slip through. After all, Feliciano hates having to study, no matter if their father drilled that thought into them or not.

"Ludwig, che cosa c'è che non va?!" Feliciano asked, shaking the German. (Ludwig, what's wrong?!)

"Feliciano, credo che stia semplicemente sorridendo. Ora, tu e Lovino ripulire mentre si arriva a conoscere meglio Ludwig," Mr. Vargas laughed. (Feliciano, I think he's simply smiling. Now, you and Lovino clean up while we get to know Ludwig better).

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