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" So guys, pretty shi and pretty li would recommend you these lipstick shades as the ones you can wear in a party or any such occasion. The link is in the live chat. Order now and get a discount. Only for our pretty peeps!! Till then, take care peeps!!", a girl said in a cute voice doing an ageyo. She was wearing a Hanbok. 

She is sitting in her house's living room and suddenly, something comes in her mind. She starts running out of the house with a file in her hand that supposedly contained her resume. She was running on the road talking to someone on the phone.

" Irene-ah I will talk to you later, I have an interview of Kim Cosmetics. I also did not change my dress after the live stream.", she said and hung up the phone. 

She was in a hurry and was crossing the road carelessly when suddenly a car arrived in front of her causing her to fall down. She got up and glared at the driver. 

" Yahh!! are you blind or what!! Oh shit!!! I am late", she said and left. She gave a last glare at the driver. " The driver was handsome though", she thought and ran.


Today, I have a very important interview. It is the PRESIDENT'S GIRLFRIEND AUDITION. Yes, I have to keep an audition for that. I was driving to my company when I saw a girl wearing a Hanbok and running on the road. She was carelessly crossing the road and not paying attention towards the other side. A car was coming towards her with full speed. So, I rushed my car and parked it right in front of her prohibiting her from crossing the road and she fell down. Well, I can't let anyone get into a car accident in front of me because.....


Namjoon parked his car and reached the Kim Cosmetics, It was his own company. He was greeted by the employees and then came Jimin. In front of others, he greeted him formally and when the employees left, he was back to normal. 

" Hung, heolmoni wants you to have a girlfriend very soon... why don't you find one...she will stop nagging you..." Jimin said pouting. 

" i we definitely will find one. you have the resumes right?" Namjoon asked and Jimin just nodded. 

The girl reached the Kim corporations and bumped into a female employee. The employee eyed her from head to toe. " How may I help you miss?", the woman asked.

" Actually, I am here for the interview of the paid live-streamer.", the girl replied.

" Oh...Can you show me your resume?" the woman spoke.

" Sure. By the way are the auditions still going on?", the girl asked the woman while handing her resume.

" No, Ms. Dali. The interview is over. But you can give me your resume. I will keep it for other references" the woman said and left.

Dali turned around and saw 2 more girls entering. She asked them about the interview and they told her that they are here for the same.

" That girl wanted to trick me..huh...I am Jeon Dali. I will find the way to the president's office and he will take my interview. I have a copy of my resume on my phone...what a smarty I am...", Dali thought and made her way to the office.

Meanwhile in the office, Namjoon kept on rejecting the girls. After rejecting about 17 girls, there entered a girl he couldn't take his eyes off. She seemed quite familiar to him. As soon as the girl approached him only one thing came to their mind.

" ITS YOU!! OH MY DAY!!" They both said at the same time. 

The first thing Dali noticed was that each and everything kept in Namjoon's office was in pair. 

" Mr. Kim, I am sorry for today morning. i am here to give an interview."

" Okay. how much salary do you want?"

" 3 Million won a month would do as per the requirement."

" I'll pay you 15 million won a month"

" Why though, its way too high for the requirement..."

" You have to live with me in my house. Basically, be by my side 24 X 7." 

" WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK!!! I am not selling myself off for money!!!" Dali was furious and she dashed out of the cabin leaving Namjoon perplexed.

Namjoon called Jimin and told him to get her resume by the next day. He went to the parking lot to grab his car. He was sitting in his car and was thinking something. He saw Dali again. She came near his car and looked here and there. Namjoon got curious and looked her actions very carefully. She was taking off the hanbok top because she was feeling hot. Namjoon saw that the security camera was turning to view the area in which she was  opening her dress. 

Actually, she was wearing jeans and top under the hanbok. But Namjoon opened the car door in a jiffy and Dali stumbled. She was about to fall backwards but due to panic she held Namjoon's tie and he fell on the top of her. Their lips touched each other causing them to share a kiss. 

They both were shocked as hell. They quickly got up and Dali bowed 90 degree apologizing and ran away. Namjoon touched his lips in shock only to realize that he lost his first kiss to a girl who is clumsy and he barely knows.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

TIME FOR US TO LOVE EACH OTHER | KNJ FF { ✔ EDITED ✔}Where stories live. Discover now