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Dali was walking on the road built for cars which exit the hospital. Dali was very sad that her mother needs an urgent surgery and that she has to pay up for her expenses. Dali snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone's voice.

" Dali-ah!!" Irene said while driving her bike and coming towards Dali.

" Irene..."

" Don't be sad. You are my baby right. Nothing will happen to aunty. We will gather the money. Okay!!"

" She will be safe and fine...right..."

" Yes. God won't take her away from you!!"

Just then, a black car was exiting the hospital. A random woman intentionally came in front of the car cooking up the whole seen that the car hit her. She started creating a scene. A female driver who was around Dali's mother's age came out and started apologizing. 

Dali  ran towards her and acted as if she was shooting a live telecast of the scam that the girl was doing. The girl got up and ran away and so did the crowd. The lady driver thanked Dali. The backseat's window opened and peeked an old elegant woman. The woman smiled at Dali and Irene.

" Thank you young lady. Thank you so much..."

" You are welcome grandma. Stay healthy."

Dali passed her a genuine smile and left. 


Namjoon was sitting in his office waiting for Jimin to give the audition resume of that clumsy who kissed him. The wait was over and there entered Jimin.

" Hyung, I have hound her resume. She indeed applied for the audition and then acted like a weirdo."

" people these days..."

" Her name is Kim Nabi. She belongs to a well known family. She is very fond of buying shoes and has a vast collections of shoes and bags. She is pretty and studied in Germany and so is fluent in the language. She is in desperate need of money. The reasons still are unknown."

" Do we have her number mentioned in the resume?"

" Yes, hyung."

" Call her and ask her to meet me in the VIP section of the New Rings"


A girl is sitting in a big shoe display showroom. She is trying some stilletoes for herself. She has tried almost 26 pairs but still is not satisfied. The attendant serving her is also tired because of her never ending demands.

Finally, the girl liked a black sandal and gave her card to pay. the attendant bought the swap machine but the card was declined. All the cards that the girl gave her were declined. The girl got frustrated and stomped out of the showroom cursing. 


Dali was sitting beside her mother and was very sad and almost at the verge of crying. She was feeling like this because she thought that she is not able to gather money for her only family's treatment. 

When the girl came out of the showroom, she received a call from an unknown number and she frowned but picked it up.

" Yeobseyo"

" Hello Miss Kim Nabi. I am Park Jimin. I am speaking from the Kim cosmetics"

" Yes?"

" Miss, Mr. Kim Namjoon, the president wants to see you in the VIP section of New Rings. He personally is visiting. The matter is quite important and confidential."

" Okay. What time?"

" it is scheduled at 2 today"

"Okay, I will be there. Thanks"

" Okay Miss. Have a great day"


Namjoon was sitting on the table and so was Nabi. Namjoon started the conversation by breaking the silence.

" Miss Nabi, I want you to be by my side as my contract girlfriend."

" What will I get in return?"

" I will pay you."

" How much?"

" 25 Million won."

" Not enough!"

" Okay. Then, I will pay you 30 million won."

" Okay then. I am in!"

" Let's sign the contract. You can read the terms. The duration is 5 months."

" No need. I am okay with everything. What matters is money"

With this, Namjoon signed as party A and Nabi signed as party B. Nabi left after signing the contract. She came out of the restaurant and smirked.

" I wont have a contract relationship. I need to get my face done. I need money to pay off the debt. I exactly know what to do." Nabi thought to herself.

Namjoon was still sitting inside. He was a bit confused. 

" Yesterday, she was behaving so clumsy. She was so calm even after she kissed me. What happened to her personality so suddenly. Today she behaved according to what Jimin told. Yesterday it was all opposite. She seemed like a different person." Namjoon thought to himself and left the place.


Dali was going out of the hospital through the corridor when she saw a familiar figure. She approached the figure and only one thing left her mouth.

" Nabi eonni"


Nabi and Dali are twin sisters with different personalities. They both got separated in the childhood due to some reasons. Nabi was taken by her father and Dali was taken by her mother. Nabi uses her father's surname and Dali uses her mother's surname. They both look exactly like each other. From their height to facial expressions to voice, everything is exactly same but their personality.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

TIME FOR US TO LOVE EACH OTHER | KNJ FF { ✔ EDITED ✔}Where stories live. Discover now